IRIS pallida 'Aurea Variegata' (EYE-riss) (PAL-ih-duh) | IRISAV8 |
Common Name: Flag, Fleur-De-Lis |
Description: There is nomenclature confusion in this species! This has distinctly more yellow variegation and is more vigorous than 'Variegata'. Lovely, fragrant, lavender flowers. |
Zone: 4 |
IRIS pallida 'Variegata' (EYE-riss) (PAL-ih-duh) | IRISPV8 |
Common Name: Variegated Orris Root |
Description: Fragrant, lavender-blue flowers; handsome leaves variegated with creamy-white and gray-green. |
Zone: 4 |
IRIS sibirica 'Butter & Sugar' (EYE-riss) (si-BEER-ih-ka) | IRISBS5 |
Common Name: Flag, Fleur-Des-Lis |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. A rebloomer with creamy standards and butter-yellow falls. |
Zone: 4 |
IRIS sibirica 'Caesar's Brother' (EYE-riss) (si-BEER-ih-ka) | IRISCB5 |
Common Name: Flag, Fluer-De-Lis |
Description: Rich, deep blue variety. |
Zone: 4 |
ISOLEPIS cernuus (eye-so-LEP-iss) (SIR-new-us) | GRISCE3 |
Common Name: Mop-Sedge, Fiber-Optics Grass |
Description: Very fine stems create very dense, pendulent mop with tiny, terminal spikes. Use in bonsai, trough garden, raised planter, or at the water's edge as accent, highlighting its interesting, arching, spilling form. Also does well indoors in good light. Z 8-9, maybe colder, especially near water. |
Zone: 8 |
JOVIBARBA hirta subsp. arenaria (yov-i-BAR-ba) (HER-tah) | JOVIAR3 |
Common Name: Miniature Hen & Chicks |
Description: Among the tiniest of the Hen and Chicks, with lively green rosettes. Ideal for dish garden, trough, bonzai accent, rock, crevice garden, or model railroads. Needs a well-drained site. |
Zone: 4 |
JUNCUS effuses 'Spiralis' (JUN-cus) (e-FEW-sus) | JUNCSP3 |
Common Name: Corkscrew Rush |
Description: Soft, densely tufted, dark green foliage with strong spirals. Likes moist conditions and can withstand bog areas or standing in up to 5" of water. |
Zone: 4 |
JUNCUS inflexus (JUN-cus) (in-FLEK-sus) | JUNCIN5 |
Common Name: |
Description: Blue-green rush forms dense clumps. Ideal for moist sites along the ponds edge or in shallow water. |
Zone: 4 |
JUSTICIA brandegeeana
Common Name: Shrimp Plant |
Description: Bright, rosy-pink to salmon colored, flower-like bracts are sure to garner attention with their unique, shrimp-like appearance. Tender evergreen that will bloom nearly year-round in warm winter areas.
NEW FOR 2019
Zone: 9 |
KALANCHOE fedtschenkoi 'Marginata' (ka-LAN-ko-ee) (fet-SHENK-o-ee) | KALAMA3 |
Common Name: Aurora Borealis |
Description: Pale bluish-gray, succulent leaves with creamy-white margins are flushed with pink. Spectacular clusters of dusty pink flowers. Great in combo pots for the patio. |
Zone: 9 |
KALANCHOE luciae (ka-LAN-ko-ee) (LOO-see-ay) | KALALU3 |
Common Name: Paddle Plant, Desert Cabbage |
Description: Commonly known although incorrect, and previously listed as thyrsiflora. A basal rosette of large, rounded, fleshy, stalkless leaves that are grayish-green with red margins covered with a white powdery bloom. Fragrant, yellow flowers in early spring. |
Zone: 10 |
KALANCHOE millotii (ka-LAN-ko-ee) | KALAMI3 |
Common Name: |
Description: This Madagascar native has silver-green, velvety foliage that forms a shrub up to a foot tall; greenish-yellow flowers in summer. |
Zone: 10 |
KALANCHOE pumila 'Silver Gray' (ka-LAN-ko-ee) (POO-mil-uh) | KALASG3 |
Common Name: Flour-dust Plant |
Description: Silvery-gray leaves with toothed margins at the tips; leaves have a rosy tint. |
Zone: 9 |
KALANCHOE tomentosa (ka-LAN-ko-ee) (toe-men-TOE-sah) | KALATO3 |
Common Name: Panda Plant, Pussy-Ears |
Description: Silvery, densely felted, fleshy leaves with brown markings on edges. Whitish flowers with light brown stripes. A 'must have' succulent! |
Zone: 10 |
KALANCHOE tomentosa 'Chocolate Soldier' (ka-LAN-ko-ee) (toe-men-TOE-sah) | KALACS3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Fuzzy, cinnamon-colored leaves with dark brown, notched margins. |
Zone: 10 |
KNAUTIA macedonica 'Mars Midget' (NOT-ee-ah) (mass-eh-DON-ih-kah) | KNAUMM3 |
Common Name: |
Description: A profusion of brilliant ruby-red flowers June until frost on compact, dwarf plants. Attractive to butterflies; good for cutting. |
Zone: 5 |
KNIPHOFIA caulescens (nee-FOF-ee-a) (kaw-LES-enz) | KNIPCA3 |
Common Name: Regal Red Hot Poker |
Description: 2010 Plant Select®. RHS Award of Garden Merit. Gorgeous, blue-green rosettes of foliage are garden worthy in their own right. By late summer the clump is crowned with glowing crimson, golden, and ivory torches that create a focal point in the border or xeriscape. Needs well-drained soil throughout winter. |
Zone: 5 |
KNIPHOFIA uvaria 'Flamenco' (nee-FOF-ee-a)(oo-VAH-ree-a) | KNIPFL5 |
Common Name: Red Hot Poker, Tritoma, Torch Lily |
Description: Beautiful 8", early flowering spikes of creamy-white, orange-yellow and red. Excellent cut flower. |
Zone: 5 |
KNIPHOFIA uvaria 'Flamenco' (nee-FOF-ee-a) (oo-VAH-ree-a) | KNIPFL3 |
Common Name: Tritoma, Red Hot Poker, Torch Lily |
Description: Beautiful, 8", early flowering spikes of creamy-white, orange-yellow, and red. Excellent cut flower. |
Zone: 5 |
KOELERIA macrantha (ko-LE-ree-a) (MAK-ran-tha) | GRKOMA3 |
Common Name: Junegrass |
Description: Cool-season, perennial, bunch-forming grass that's native to the north & central prairies where it occurs with little bluestem, needlegrass, and prairie dropseed. The dense, dark green foliage is topped with flower stalks in late May that are 20-30" tall. Summer dormant, but makes considerable growth in fall. |
Zone: 4 |
LAMPRANTHUS blandus 'Pink Vygle' (lam-PRAN-thus) (BLAND-us) | LAMPPV3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Produces masses of pale pink blooms which dance above mint-green foliage. |
Zone: 9 |
LANTANA camara 'Irene' (lan-TAN-ah) (kah-MAR-ah) | LANTIR3 |
Common Name: Shrub Verbena |
Description: Multicolored flowers of yellow, red, and fuchsia on upright, compact plants. |
Zone: 9 |
LANTANA camara 'Samantha' (lan-TAN-ah) | LANTSA3 |
Common Name: Shrub Verbena |
Description: Large, yellow clusters of flowers on beautiful, green and yellow, variegated foliage. |
Zone: 9 |
LANTANA montevidensis (lan-TAN-ah) (mon-tee-vid-EN-sis) | LANTMO3 |
Common Name: Weeping Lantana, Creeping Lantana |
Description: Lavender everbloomer. All monevidensis selections make good ground covers and skirt plants for containers. |
Zone: 9 |
LANTANA montevidensis 'Lemon Drop' (lan-TAN-ah) (mon-tee-vid-EN-sis) | LANTLD3 |
Common Name: Shrub Verbena |
Description: Lemon yellow flowers. |
Zone: 9 |
LATHYRUS latifolius Mix (LATH-er-us) (lat-ih-FOE-lee-us) | LATHMI3 |
Common Name: Sweet Pea |
Description: Assorted colors for ground cover; trailing 6-9' once established. |
Zone: 4 |
LAURENTIA fluviatilis (law-REN-she-a) (floo-vee-ah-TIL-is) | LAURFL3 |
Common Name: Blue Star Creeper |
Description: Tiny, blue, star-shaped flowers in May-June on small leaved, low foliage mat. For rock gardens or between stepping stones. |
Zone: 7 |
LAURUS nobilis (LAU-rus) (NO-bi-lis) | HBLANO5 |
Common Name: Bay Laurel |
Description: 2009 Herb of the Year! RHS Award of Garden Merit. Frost sensitive, small tree; dried leaves are standard cooking herb. Great patio plant; scarce. |
Zone: 8 |
LAVANDULA angus.'Potpourri White'[Ellagance™'Ice'] (lav-AN-dew-lah) (an-gus-tih-FOE-lee-ah) | HBLAPW3 |
Common Name: Lavender |
Description: Fleuroselect Quality Mark Award. This sensational new lavender blooms the first year producing an abundance of fragrant, white flower spikes from July-September on compact, bushy plants. Butterflies love them; great for use in containers. |
Zone: 5 |
LAVANDULA angustifolia (lav-AN-dew-lah) (an-gus-tih-FOE-lee-ah) | HBLAAN3 |
Common Name: English Lavender |
Description: Fragrant, sachet herb. |
Zone: 5 |