HIBISCUS moscheutos 'Disco Belle Pink' (hy-BIS-kus) (mos-KEW-tas) | HIBIDP5 |
Common Name: Mallow, Rose Mallow |
Description: Huge, 9" flowers on compact plants. Blooms earlier than 'Southern Belle'. Uniform plants.
Hibiscus are late to break dormancy in spring. Please do not request shipment before growth starts, as we cannot assume responsibility for them breaking dormancy under your conditions. Plant hibiscus 3" deeper to protect buds from winter damage. |
Zone: 4 |
HIBISCUS moscheutos 'Disco Belle Rosy Red' (hy-BIS-kus) (mos-KEW-tas) | HIBIDR5 |
Common Name: Mallow, Rose Mallow |
Description: Very large, rosy red flowers on compact plants.
Hibiscus are late to break dormancy in spring. Please do not request shipment before growth starts, as we cannot assume responsibility for them breaking dormancy under your conditions. Plant hibiscus 3" deeper to protect buds from winter damage. |
Zone: 4 |
HIBISCUS moscheutos 'Disco Belle White' (hy-BIS-kus) (mos-KEW-tas) | HIBIDW5 |
Common Name: Mallow, Rose Mallow |
Description: White selection of this series on compact plants.
Hibiscus are late to break dormancy in spring. Please do not request shipment before growth starts, as we cannot assume responsibility for them breaking dormancy under your conditions. Plant hibiscus 3" deeper to protect buds from winter damage. |
Zone: 4 |
HIBISCUS moscheutos 'Lord Baltimore' (hy-BIS-kus) (mos-KEW-tas) | HIBILB5 |
Common Name: Mallow, Rose Mallow |
Description: Brilliant crimson-red, 10-12" flowers. Lobed, deep green foliage. Very popular.
Hibiscus are late to break dormancy in spring. Please do not request shipment before growth starts, as we cannot assume responsibility for them breaking dormancy under your conditions. Plant hibiscus 3" deeper to protect buds from winter damage. |
Zone: 4 |
HIBISCUS moscheutos 'Pink Clouds' (hi-BIS-cus) (mos-KEW-tas) | HIBIPC5 |
Common Name: Mallow, Rose Mallow |
Description: 2011 GreatPlantsTM Release. An outstanding, large-flowered Bluebird selection features intense deep pink flowers that catch the eye from a long distance. This robust Hibiscus blooms over a long period and has beautiful, mature leaves that are the size, color, and shape of Norway maple.
Hibiscus are late to break dormancy in spring. Please do not request shipment before growth starts, as we cannot assume responsibility for them breaking dormancy under your conditions. Plant hibiscus 3" deeper to protect buds from winter damage. |
Zone: 4 |
HIBISCUS moscheutos 'Pink Clouds' (hy-BIS-kus) (mos-KEW-tas) | HIBIPC3 |
Common Name: Mallow, Rose Mallow |
Description: 2011 GreatPlantsTM Release. An outstanding, large-flowered Bluebird selection features intense deep pink flowers that catch the eye from a long distance. This robust Hibiscus blooms over a long period and has beautiful, mature leaves that are the size, color, and shape of Norway maple.
Hibiscus are late to break dormancy in spring. Please do not request shipment before growth starts, as we cannot assume responsibility for them breaking dormancy under your conditions. Plant hibiscus 3" deeper to protect buds from winter damage. |
Zone: 4 |
HIBISCUS rosa-sinensis 'Variegata' (hy-BIS-kus) (roe-sah-sih-NEN-sis) | HIBISV4 |
Common Name: |
Description: Bright red flowers; green and white variegated foliage. Great in containers. |
Zone: 10 |
HIEROCHLOE odorata (hi-er-OK-low-ee) (o-dor-AH-ta) | HBHIOD3 |
Common Name: Sweetgrass |
Description: Native grass used by a number of Indian tribes in ceremonies as perfume or burned as incense. Fast spreading rhizomes. |
Zone: 4 |
HOUTTUYNIA cordata 'Chameleon' (hoo-TY-nee-ah) (kor-DAH-ta) | HOUTCH3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Bright pink, white, and green leaved stoloniferous ground cover. Excitng plant. |
Zone: 5 |
Common Name: Wax Plant, Honey Plant, Porcelain Flower |
Description: Fleshy, dark green leaves that are oblong in shape; when in bloom has clusters of star-shaped, white to light pink in color and fragrant. Makes a great hanging basket or trellis plant. |
Zone: 10 |
HUERNIA oculata (hoo-AIR-nee-ah)(ock-yew-lay-ta) | HUEROC3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Thick, angular leaves have spiked margins. Five-sided flowers have a raised, reddish-brown center and an outer edge speckled with reddish-brown spots. |
Zone: 10 |
HUERNIA zebrina (hoo-AIR-nee-ah) | HUERZE3 |
Common Name: Life Saver Plant, Little Owl |
Description: The five-pointed, yellow-red, star-shaped flowers are bonded with a red lifesaver. Easy to grow. |
Zone: 11 |
HUMULUS lupulus 'Aureus' (HUME-yew-luss) (LOOP-yew-luss) | HUMUAU3 |
Common Name: Golden Hops |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Herbaceous, twining vine with chartreuse leaves. Pale green, papery, overlapping bracts cover cone-like, fruiting structures. |
Zone: 4 |
HYDRANGEA petiolaris (hy-DRAIN-jah) (pe-tee-o-LARE-iss) | HYDRPE5 |
Common Name: Climbing Hydrangea |
Description: Clusters of fragrant, white flowers, showy white bracts in early summer. Deciduous climber with lush, round, dark green foliage. |
Zone: 5 |
HYMENOXYS scaposa 'Prairie Sunshine' (hy-men-OX-is) (ska-PO-sa) | HYMEPS3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Bright yellow, 3/4 to 1" flowers on 8", leafless scapes (scaposa) on one of the longest blooming seasons for a long-standing, hardy, Great Plains native. A very valuable xeric garden plant. The crown is very hardy and even evergreen in mild winters. |
Zone: 4 |
HYSSOPUS officinalis (his-SOP-us) (oh-fi-shi-NAH-lis) | HBHYOF3 |
Common Name: Hyssop |
Description: Pungent, minty aromatic herb. Purple flowers; attractive foliage. |
Zone: 5 |
IBERIS sempervirens (eye-BEER-iss) (sem-per-VI-renz) | IBERSE3 |
Common Name: Candytuft |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Spreading, evergreen plants completely covered with pure white flowers in spring. |
Zone: 5 |
IBERIS sempervirens 'Autumn Beauty' (eye-BEER-iss) (sem-per-VI-renz) | IBERAB3 |
Common Name: Candytuft |
Description: Superior evergreen variety; blooms spring and fall. Fine for rock garden or ground cover. |
Zone: 5 |
IMPERATA cylindrica 'Red Baron' (im-per-AH-ta) (sill-IND-rih-kah) | GRIMCY5 |
Common Name: Japanese Blood Grass |
Description: Striking accent plant. Spreads by underground stolons, but not usually invasive in colder, northern climates. A great grass, but pick your site carefully.
We can ship to the following states only:
Zone: 5 |
IPOMOEA babatas 'Ace of Spades' (eye-poe-MEE-ah) | IPOMAS4 |
Common Name: Ornamental Sweet Potato |
Description: Spade-shaped, dark leaves; edible white tubers. Great accent plant or ground cover! |
Zone: 10 |
IPOMOEA batatas 'Ace of Spades' (eye-poe-MEE-ah) (bah-TAH-tas) | IPOMAS3 |
Common Name: Ornamental Sweet Potato |
Description: Spade-shaped, dark leaves; edible, white tubers. Great accent plant or ground cover! Available after 3/1. |
Zone: 10 |
IPOMOEA batatas 'Blacky' (eye-poe-MEE-ah) (bah-TAH-tas) | IPOMBL4 |
Common Name: Ornamental Sweet Potato |
Description: Unique, dark, cut foliage; productive, large, white, edible tubers. Popular accent plant. Available after 3/1. |
Zone: 10 |
IPOMOEA batatas 'Blacky' (eye-poe-MEE-ah) (bah-TAH-tas) | IPOMBL3 |
Common Name: Ornamental Sweet Potato |
Description: Unique, dark, cut foliage; productive, large, white, edible tubers. Popular accent plant. Available after 3/1. |
Zone: 10 |
IPOMOEA batatas 'Marguarita' (eye-poe-MEE-ah) (bah-TAH-tas) | IPOMMA3 |
Common Name: Ornamental Sweet Potato |
Description: Stunning chartreuse foliage; large, tasty, deep orange tubers. Fast growing ground cover for planter skirt, hanging garden, or trellis vine. |
Zone: 10 |
IPOMOEA batatas 'Marguarita' (eye-poe-MEE-ah) (bah-TAH-tas) | IPOMMA4 |
Common Name: Ornamental Sweet Potato |
Description: Stunning chartreuse foliage; large, tasty, deep orange tubers. Fast growing ground cover for planter skirt, hanging garden, or trellis vine. |
Zone: 10 |
IPOMOEA batatas 'Pink Frost' (eye-poe-MEE-ah) (bah-TAH-tas) | IPOMPF3 |
Common Name: Ornamental Sweet Potato |
Description: Variegated foliage with violet-pink blush. Available after 3/1. |
Zone: 10 |
IPOMOPSIS aggregata (eye-poe-MOP-sis) (ag-GRE-gat-a) | IPOMAG3 |
Common Name: Scarlet Rocket, Gilia |
Description: Showy spikes of intense red, tubular flowers in July and August; biennial. Old-fashioned favorite. |
Zone: 5 |
IRESINE herbstii 'Brilliantissima' (ee-res-EE-nay) (hairbst-ee-eye) | IRESBR3 |
Common Name: Blood Leaf, Beefsteak Plant |
Description: Striking plant with purplish-red leaves and inconspicuous flowers. Low-growing, great color accent for gardens, containers, and baskets. |
Zone: 9 |
IRIS cristata (EYE-riss) (kris-TAH-ta) | IRISCR3 |
Common Name: Dwarf Crested Iris |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Native. Usually blue flowered; shade tolerant. |
Zone: 3 |
IRIS ensata 'Variegata' (EYE-riss) (EN-sa-ta) | IRISEV5 |
Common Name: Variegated Japanese Iris |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Striking, variegated foliage with dark purple flowers. |
Zone: 5 |