LAVANDULA angustifolia 'Buena Vista' (lav-AN-dew-lah) | HBLABV3 |
Common Name: Lavender |
Description: This English lavender has superb fragrance and strongly bi-colored flowering spikes. Bred in Oregon, 'Buena Vista's' attractive, elongated flower spikes have very dark blue calyxes and lighter blue corollas. This is a distinctive and highly desirable cultivar. |
Zone: 5 |
LAVANDULA angustifolia 'Hidcote' (lav-AN-dew-lah) (an-gus-tih-FOE-lee-ah) | HBLAHI3 |
Common Name: Lavender |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Choice, compact plant; deep blue-purple flowers. Excellent landscape plant. |
Zone: 5 |
LAVANDULA angustifolia 'Hidcote' (lav-AN-dew-lah)(an-gus-tih-FOE-lee-ah) | HBLAHI5 |
Common Name: Lavender |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Choice, compact plant; deep, blue-purple flowers. Excellent landscape plant. |
Zone: 5 |
LAVANDULA angustifolia 'Hidcote Superior' (lav-AN-dew-lah) (an-gus-tih-FOE-lee-ah) | HBLAHS3 |
Common Name: Lavender |
Description: More compact than the species with deep violet-blue flowers and gray-white foliage. From Jelitto. |
Zone: 6 |
LAVANDULA angustifolia 'Lady' (lav-AN-dew-lah) (an-gus-tih-FOE-lee-ah) | HBLALD3 |
Common Name: Lavender |
Description: Early flowering variety; seems as hardy as angustifolia. |
Zone: 5 |
LAVANDULA angustifolia 'Munstead' (lav-AN-dew-lah) (an-gus-tih-FOE-lee-ah) | HBLAMS3 |
Common Name: Lavender |
Description: Attractive, fragrant, gray-green foliage; large flowers in abundance. |
Zone: 5 |
LAVANDULA angustifolia 'Munstead' (lav-AN-dew-lah)(an-gus-tih-FOE-lee-ah) | HBLAMS5 |
Common Name: Lavender |
Description: Attractive, fragrant, gray-green foliage with large abundant flowers. |
Zone: 5 |
LAVANDULA angustifolia 'Twickel Purple' (lav-AN-dew-lah) (an-gus-tih-FOE-lee-ah) | HBLATP3 |
Common Name: Lavender |
Description: Compact, bushy plant with purple flowers and leaves that are flushed with purple in winter. |
Zone: 5 |
LAVANDULA angustifolia 'Wee One' (lav-AN-dew-lah) | HBLAWO3 |
Common Name: Lavender |
Description: 2017 Plant Select®. A wonderful dwarf English lavender with compact heads of lavender-blue flowers and dark blue calyxes; this tight growing little beauty is great for small spaces. In flower, the mature plant is only about 10" in height. Slow growing and very xeric. 'Wee One' has excellent heat tolerance and cold hardiness. Depending on garden conditions, it will reach its mature size in two or three growing seasons. |
Zone: 5 |
LAVANDULA 'Provence' (lav-AN-dew-lah) | HBLAPR3 |
Common Name: Lavender |
Description: Cross between Lavandula latifolia and angustifolia, sometimes listed as Lavandin. Taller and more rot resistant than other lavenders. |
Zone: 6 |
LAVANDULA x intermedia 'Dutch' (lav-AN-dew-lah) (in-ter-MEE-dee-ah) | HBLADU3 |
Common Name: Lavender |
Description: Tall, robust plant with broad, gray leaves; lavender-blue flowers. Excellent culinary selection. |
Zone: 5 |
LAVANDULA x intermedia 'Grosso' (lav-AN-dew-lah) (in-ter-MEE-dee-ah) | HBLAGR3 |
Common Name: Lavender |
Description: Extremely fragrant with deep violet flowers most of the summer. |
Zone: 5 |
LAVANDULA x intermedia Phenomenal™'Niko'PP#24,193 (lav-AN-dew-lah) | HBLAPH3 |
Common Name: Lavender |
Description: A uniform lavender tolerant to heat and humidity with good winter hardiness. A strong grower in the landscapes; introduced from Peace Tree Farms. |
Zone: 5 |
LEDEBOURIA socialis (LED-eh-bor-ee-ah) (so-see-AL-iss) | LEDESO3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Strap-like, silver-gray leaves with dark green splotches; spikes of tiny flowers. Attractive in containers! |
Zone: 9 |
LEONOTIS leonurus (le-o-NO-tis) (lee-o-NEW-rus) | LEONLE3 |
Common Name: Lion's Ear |
Description: Showy, two-lipped, orange, 2" long flowers in whorls. Very unusual! |
Zone: 8 |
LEPTINELLA squalida 'Platt's Black' (lep-tin-EL-a) (SKWAH-li-da) | LEPTPB3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Tiny, almost black leafed, ferny looking foliage; minute, white, button-like flowers without petals. Perfect for ground cover and trough gardens; truly unique! Prefers moist soil in sun or part shade. |
Zone: 4 |
LESPEDEZA thunbergii 'Gibraltar' (les-pe-DEE-za) (thun-BERG-ee-eye) | LESPGI5 |
Common Name: Pink Bush Clover |
Description: Spectacular selection with arching branches of fine leaves loaded with stunning, deep lavender, pea-like flowers in late summer. |
Zone: 4 |
LESPEDEZA thunbergii 'Pink Fountains' (les-pe-DEE-za) (thun-BERG-ee-eye) | LESPPF5 |
Common Name: |
Description: Waves of pink flowers mid to late summer and into fall on this weeping form. Semi-woody legume should be cut back in April. |
Zone: 4 |
LESPEDEZA thunbergii 'Samindare' (les-pe-DEE-za) (thun-BERG-ee-eye) | LESPSA5 |
Common Name: |
Description: Magnificent masses of bright, pea-like flowers with a fuchsia keel mid to late summer. Semi-woody legume that should be cut back to 1' in April. |
Zone: 4 |
LEUCANTHEMUM 'Alaska' (lew-KAN-theh-mum) | LEUCAL3 |
Common Name: Shasta Daisy |
Description: Large, showy, single, white flowers in summer. |
Zone: 5 |
LEUCANTHEMUM 'Alaska' (lew-KAN-theh-mum) | LEUCAL5 |
Common Name: Shasta Daisy |
Description: Large, showy, single, white flowers in summer. |
Zone: 5 |
LEUCANTHEMUM 'Becky' (lew-KAN-theh-mum) | LEUCBE5 |
Common Name: |
Description: 2003 PPA Plant of the Year! Long-lasting, large, 2 1/2-3", single, white daisies with stout stems from mid to late summer. Excellent cut. Very heat tolerant; exceptionally long-lived plants. Vegetatively propagated. Named for Becky Steward of Decatur, GA. |
Zone: 5 |
LEUCANTHEMUM Sweet Daisy™ Birdy (lew-KAN-theh-mum) | LEUCSD5 |
Common Name: Daisy |
Description: 2021 AAS Winner. This leucanthemum is a robust perennial with long lasting white flowers with a yellow disc. Blooms last spring until fall. |
Zone: 5 |
LEUCANTHEMUM x 'Exhibition' (lew-KAN-theh-mum) | LEUCEX5 |
Common Name: Shasta Daisy |
Description: Semi-double, white flowers on strong stems that bloom over a long period of time. Great cut flower. Good in sun to part shade. |
Zone: 5 |
LEUCANTHEMUM x superbum 'Snowcap' (lew-KAN-theh-mum) (soo-PER-bum) | LEUCSC3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Large, white flowers with a yellow eye above compact, dark green foliage. Deadheading will extend the already long bloomtime. |
Zone: 4 |
LEUCANTHEMUM x superbum 'Snowcap' (lew-KAN-theh-mum) | LEUCSC5 |
Common Name: Shasta Daisy |
Description: Large, white flowers with a yellow eye above compact, dark green foliage. Deadheading will extend the already long bloom time. |
Zone: 4 |
LEVISTICUM officinale (le-VIS-ti-kum) (oh-fi-shi-NAL) | HBLEOF3 |
Common Name: Lovage |
Description: Seeds used in confectionery and cooking; striking, ornamental specimen. |
Zone: 5 |
LEWISIA cotyledon Special Mixture (loo-ISS-ee-ah) (kot-ih-LEE-don) | LEWISM3 |
Common Name: Bitter Root |
Description: Evergreen, succulent rosettes, free flowering with many panicles in white, pink, red, and orange shades in spring. Reblooms until August; requires well-drained soil.
Lewisia, Northwest U.S. native succulents with interesting, fleshy, sometimes crinkly leaves producing clusters of beautiful flowers in pleasing, soft colors, including stripes. Must have sharp drainage in scree or slope and be protected from winter wet. |
Zone: 5 |
LEWISIA cotyledon Special Mixture (loo-ISS-ee-ah) | LEWISM5 |
Common Name: Bitter Root |
Description: Evergreen, succulent rosettes, free flowering with many panicles in white, pink, red and orange shades in spring. Reblooms until August, requires well-drained soil. |
Zone: 5 |
LEWISIA x longipetala 'Little Plum' (loo-ISS-ee-ah) (lon-gee-PET-a-la) | LEWILP3 |
Common Name: Bitter Root |
Description: Large, intense rose-purple flowers with a touch of orange at first on short, upright stems. Lanceolate leaves in strong rosettes. Blooms May-June, reblooms in September. Easy to grow.
Lewisia, Northwest U.S. native succulents with interesting, fleshy, sometimes crinkly leaves producing clusters of beautiful flowers in pleasing, soft colors, including stripes. Must have sharp drainage in scree or slope and be protected from winter wet. |
Zone: 4 |