HEMEROCALLIS 'Bela Lugosi' (hem-er-oh-KAL-iss) | HEMEBL8 |
Common Name: Daylily |
Description: Very dark purple-red self with green throat; neatly ruffled edges on 6", tetraploid flowers. Semi-evergreen foliage; mid-season blooms. |
Zone: 3 |
HEMEROCALLIS 'Berrub' USPPP CPBRAF (Ruby Stella) (hem-er-oh-KAL-iss) | HEMEBE5 |
Common Name: Daylily |
Description: Slightly fragrant, ruby to wine-red blooms with a yellow throat. Consistent blooming from June til frost. Developed in Europe; a recent introduction to North America. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 2 |
HEMEROCALLIS 'Happy Returns' (hem-er-oh-KAL-iss) | HEMEHR5 |
Common Name: Daylily |
Description: Continuously blooming dwarf; 3", fragrant, light yellow flowers. Early season. |
Zone: 3 |
HEMEROCALLIS 'Little Grapette' (hem-er-oh-KAL-iss) | HEMELG5 |
Common Name: Daylily |
Description: Light grape-purple tepals with a black-grape band, rose-purple watermark, and florescent green throat. Tightly compressed ruffling on petal edges, 2" wide flowers. Popular, miniature diploid; award winner with high bud count. |
Zone: 4 |
HEMEROCALLIS 'Mighty Chestnut' (hem-er-oh-KAL-iss) | HEMEMC8 |
Common Name: Daylily |
Description: Warm russet-orange, fragrant, 5" ruffled flowers with a deep burgundy eye and yellow throat. Mid to late season bloomer. |
Zone: 3 |
HEMEROCALLIS 'Night Embers' (hem-er-oh-KAL-iss) | HEMENE8 |
Common Name: Daylily |
Description: A heavily ruffled, full double, deep chocolate-red variety with a striking white edge. Blooms early to mid season; rebloomer. |
Zone: 3 |
HEMEROCALLIS 'Pardon Me' (hem-er-oh-KAL-iss) | HEMEPM5 |
Common Name: Daylily |
Description: Bright red, 2 3/4" flowers with yellow-green throats. Mid-season; rebloomer. |
Zone: 3 |
HEMEROCALLIS 'Rosy Returns' PP# 9,779 (hem-er-oh-KAL-iss) | HEMERO8 |
Common Name: Daylily |
Description: An outstanding, ever-blooming selection bred by Dr. Darrel Apps. Dwarf variety with bright rose flowers, deeper pink eye, and yellow throat. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 3 |
HEMEROCALLIS 'Stella de Oro' (hem-er-oh-KAL-iss) | HEMEST5 |
Common Name: Daylily |
Description: 1985 Stout Silver Medal Winner. Exciting, everblooming, fragrant, gold miniature. By far our best selling dwarf daylily. |
Zone: 3 |
HEMEROCALLIS 'Stella Supreme' (hem-er-oh-KAL-iss) | HEMESS5 |
Common Name: Daylily |
Description: This daylily has lemon yellow flowers with a strong citrus smell that blooms in the early summer and has a rebloom in the fall. |
Zone: 3 |
HEMEROCALLIS 'Strawberry Candy' (hem-er-oh-KAL-iss) | HEMESC5 |
Common Name: Daylily |
Description: 1998 Stout Silver Medal Winner. Apricot-pink, 4 1/2" flowers with red tinted edges, strawberry-red eye-zone, yellow throat. Ruffle edged, curled back petals. Consistent rebloomer. |
Zone: 4 |
HEMEROCALLIS 'Tiger Blood' (hem-er-oh-KAL-iss) | HEMETB8 |
Common Name: Daylily |
Description: Large, vibrant, creamy flowers with dark burgundy-brown centers and dark, ruffled edges. Reblooms in late summer. |
Zone: 3 |
HEPTACODIUM miconioides (hep-tah-KO-dee-um) (mik-on-ee-OY-deez) | HEPTMI5 |
Common Name: Northern Crepe Myrtle, Seven-Son Flower |
Description: 2011 GreatPlantsTM Shrub of the Year. 2008 Plant Select®. Clusters of fragrant, white flowers in fall followed by rosy-red sepals on large Chinese shrub or small tree with exfoliating bark. |
Zone: 5 |
HERNIARIA glabra (her-nee-AH-ree-a) (GLA-bra) | HERNGL3 |
Common Name: Rupturewort |
Description: Evergreen ground cover carpet with tiny leaves. Bronze winter color. |
Zone: 5 |
HERNIARIA glabra 'Sea Foam' (her-nee-AH-ree-a) (GLA-bra) | HERNSF3 |
Common Name: Rupturewort |
Description: Fabulous, low ground cover with cream-edged, green centered leaves. Extremely soft-textured foliage makes a fine filler between stepping stones. Tolerates considerable foot traffic. Excellent in containers. An outstanding introduction from Hortech. |
Zone: 5 |
HEUCHERA americana 'Dale's Variety' (HEW-ker-ah) (a-mer-ih-KAH-na) | HEUCDV3 |
Common Name: Coral Bells, Alumroot |
Description: Unique, silver-blue, marbled foliage; cream flowers. Excellent, drought tolerant ground cover. |
Zone: 4 |
HEUCHERA americana 'Dale's Variety' (HEW-ker-ah) | HEUCDV5 |
Common Name: Coral Bells |
Description: Unique, silver-blue, marbled foliage; cream flowers. Excellent, drought tolerant ground cover. |
Zone: 4 |
HEUCHERA 'Canyon Duet' PP# 13,280 (HEW-ker-ah) | HEUCCD5 |
Common Name: Coral Bells, Alumroot |
Description: Dwarf, bred by the late Dara Emery at the Santa Barbara Botanic Gardens. Its incredible pink and white bicolor flower spikes rise well above this low, mounding plant. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 4 |
HEUCHERA 'Caramel' PP#16,560 (HEW-ker-ah) | HEUCCL5 |
Common Name: Coral Bells, Alumroot |
Description: Large, caramel-gold foliage with red reverse. Lovely foliage color for contrast. Strong grower with good heat tolerance; it's a Heuchera villosa cross. Cream flowers July-August. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 4 |
HEUCHERA 'Citronelle' PP# 17,934 (HEW-ker-ah) | HEUCCI5 |
Common Name: Coral Bells, Alumroot |
Description: Distinctly different sport of 'Caramel' with bright lime, yellow-green foliage; cream flowers in late summer. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 4 |
HEUCHERA 'Electric Plum' PP#29,924 (HEW-ker-ah) | HEUCEP5 |
Common Name: Coral Bells, Alumroot |
Description: New leaves emerge near black and lighten to an intense purple with black veining; fuchsia-pink flowers. Photo compliments Ball Seed.
Zone: 4 |
HEUCHERA 'Melting Fire' PBR (HEW-ker-ah) | HEUCMF5 |
Common Name: Coral Bells, Alumroot |
Description: A deep maroon variety with strongly curled leaf edges. New foliage emerges bright red, creating highlights on this dazzling selection. |
Zone: 4 |
HEUCHERA micrantha 'Palace Purple' (HEW-ker-ah) (my-KRAN-tha) | HEUCPP3 |
Common Name: Coral Bells, Alumroot |
Description: 1991 PPA Plant of the Year! Exciting, reddish-purple, maple-like foliage; bluish-white flowers. Excellent for color contrast in the landscape. |
Zone: 4 |
HEUCHERA micrantha 'Palace Purple' (HEW-ker-ah) | HEUCPP5 |
Common Name: Coral Bells |
Description: 1991 PPA Plant of the Year! Exciting, reddish-purple, maple-like foliage; bluish-white flowers. Excellent for color contrast in the landscape. |
Zone: 4 |
HEUCHERA sanguinea 'Ruby Bells' (HEW-ker-ah) (san-GWIN-ee-ah) | HEUCRB3 |
Common Name: Coral Bells, Alumroot |
Description: Brilliant dark red flowers on dense flower spikes over compact, evergreen foliage. Excellent for cutting; attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds. Outstanding seed strain. |
Zone: 4 |
HEUCHERA sanguinea 'Ruby Bells' (HEW-ker-ah) | HEUCRB5 |
Common Name: Coral Bells |
Description: Brilliant dark red flowers on dense flower spikes over compact, evergreen foliage. Excellent for cutting; attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds. Outstanding seed strain. |
Zone: 4 |
HEUCHERA sanguinea 'Snow Angel' (HEW-ker-ah) (san-GWIN-ee-ah) | HEUCSA5 |
Common Name: Coral Bells, Alumroot |
Description: 2003 Plant Select®. A Bluebird introduction featuring mounds of highly variegated, light green leaves with a creamy mottled appearance, topped with spikes of complimentary, cerise-red bells. Super addition to the shady garden. |
Zone: 3 |
HEUCHERA 'Silver Scrolls' PP#12,066 (HEW-ker-ah) | HEUCSI5 |
Common Name: Coral Bells, Alumroot |
Description: Metallic silver leaves with deep wine-red, white-pink tinged flowers that bloom profusely in the spring; very vigorous plants. Photo compliments Ball Seed.
Zone: 4 |
HIBISCUS m. Cranberry Punch®('Whit XX' PP# 15,091) (hy-BIS-kus) (mos-KEW-tas) | HIBICP5 |
Common Name: Mallow, Rose Mallow |
Description: Striking variety with oxblood red, 4-5" flowers with five overlapping petals. Dark green, leathery foliage forms a low mound with a 3' or more spread. Highly resistant to powdery mildew. Developed and patented by Dr. Carl Whitcomb of Oklahoma. Propagation Prohibited.
Hibiscus are late to break dormancy in spring. Please do not request shipment before growth starts, as we cannot assume responsibility for them breaking dormancy under your conditions. Plant hibiscus 3" deeper to protect buds from winter damage. |
Zone: 5 |
HIBISCUS moscheutos 'Blue River II' (hy-BIS-kus) (mos-KEW-tas) | HIBIBR5 |
Common Name: Mallow, Rose Mallow |
Description: Spectacular, 10-12", white flowers.
Hibiscus are late to break dormancy in spring. Please do not request shipment before growth starts, as we cannot assume responsibility for them breaking dormancy under your conditions. Plant hibiscus 3" deeper to protect buds from winter damage. |
Zone: 4 |