POLYGONATUM humile (pol-ig-on-AY-tum) (HEW-mih-lee) | POLYHU3 |
Common Name: Solomon's Seal |
Description: Lovely woodland creeper with upright stems with glossy, somewhat pleated leaves. Greenish-white flowers dangle from the leaf axils late spring to early summer, becoming globular; black fruit in late summer. |
Zone: 5 |
POLYGONATUM multiflorum 'Variegatum' (pol-ig-on-AY-tum) (mul-tee-FLOOR-um) | POLYVA5 |
Common Name: Solomon's Seal |
Description: 2013 PPA Plant of the Year. 2004 GreatPlantsTM Perennial of the Year! White edged leaves. Tiny, white, bell flowers in spring on arching stems. |
Zone: 3 |
POLYSTICHUM acrostichoides (pol-ISS-tih-kum) (ak-roe-stik-OY-deez) | FERNCH5 |
Common Name: Christmas Fern |
Description: Evergreen, lustrous, tapering leaves. Limited supply after 4/1.
On native ferns, we can only guarantee live crowns, as they are slow to root in containers; they may never completely root down or form a solid root ball. Foliage does not ship well; remove old foliage and they will grow. |
Zone: 4 |
POLYSTICHUM tsus-simense (pol-ISS-tih-kum) (tsoo-see-MENSE) | FERNPT4 |
Common Name: Korean Rock Fern |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Neat, compact habit; attractive, dark green fronds. |
Zone: 5 |
PULMONARIA longifolia 'Coral Springs' (pul-mon-AIR-ee-a) (long-ee-FO-lee-a) | PULMCS8 |
Common Name: Lungwort |
Description: Early spring blooming; coral-pink flowers on clump forming plant. Dark green leaves speckled with silver. Great for mass plantings. |
Zone: 3 |
PULMONARIA longifolia 'E.B. Anderson' (pul-mon-AIR-ee-a) (long-ee-FO-lee-a) | PULMEB8 |
Common Name: Lungwort |
Description: Clusters of lilac-blue, tubular flowers in spring on clump forming perennial. Long, lance-shaped leaves that are dark green with silvery blotches. Good specimen for front of shady border, or as ground cover in shade. Foliage remains attractive after flowering. |
Zone: 3 |
SAGINA subulata (sa-JEEN-a) (sub-yew-LAY-tah) | SAGISU3 |
Common Name: Corsican Pearlwort |
Description: Moss-like, evergreen ground cover for shade. Tiny, white flowers in summer.
Risky to ship in hot weather! |
Zone: 5 |
SAGINA subulata 'Aurea' (sa-JEEN-a) (sub-yew-LAY-tah) | SAGISA3 |
Common Name: Pearlwort |
Description: Golden-yellow foliage forms a dense carpet on this unique, moss-like ground cover with small, white flowers June-August. For rock garden or between stepping stones.
Risky to ship in hot weather! |
Zone: 5 |
SALVIA greggii 'Wild Thing' (SAL-vee-ah)(GREG-ee-eye) | SALVWT5 |
Common Name: |
Description: 2005 Plant Select®. Aromatic mounds of dark, semi-evergreen foliage are covered with flushes of hot pink flowers May-October. Brought to Plant Select® by Tom Peace. Cut back to ground in spring. |
Zone: 5 |
STROMANTHE sanguinea 'Tricolor' (stro-MANTH-ee) (san-GWIN-ee-ah) | STROTR4 |
Common Name: Triostar |
Description: This magnificent plant has exotic white, burgundy/pink, and green variegated foliage. The underside of the leaves are burgundy. It makes a good addition to a shady spot on your deck or in part shade to shade in the ground. Needs well-drained soil. Limited. |
Zone: 9 |
TIARELLA cordifolia (tee-ar-EL-ah)(kor-di-FO-lee-a) | TIARCO3 |
Common Name: Foamflower |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Native, mounding ground cover with foamy white flower stalks in early spring. |
Zone: 3 |
TIARELLA cordifolia (tee-ar-EL-ah) (kor-di-FO-lee-a) | TIARCO5 |
Common Name: Foamflower |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Native, mounding ground cover with foamy white flower stalks in early spring. |
Zone: 3 |
TIARELLA wherryi (tee-ar-EL-ah) (WE-ree-eye) | TIARWH3 |
Common Name: False Miterwort |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Creamy-pink tinged, feathery spikes in summer; heart-shaped leaves. |
Zone: 3 |
TRICYRTIS formosana 'Gilt Edge' (try-SIR-tiss) (for-moe-SAH-nah) | TRICGE5 |
Common Name: Toad Lily |
Description: Deep pink, spotted flowers August-September. Large, dark green leaves with narrow, irregular, yellow-cream margins. |
Zone: 4 |
TRICYRTIS hirta 'Moonlight' (try-SIR-tiss) (HER-tah) | TRICML5 |
Common Name: Toad Lily |
Description: Chartreuse sport of hirta 'Variegata'. Outstanding in the shade garden! Bluebird introduction. |
Zone: 4 |
TRICYRTIS hirta 'Variegata' (try-SIR-tiss) (HER-tah) | TRICHV3 |
Common Name: Toad Lily |
Description: Narrow, creamy margin on leaves. |
Zone: 5 |
TRICYRTIS hirta 'Variegata' (try-SIR-tiss) (HER-tah) | TRICHV5 |
Common Name: Toad Lily |
Description: Narrow, creamy margin on leaves. |
Zone: 5 |
TRICYRTIS latifolia 'White Towers' (try-SIR-tiss) (lat-ih-FOE-lee-ah) | TRICWT5 |
Common Name: Toad Lily |
Description: Pure white flowers in July and August. |
Zone: 5 |
TRIFOLIUM repens 'Pentaphyllum' (try-FO-lee-um) (RE-penz) | TRIFPE3 |
Common Name: Clover |
Description: Many, "4-leaf" clovers on this low growing, purple-leafed variety. |
Zone: 4 |
TULBAGHIA violacea 'Variegata' (tul-BAG-ee-a) (vy-oh-LAY-see-ah) | TULBVA5 |
Common Name: Variegated Society Garlic |
Description: Leaves have cream variegation with pink blushed lilac flower spikes June-September. |
Zone: 7 |
VINCA major 'Variegata' (VING-ka) (MAY-jor) | VINCVA3 |
Common Name: Periwinkle |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Popular vine for baskets and planters. |
Zone: 6 |
VINCA major 'WoJo's Jem' PP# 11,809 (VING-ka) (MAY-jor) | VINCWJ3 |
Common Name: Periwinkle |
Description: Spectacular, newer variety with vivid, creamy to bright yellow leaf centers, dark green leaf edges. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 6 |
VINCA minor (VING-ka) (MY-ner) | VINCMI3 |
Common Name: Periwinkle, Myrtle |
Description: Rich, glossy, green ground cover; blue flowers. Tolerates dry shade. |
Zone: 4 |
VINCA minor 'Illumination' PP# 12,132 (VING-ka) (MY-ner) | VINCIL3 |
Common Name: Periwinkle |
Description: Stunning Vinca with unique, variegated, golden foliage. Blue flowering in spring contrast beautifully with the yellow and green foliage. Trailing, spreading habit makes a fine ground cover, rock garden, border, or container plant. It lights up the landscape in sun or shade. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 4 |
VINCA minor 'La Grave' (VING-ka) (MY-ner) | VINCLA3 |
Common Name: Periwinkle |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Dark, glossy green foliage tending to grow in mounds; deep blue flowers. |
Zone: 4 |
VINCA minor 'Ralph Shugert' PP# 6,960 (VING-ka) (MY-ner) | VINCRS3 |
Common Name: Periwinkle |
Description: Blue blossoms; lush, dark green foliage variegated with clearly defined white edges. An exciting plant with robust growth. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 4 |
WALDSTEINIA ternata (wald-STEIN-ee-a) (ter-NAY-tah) | WALDTE3 |
Common Name: Barren Strawberry |
Description: Glossy, strawberry-like leaves; yellow flowers. Fine, low ground cover. |
Zone: 4 |