DICENTRA eximia (dy-SEN-trah) (eks-IH-mee-a) | DICEEX5 |
Common Name: Dwarf Bleeding Heart, Fern-leaf Bleeding Heart |
Description: Lovely pink flowers; ferny, green foliage. |
Zone: 3 |
DICENTRA formosa 'King of Hearts' (dy-SEN-trah) (for-MOE-sah) | DICEKH5 |
Common Name: Bleeding Heart |
Description: Broad, rosy-pink flowers from May-August. Very floriferous. Slightly glaucous, gray-green foliage. Disease free cultivar. |
Zone: 4 |
DICENTRA formosa 'Luxuriant' (dy-SEN-trah) (for-MOE-sah) | DICELU5 |
Common Name: Bleeding Heart |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Choice, everblooming variety with cherry-red flowers; ferny, blue-green foliage. |
Zone: 2 |
DICENTRA s. 'Hordival' Valentine® (dy-SEN-trah) | DICEVA8 |
Common Name: Bleeding Heart |
Description: An old time favorite with a touch of red. The flowers have a red heart with a white middle instead of the typical pink heart. The foliage and stems also have a touch more pigment. |
Zone: 3 |
DICENTRA spectabilis (dy-SEN-trah) (spek-TAB-il-iss) | DICESP8 |
Common Name: Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart |
Description: Favorite, with arching stems of large, pink hearts. Often summer dormant in hot climtates. |
Zone: 4 |
DICENTRA spectabilis 'Alba' (dy-SEN-trah) (spek-TAB-il-iss) | DICESA8 |
Common Name: Bleeding Heart |
Description: Lovely, rare, white form; elegant plants. |
Zone: 4 |
DODECATHEON 'Aphrodite' PP# 14,002 (do-de-KATH-ee-on) | DODEAP5 |
Common Name: Shooting Star |
Description: Intense purple-pink flowers on robust plants in May-June. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 4 |
DODECATHEON meadia 'Album' (do-de-KATH-ee-on) (MEE-dee-a) | DODEAL5 |
Common Name: Shooting Star |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Delicate umbels of lovely, white flowers rise from flat rosettes of foliage. Likes rich, moist soil. Usually has flowered and is dormant by May 1st! |
Zone: 3 |
DRYOPTERIS erythrosora (dry-OP-ter-iss)(er-ith-roe-SOR-ah) | FERNAF4 |
Common Name: Autumn Fern |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Showy, coppery-pink, new fronds continuously until fall; frost turns it a pleasing bronze. Attractive evergreen through winter if protected from drying winds. Mature leaves make excellent cut greens. |
Zone: 5 |
DRYOPTERIS filix-mas undulata 'Robusta' (dry-OP-ter-iss) (fil-liks-MAHS) | FERNRO4 |
Common Name: Male Fern |
Description: Sturdy, evergreen variety. |
Zone: 5 |
DRYOPTERIS marginalis (dry-OP-ter-iss) (mar-jin-AL-iss) | FERNLW5 |
Common Name: Leatherwood Fern |
Description: Dark green, evergreen plant; hardy and vigorous.
On native ferns, we can only guarantee live crowns, as they are slow to root in containers; they may never completely root down or form a solid root ball. Foliage does not ship well; remove old foliage and they will grow. |
Zone: 5 |
EPIMEDIUM sulphureum (ep-ih-ME-dee-um)(sul-FUR-ee-um) | EPIMSU5 |
Common Name: |
Description: One of the toughest cultivars of epimedium available today for dry shade. Light yellow flowers in the spring on reddish tinged foliage that turns all green in the summer months. |
Zone: 5 |
EUONYMUS fortunei 'Coloratus' (yew-ON-ih-mus) (for-TOON-ee-eye) | EUONCO3 |
Common Name: Purple-Leaf Wintercreeper |
Description: Classic evergreen vine or ground cover with lovely purple fall color. |
Zone: 4 |
EUONYMUS fortunei 'Kewensis' (yew-ON-ih-mus) (for-TOON-ee-eye) | EUONKE3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Tiny, evergreen foliage on spreading, flat stems. Superb, small, delicate ground cover. |
Zone: 4 |
FARFUGIUM japonica 'Aureomaculata' (far-FEW-gee-um) (ja-PON-ih-ka) | FARFAU4 |
Common Name: |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. This rare plant boasts large, rich, glossy, yellow spotted, deep green foliage and clusters of yellow flowers in fall. |
Zone: 7 |
FUCHSIA 'Firecracker' CPBR# 1,635 ['John Ridding'] (FU-shi-a) | FUCHFI4 |
Common Name: |
Description: Spectacular variety with foliage variegated in olive green and cream with dark pink veining and pink obverse. Huge clusters of tubular, peachy-pink flowers all summer. Upright, arching habit. |
Zone: 10 |
GALIUM odoratum (ga-LEE-um) (o-dor-AH-tum) | GALIOD1 |
Common Name: Sweet Woodruff |
Description: Principal value as ground cover with whorled, green leaves for shade or in rockery. Small, white flowers. Scented foliage used for flavoring wine. Risky to ship in hot weather! |
Zone: 4 |
GALIUM odoratum (ga-LEE-um) (o-dor-AH-tum) | GALIOD3 |
Common Name: Sweet Woodruff |
Description: Principal value as ground cover with whorled, green leaves for shade or in rockery. Small, white flowers. Scented foliage used for flavoring wine. Risky to ship in hot weather! |
Zone: 4 |
HAKONECHLOA macra 'Aureola' (hak-on-eh-KLO-ah) (MAK-rah) | GRHAAU5 |
Common Name: Golden Japanese Forest Grass |
Description: 2009 PPA Plant of the Year! RHS Award of Garden Merit. Arching, golden foliage graces the borders edge or gently cascading over a rock wall. Dainty seed panicles dance above in late summer with reddish-pink foliage tones in fall. Radiant foliage adds brightness to the shaded garden. |
Zone: 5 |
HELLEBORUS x hybridus (heh-LEB-or-us) (hy-BRID-us) | HELLOR8 |
Common Name: Lenten Rose |
Description: 2005 PPA Plant of the Year! Dense, evergreen foliage; nodding, cup-shaped flowers of white, cream, pink, and purple. Excellent ground cover for shade.
Zone: 5 |
HELLEBORUS x hybridus (heh-LEB-or-us) (hy-BRID-us) | HELLOR5 |
Common Name: Lenten Rose |
Description: 2005 PPA Plant of the Year! Dense, evergreen foliage; nodding, cup-shaped flowers of white, cream, pink, and purple. Excellent ground cover for shade. |
Zone: 5 |
HELLEBORUS x hybridus (heh-LEB-or-us) | HELLOR3 |
Common Name: Lenten Rose |
Description: 2005 PPA Plant of the Year! Dense, evergreen foliage; nodding, cup-shaped flowers of white, cream, pink and purple. Excellent ground cover for shade. |
Zone: 5 |
HOSTA 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd' (Hoss-tah) | HOSTAD5 |
Common Name: Funkia |
Description: 2014 Hosta of the Year! Dark blue-green foliage. Seer-suckered leaves with heavy substance that is cup formed and slug resistant. White flowers above foliage on 22" scapes early summer. |
Zone: 3 |
HOSTA 'Blue Angel' (HOSS-tah) | HOSTBA8 |
Common Name: |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Huge, heart-shaped, blue-green, heavily puckered, and textured leaves. Forms very large plants. |
Zone: 4 |
HOSTA 'Blue Mouse Ears' (HOSS-tah) | HOSTBM5 |
Common Name: |
Description: 2008 Hosta of the Year! Small, round, blue, distinctive, heart-shaped, thick leaves with tiny, white edge form a tight, compact mound. Pale lavender flowers on scapes to 6-9". Reported to be 'hated by slugs'! For rock gardens and borders. |
Zone: 4 |
HOSTA 'Brother Stefan' PPAF (HOSS-tah) | HOSTBS5 |
Common Name: |
Description: 2017 Hosta of the Year! Large, heavily corrugated leaves that start out chartreuse darkening to gold with blue-green margins. Near white flowers in June. Introduced by Olga Petryszyn in 1998. |
Zone: 4 |
HOSTA 'Curly Fries' PPAF (HOSS-tah) | HOSTCF5 |
Common Name: |
Description: 2016 Hosta of the Year! A unique addition to this line up. Narrow, light green leaves with a wave topped by lavender flowers on 16" scapes. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 3 |
HOSTA 'Dancing Queen' (HOSS-tah) | HOSTDQ5 |
Common Name: Funkia |
Description: 2020 Hosta of the Year! This large, yellow foliage hosta from Kent Terpening is one that will not lose its yellow coloring in the summer. Pale lavender flowers mid-summer. |
Zone: 3 |
HOSTA 'Dream Queen'
Common Name: |
Description: Sport of 'Great Expectations' with wider blue-green margins and a creamy-yellow middle on heart shaped leaves. Leaves are corrugated and cupped on these 20" plants. |
Zone: 3 |
HOSTA 'Earth Angel' (HOSS-tah) | HOSTEA8 |
Common Name: |
Description: 2009 Hosta of the Year! Variegated form of the beloved Hosta 'Blue Angel'. Large, heart-shaped, blue-green leaves have a wide, creamy-white border. Pale lavender flowers in early summer. A show stopper in the shady garden! |
Zone: 4 |