RATIBIDA pinnata (rah-TIB-ih-dah) | RATIPI5 |
Common Name: Gray-headed Coneflower |
Description: Bright yellow rays droop down around stalk. |
Zone: 4 |
RUDBECKIA fulgida var. fulgida (rud-BEK-ee-ah) (full-jih-dah) | RUDBFV3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Flowers later than 'Goldsturm' by two-three weeks. |
Zone: 3 |
RUDBECKIA fulgida var. speciosa (rud-BEK-ee-ah) (full-jih-dah) | RUDBFS3 |
Common Name: |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Taller than 'Goldsturm', also longer blooming and more persistent with longer lasting flowers. |
Zone: 3 |
RUDBECKIA hirta (rud-BEK-ee-ah) (HER-tah) | RUDBHI3 |
Common Name: Black-Eyed Susan |
Description: Golden-orange, daisy-like wildflower. Usually short-lived. |
Zone: 4 |
RUDBECKIA maxima (rud-BEK-ee-ah) (MAKS-ih-mah) | RUDBMX3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Incredible wildflower. Tall, narrow plant with glaucous leaves to 10". Flowers have 4-6" cones with bright yellow petals. |
Zone: 5 |
RUDBECKIA missouriensis (rud-BEK-ee-ah) (mi-sur-ee-EN-sis) | RUDBMI3 |
Common Name: Missouri Black-Eyed Susan |
Description: Large flowered bouquets of bright yellow flowers above foliage mound of fuzzy leaves. Prefers dry, well-drained soils. |
Zone: 4 |
RUDBECKIA subtomentosa (rud-BEK-ee-ah) (sub-to-men-TO-sa) | RUDBSU3 |
Common Name: Sweet Coneflower |
Description: Taller cousin of the 'Black Eyed Susan'; abundant, yellow flowers with shimmering brown centers in a brilliant burst of color that lasts for weeks July-September. Strong, outstanding perennial! |
Zone: 3 |
RUELLIA humilis (roo-EL-ee-a) (HEW-mih-lis) | RUELHU3 |
Common Name: Wild Petunia |
Description: Small, petunia-like, lavender flowers on this native; long bloom season. Excellent plant. |
Zone: 5 |
SALVIA azurea subsp. pitcherii 'Nekan' (SAL-vee-ah) (ah-ZURE-ee-ah) | SALVPN3 |
Common Name: Pitcher Sage |
Description: Selection of native with showy, sky blue flower spikes in late summer and fall. |
Zone: 4 |
SALVIA pachyphylla (SAL-vee-ah) (pak-ee-FY-lah) | SALVPC5 |
Common Name: Mojave Sage, Rose Sage, Giant Flowered Sage, |
Description: 2005 Plant Select®. Western native, woody xeric with wonderfully aromatic, silver foliage; large, blue flowers with reddish bracts all summer and fall. Needs good drainage. |
Zone: 6 |
SCHIZACHYRIUM s. 'MinnBlueA' PP17,310 Blue Heaven™ (skiz-ah-KEER-ee-um) (sko-PAR-ee-um) | GRSCBH5 |
Common Name: |
Description: 2013 GreatPlants Grass of the Year. Introduction from the University of MN. Blue-gray foliage in the summer turning burgundy-red with purple and violet highlights in September lasting well into November. Taller, more upright form than is typical of little bluestem, remains upright, and does not fall down or 'lodge'. Small, fluffy, white flowers form in August and September. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 3 |
SCHIZACHYRIUM scoparium 'Blaze' (skiz-ah-KEER-ee-um) (sko-PAR-ee-um) | GRSCBL5 |
Common Name: Little Bluestem |
Description: 1998 GreatPlantsTM Perennial of the Year! Colorful, fine-leaved, warm season bunch grass. Russet-red through fall and winter. |
Zone: 4 |
SCHIZACHYRIUM scoparium 'Blaze' (skiz-ah-KEER-ee-um) (sko-PAR-ee-um) | GRSCBL3 |
Common Name: Little Bluestem |
Description: 1998 GreatPlantsTM Perennial of the Year! Colorful, fine-leaved, warm season bunch grass. Russet-red through fall and winter. |
Zone: 4 |
SCHIZACHYRIUM scoparium 'Standing Ovation'PP#25202 (skiz-ah-KEER-ee-um) | GRSCSO5 |
Common Name: |
Description: 2016 Plant Select®. This patented selection of native grass deserves a big round of applause. A warm season grass that does well in poor, dry soils keeps a tight habit throughout the entire growing season. Spikey, bluish-green leaves transition to a brilliant display of shades of red changing to deep purple in fall. Seed heads remain upright through winter and provide winter interest and food for birds. Brought to Plant Select® by North Creek Nursery |
Zone: 3 |
SCHIZACHYRIUM scoparium 'The Blues' (skiz-ah-KEER-ee-um) (sko-PAR-ee-um) | GRSCTB5 |
Common Name: |
Description: True, deep blue foliage and exceptional, burgundy-red fall color. Tolerates heat and humidity. Perfect grass for mass plantings. |
Zone: 5 |
SCUTELLARIA resinosa 'Smoky Hills' (sku-te-LAH-ree-a) (res-in-OH-sa) | SCUTSH3 |
Common Name: Skull Cap, Helmet Flower |
Description: 2004 GreatPlantsTM Release. Deep blue or purplish flowers tipped with two, small white patches from May-July. Growing in a rounded form, the plants have leaves with grayish pubescence. This handsome Great Plains native is an essential. |
Zone: 4 |
SENNA hebecarpa (SEN-a) (hee-be-KAR-pa) | SENNHE3 |
Common Name: Wild Senna |
Description: Fine textured leaves on semi-woody stems, usually dying to ground in winter. Yellow, pea-like flowers. |
Zone: 4 |
SILENE regia (si-LEEN) (REE-jee-a) | SILERE3 |
Common Name: Showy Catchfly, Royal Catchfly |
Description: Sensational, late summer display of large, brilliant red-scarlet flowers. |
Zone: 4 |
SILPHIUM laciniatum (SILL-fee-um) (lass-in-ee-AY-tum) | SILPLA3 |
Common Name: Compass Plant |
Description: Slow growing, very long-lived native. Sends up tall flower stalk with up to 100 bright yellow flowers that open over a month long period. Classic prairie plant. |
Zone: 4 |
SILPHIUM perfoliatum (SILL-fee-um) (per-foh-lee-AY-tum) | SILPPE3 |
Common Name: Carpenter Plant, Cup Plant |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Robust native with square stems; opposite leaves joined at base, forming cups. Large, yellow, daisy-like flowers. |
Zone: 4 |
SOLIDAGO canadensis 'Golden Baby' (sol-ih-DAY-go) (kan-a-DEN-sis) | SOLIGB3 |
Common Name: Goldenrod |
Description: Compact, upright native; dense, golden-yellow sprays in fall. |
Zone: 4 |
SOLIDAGO 'Crown of Rays' (sol-ih-DAY-go) | SOLICR3 |
Common Name: Goldenrod |
Description: Large, golden-yellow flowers on stiff, columnar plant. An exceptional selection for the border. |
Zone: 4 |
SOLIDAGO rugosa 'Fireworks' (sol-ih-DAY-go) (roo-GO-sah) | SOLIFW3 |
Common Name: Goldenrod |
Description: 2007 GreatPlantsTM Perennial of the Year. Lacy, radiating bloom spikes of sparkling golden-yellow from mid September past mid October. Greatly extends garden color and excitement. From North Carolina Botanical Garden. |
Zone: 4 |
SOLIDAGO rugosa 'Fireworks' (sol-ih-DAY-go)(roo-GO-sah) | SOLIFW5 |
Common Name: Goldenrod |
Description: 2007 GreatPlant™ Perennial of the Year! Lacy, radiating bloom spikes of sparkling golden-yellow from mid-September past mid-October. Greatly extends garden color and excitement. From North Carolina Botanical Garden. |
Zone: 4 |
SOLIDAGO 'Wichita Mountains' (sol-ih-DAY-go) | SOLIWM3 |
Common Name: Goldenrod |
Description: 2005 GreatPlantsTM. Outstanding, long standing, attractive specimen with tall rods of bright gold in late summer. Collected in the Wichitas in Southwestern Oklahoma by Steve Bieberich of Sunshine Nursery. |
Zone: 4 |
SOLIDAGO 'Wichita Mountains' (sol-ih-DAY-go) | SOLIWM5 |
Common Name: Goldenrod |
Description: 2005 GreatPlants™. Outstanding, long standing, attractive specimen with tall rods of bright gold in late summer. |
Zone: 4 |
SOLIDASTER luteus (sol-ih-DAS-ter) (lew-TEE-us) | SOLILU3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Dense heads of yellow daisies from July-September. Excellent cut. A cross between goldenrod and a white aster. |
Zone: 3 |
SOLIDASTER luteus (sol-ih-DAS-ter)(lew-TEE-us) | SOLILU5 |
Common Name: |
Description: Dense heads of yellow daisies from July-September that make excellent cuts. A cross between goldenrod and a white aster. |
Zone: 3 |
SORGHASTRUM nutans (sor-GAS-trum) (NEW-tanz) | GRSONU5 |
Common Name: Indian Grass |
Description: 2004 GreatPlantsTM Grass of the Year! Stalwart, wide leaf, warm season native with golden, plume-like seed heads. |
Zone: 3 |
SORGHASTRUM nutans (sor-GAS-trum) (NEW-tanz) | GRSONU3 |
Common Name: Indian Grass |
Description: 2004 GreatPlantsTM Grass of the Year! Stalwart, wide leaf, warm season native with golden, plume-like seed heads. |
Zone: 3 |