PARTHENIUM integrifolium (par-THEN-ee-um) (in-teg-rih-FOE-lee-um) | PARTIN3 |
Common Name: Wild Quinine, American Feverfew |
Description: Huge, flat-topped clusters of 1/2", white flowers for 3-4 weeks in mid summer. A prairie plant with large, bold leaves. Widely used medicinally by Native Americans. |
Zone: 3 |
PENSTEMON barbatas 'Coccineus' ['Jingle Bells'] (PEN-steh-mon) (bar-BAY-tus) | PENSBC3 |
Common Name: Beardtongue, Firecracker |
Description: From the Four Corners area of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah this three footer offers large, bright scarlet flowers in late summer. Grow in full sun, well-drained soil, and no babying! |
Zone: 4 |
PENSTEMON barbatus 'Coccineus' ['Jingle Bells'] (PEN-steh-mon)(bar-BAY-tus) | PENSBC5 |
Common Name: Beardtongue, Firecracker |
Description: From the Four Corners area of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Utah, this three footer offers large, bright scarlet flowers in late summer. Grow in full sun, well-drained soil. No babying! |
Zone: 4 |
PENSTEMON digitalis 'Husker Red' (PEN-steh-mon) (dij-ih-TAL-iss) | PENSHR3 |
Common Name: Beardtongue, Firecracker |
Description: 1996 PPA Plant of the Year! Striking, deep red foliage; white flowers with pink blush. An outstanding University of Nebraska introduction. |
Zone: 4 |
PENSTEMON digitalis 'Husker Red' (PEN-steh-mon)(dij-ih-TAL-iss) | PENSHR5 |
Common Name: Beardtongue, Firecracker |
Description: 1996 PPA Plant of the Year! Striking, deep red foliage; white flowers with pink blush. An outstanding University of Nebraska introduction. |
Zone: 4 |
PENSTEMON grandiflorus (PEN-steh-mon) (gran-di-FLOOR-us) | PENSGR3 |
Common Name: Shell-Leaf Penstemon |
Description: Spikes of large, light pink, purple, or white flowers on this native. |
Zone: 4 |
PENSTEMON grandiflorus 'Prairie Snow' (PEN-steh-mon) | PENSPR3 |
Common Name: Beardtongue, Firecracker |
Description: 2006 GreatPlants™ Release! A Dale Lindgren selection of the Great Plains. Shell-Leaf Penstemon with large, white flowers. |
Zone: 4 |
PENSTEMON grandiflorus War Axe (pen-STAY-mon) (gran-di-FLOOR-us) | PENSWA3 |
Common Name: Beardtongue, Firecracker |
Description: 2005 GreatPlantsTM Release! Exceptionally wide color range including pinks, maroons, reds, and purples. |
Zone: 4 |
PENSTEMON hirsutus 'Pygmaeus' (PEN-steh-mon) (hir-soo-tus) | PENSPY3 |
Common Name: Beardtongue, Firecracker |
Description: Outstanding dwarf covered with violet flowers over a long period. |
Zone: 4 |
PENSTEMON pinifolius (PEN-steh-mon) (pin-ee-FO-lee-us) | PENSPI3 |
Common Name: Beardtongue, Firecracker |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Shrubby native; scarlet flowers. |
Zone: 4 |
PENSTEMON pinifolius 'P019S'Steppe Suns™ (PEN-steh-mon)(pin-ee-FO-lee-us) | PENSSS3 |
Common Name: Beardtongue, Sunset Glow Penstemon |
Description: 2019 Plant Select® This lovely, orange flowered selection of this shrubby native blooms late spring into summer; pine leaf-like foliage on woody stems.
Zone: 4 |
Penstemon 'Prairie Dusk' (PEN-steh-mon) | PENSPD5 |
Common Name: Beardtongue, Firecracker |
Description: This penstemon was developed by the University of Nebraska and noted for its hardiness with rose-purple flowers in early summer on rosette, basal foliage. |
Zone: 3 |
PENSTEMON 'Prairie Dusk' (PEN-steh-mon) | PENSPD3 |
Common Name: Beardtongue, Firecreacker |
Description: This penstemon was developed by the University of Nebraska and noted for its hardiness with rose-purple flowers in early summer on rosette, basal foliage. |
Zone: 3 |
PENSTEMON rostriflorus (PEN-steh-mon) (ros-tri-FLOOR-us) | PENSRS3 |
Common Name: Bridges' Penstemon |
Description: 2006 Plant Select®. Long-lived plant with small, narrow leaves. Hummingbirds love the small, red, tubular flowers that have a long bloom time in summer. Plant in well-drained soil. Limited. |
Zone: 4 |
PENSTEMON strictus (PEN-steh-mon) (STRIK-tus) | PENSST3 |
Common Name: Beardtongue, Firecracker |
Description: Evergreen, drought-resistant plant with spikes of rosy-lavender blooms. |
Zone: 4 |
PENSTEMON x mexicali (RED ROCKS®) (PEN-steh-mon) (mex-i-KAL-ee) | PENSRR3 |
Common Name: Beardtongue, Firecracker |
Description: 1999 Plant Select®. Companion to Pikes Peak Purple, with bright rose flowers all summer. Both thrive in a wide range of sites and soils. |
Zone: 5 |
PHILADELPHUS microphyllus (fil-a-DEL-fus) (mik-ro-FIL-us) | PHILMI5 |
Common Name: Littleleaf Mock Orange |
Description: Native of the Rockies; slow and low growing mock-orange is an ideal addition to the perennial garden, border, or for a mass planting on an embankment. Very bushy and graceful with very fragrant (pineapple-like), 1", white flowers in June. Dark brown, glossy, and exfoliating bark adds winter interest. |
Zone: 5 |
PHLOX divaricata (floks) (dy-var-ih-KA-ta) | PHLODI3 |
Common Name: |
Description: 2011 GreatPlantsTM Perennial of the Year. RHS Award of Garden Merit. Masses of blue flowers in spring; durable, dark green foliage. Back by popular request for restoration projects! |
Zone: 3 |
PHLOX divaricata (floks)(dy-var-ih-KA-ta) | PHLODI5 |
Common Name: |
Description: 2011 GreatPlants™ Perennial of the Year. RHS Award of Garden Merit. Masses of blue flowers in spring with durable dark green foliage. Popular variety. |
Zone: 3 |
PHLOX divaricata 'Louisiana Blue' (floks) (dy-var-ih-KA-ta) | PHLOLB3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Flowers are a richer, darker blue. |
Zone: 3 |
PHLOX 'Forever Pink' PP #24,918 (floks) | PHLOFP3 |
Common Name: Phlox |
Description: Forever Pink has 1" purplish-pink blooms that cover the plant for three weeks in June and again in the fall on yellowish-green foliage.Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 4 |
PHLOX subulata 'Nettleton's Variety' (floks) | PHLONV3 |
Common Name: Phlox |
Description: A variegated, evergreen groundcover massed with pink, starlike flowers in spring. Foliage turns a gorgeous pink in the fall. |
Zone: 3 |
PODOPHYLLUM peltatum (poe-doe-FIL-lum) (pel-TAY-tum) | PODOPE5 |
Common Name: Mayapple |
Description: One, great lobed leaf; creamy, nodding flowers; yellow fruit, occassionly red. Native; goes dormant early. Spring only. |
Zone: 4 |
POLEMONIUM reptans (pole-MONE-ee-um) (REP-tanz) | POLERE3 |
Common Name: Jacob's Ladder, Greek Valerian |
Description: China-blue bells; native. |
Zone: 3 |
POLYGONATUM biflorum (pol-ig-on-AY-tum) (bi-FLOOR-um) | POLYBI5 |
Common Name: Solomon's Seal |
Description: Woodland wildflower with arching stems. White flowers followed by black berries. |
Zone: 3 |
PULSATILLA patens (pull-sah-TIL-lah) (PA-tenz) | PULSPA3 |
Common Name: Pasque Flower |
Description: Delicate lavender, cup-shaped flowers early spring. South Dakota's state flower. Available after 3/1. |
Zone: 3 |
PYCNANTHEMUM muticum (pik-nan-THE-mum) (mew-TEE-kum) | PYCNMU3 |
Common Name: Short-toothed Mountain Mint |
Description: 2025 PPA Plant of the Year! Very fragrant, purple to lavender flowers in tufts arising from leaf axils. Attractive, silvery foliage. |
Zone: 3 |
PYCNANTHEMUM virginianum (pik-nan-THE-mum) (ver-jin-ee-AY-num) | PYCNVI3 |
Common Name: Virginia Mountain Mint |
Description: Fragrant, minty foliage; white or pale lavender flowers spotted purple on lower lip in July-September. Eastern U.S. native. |
Zone: 3 |