VERONICA spicata 'Purpleicious' PP#17639 (ver-ON-ih-ka)(spih-KAH-tah) | VEROPU5 |
Common Name: Speedwell |
Description: An award winning plant addition for your garden! Vibrant, purple flower spikes above dark green foliage from late spring through summer. Drought tolerant. |
Zone: 4 |
VERONICA 'Sunny Border Blue' (ver-ON-ih-ka) | VEROBB3 |
Common Name: Speedwell |
Description: 1993 PPA Plant of the Year! Dark violet-blue flowers June til hard frost. Sturdy plants. |
Zone: 5 |
VERONICA 'Tidal Pool' PP# 23,341 (ver-ON-ih-ka) | VEROTP3 |
Common Name: Speedwell |
Description: This cross between Veronica armena and pectinata 'Rosea' seems to have inherited the best traits from both parents. Oak-like leaves that are medium green with a silvery-blue cast create a more dense and faster spreading foliage mat than either parent. Medium to deep blue-violet flowers late April into mid-May. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 4 |
VERONICA 'Tidal Pool' PP#23341 (ver-ON-ih-ka) | VEROTP5 |
Common Name: Speedwell |
Description: This cross between Veronica armena and pectinata 'Rosea' seems to have inherited the best traits from both parents. Oak-like leaves, medium green with a silvery-blue cast create a more dense foliage mat. Medium to deep blue-violet flowers late April to mid May. |
Zone: 4 |
VERONICA 'Whitewater'PP#22,783 (ver-ON-ih-ka) | VEROWW3 |
Common Name: Speedwell |
Description: Dense, low carpet with glossy green leaves that turn bronze in the winter months and is covered with white flowers April-early June. Deer and rabbit resistant.Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 4 |
VERONICA x 'P018S' Snowmass® (ver-ON-ih-ka) | VEROSN3 |
Common Name: Speedwell, Blue-eyed Veronica |
Description: 2017 Plant Select®. Small, glossy, rounded leaves form a dense mat, covered by a stunning display of small, four-petaled, white flowers with a blue eye. A perfect compliment to spring bulbs. It fills in quickly and vigorously, spreading across the garden by stems which root themselves in the soil. Beautiful as a ground cover among flagstones and patio pavers; along a walkway, or as a border along a sunny or partly shaded garden. |
Zone: 4 |
VERONICASTRUM virginicum 'Albo-Rosea' (ver-ON-ih-KAS-trum) (ver-JIN-ih-kum) | VEROAR3 |
Common Name: Culver's Physic |
Description: Delicate pink-white flowers summer-fall. |
Zone: 4 |
VIGNA caracalla (VIG-na) (kar-a-KAL-a) | VIGNCA3 |
Common Name: Snail Flower, Corkscrew Flower, Snail Bean |
Description: Unique, large, snail-shaped, pink-purple flowers all summer on this tender, twining vine. For trellises, baskets, and planters. |
Zone: 9 |
VINCA major 'Variegata' (VING-ka) (MAY-jor) | VINCVA3 |
Common Name: Periwinkle |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Popular vine for baskets and planters. |
Zone: 6 |
VINCA major 'WoJo's Jem' PP# 11,809 (VING-ka) (MAY-jor) | VINCWJ3 |
Common Name: Periwinkle |
Description: Spectacular, newer variety with vivid, creamy to bright yellow leaf centers, dark green leaf edges. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 6 |
VINCA minor (VING-ka) (MY-ner) | VINCMI3 |
Common Name: Periwinkle, Myrtle |
Description: Rich, glossy, green ground cover; blue flowers. Tolerates dry shade. |
Zone: 4 |
VINCA minor 'Illumination' PP# 12,132 (VING-ka) (MY-ner) | VINCIL3 |
Common Name: Periwinkle |
Description: Stunning Vinca with unique, variegated, golden foliage. Blue flowering in spring contrast beautifully with the yellow and green foliage. Trailing, spreading habit makes a fine ground cover, rock garden, border, or container plant. It lights up the landscape in sun or shade. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 4 |
VINCA minor 'La Grave' (VING-ka) (MY-ner) | VINCLA3 |
Common Name: Periwinkle |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Dark, glossy green foliage tending to grow in mounds; deep blue flowers. |
Zone: 4 |
VINCA minor 'Ralph Shugert' PP# 6,960 (VING-ka) (MY-ner) | VINCRS3 |
Common Name: Periwinkle |
Description: Blue blossoms; lush, dark green foliage variegated with clearly defined white edges. An exciting plant with robust growth. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 4 |
VIOLA corsica (VY-oh-la) (KOR-sik-a) | VIOLCO3 |
Common Name: Violet |
Description: 2003 Plant Select®. From the Mediterranean; lovely bright purple-violet, 1" flowers early spring to late fall. Can tolerate considerable drought. Reseeds moderately. |
Zone: 5 |
VIOLA labradorica (VY-oh-la) (lab-ra-DOOR-ih-ka) | VIOLLA3 |
Common Name: Violet |
Description: Unique, purple foliage; purple spurred flowers. |
Zone: 3 |
VIOLA odorata 'Konigin Charlotte' (VY-oh-la) (o-dor-AH-ta) | VIOLKC3 |
Common Name: Violet |
Description: Fragrant, floriferous, blue 'sweet violet'. |
Zone: 5 |
VIOLA odorata 'Rosina' (VY-oh-la) (o-dor-AH-ta) | VIOLRO3 |
Common Name: Strawberry Viola |
Description: Deep pink flowering, seedless, long blooming 'sweet violet'. Fragrance galor! |
Zone: 5 |
VIOLA x wickrottii 'Ultima Morpho' (VY-oh-la) (wick-ROT-ee-eye) | VIOLUM3 |
Common Name: Pansy |
Description: 2002 AAS Winner! Distinctive mid blue upper petals; bright yellow lower petals with 'whiskers'. Very floriferous with a long bloom season. Available spring and fall only. |
Zone: 4 |
WEIGELA praecox 'April Snow' PP# 20,006 (wy-JEE-lah) (PRAY-koks) | WEIGAS5 |
Common Name: |
Description: Pure white selection made from seed collected by Bluebird Nursery's founder, Harlan Hamernik, on the Wutai Shan (mountains), northern Shanxi Province, China. Rare, white, spring flowering shrub. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 4 |
WISTERIA frutescens 'Aunt Maude' (wis-TER-ee-ah) (froo-TESS-enz) | WISTAM5 |
Common Name: American Wisteria |
Description: Faintly scented, blue-violet flowers in racemes of 30-50 are densely packed on current season's growth. Long, shiny seed pods add interest in late summer and fall. A native of the southeastern U.S. this hardy strain has been performing beautifully on a pergola at the Bailey Wye at the Henry Doorly Zoo. |
Zone: 4 |
ZAUSCHNERIA garrettii (ORANGE CARPET®) (zowsh-NER-ee-a) (gar-RET-ee-eye) | ZAUSOC3 |
Common Name: California Fuchsia |
Description: 2001 Plant Select®. Masses of flowing, orange-scarlet flowers summer to fall. Selected from seed collected in Idaho. Available after 4-15. |
Zone: 4 |
ZIZIA aptera (ZIZ-ee-ah) (AP-ter-a) | ZIZIAP3 |
Common Name: Heartleaf Alexanders, Meadow Parsley |
Description: Umbels of many, yellow flowers on this attractive, Great Plains native. |
Zone: 3 |