THYMUS serpyllum 'Magic Carpet' (TY-mus) (sir-FIL-um) | THYMMC3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Slightly wooly growth forms a compact, low carpet of green with the sweet scent of lemon. Bell-shaped blossoms form a sea of carmine pink from May-July. For rock garden, wall plantings, ground cover, and between stepping stones.
We will not ship during the summer months; only at your risk!
The taxonomy of some have changed; right now we are going to leave as is. You can find the new name in [ ]. |
Zone: 4 |
THYMUS 'Spicy Orange' (TY-mus) | HBTHSO3 |
Common Name: Thyme |
Description: Needle-shaped, evergreen leaves with strong spicy-orange fragrance. Masses of small, pale pink flowers in early summer. Will tolerate moderate foot traffic.
We will not ship during the summer months; only at your risk! The taxonomy of some have changed; right now we are going to leave as is. You can find the new name in [ ]. |
Zone: 4 |
THYMUS vulgaris 'Argenteus' (TY-mus) (vul-GARE-iss) | HBTHAR3 |
Common Name: Silver-edge Thyme |
Description: Decorative form with silver-edged leaves.
We will not ship during the summer months; only at your risk! The taxonomy of some have changed; right now we are going to leave as is. You can find the new name in [ ]. |
Zone: 5 |
THYMUS vulgaris 'English Winter' (TY-mus) (vul-GARE-iss) | HBTHEW3 |
Common Name: Common Thyme |
Description: Essential for seasoning.
We will not ship during the summer months; only at your risk! The taxonomy of some have changed; right now we are going to leave as is. You can find the new name in [ ]. |
Zone: 5 |
THYMUS 'Wedgewood' (TY-mus) | HBTHWE3 |
Common Name: Thyme |
Description: Aromatic, dark green leaves accented with a chartreuse center. Best in well-drained soil along the garden path or as a versatile skirt plant for combination planters.
We will not ship during the summer months; only at your risk! The taxonomy of some have changed; right now we are going to leave as is. You can find the new name in [ ]. |
Zone: 5 |
THYMUS x citriodorus (TY-mus) (sit-ree-o-DOOR-us) | HBTHCI3 |
Common Name: Lemon Thyme |
Description: Branching, lemon-scented shrub.
We will not ship during the summer months; only at your risk! The taxonomy of some have changed; right now we are going to leave as is. You can find the new name in [ ]. |
Zone: 4 |
THYMUS x citriodorus 'Aureus' (TY-mus) (sit-ree-o-DOOR-us) | HBTHAU3 |
Common Name: Thyme |
Description: [pulegioides 'Aureus'] Green leaves dappled gold; showiest in winter.
We will not ship during the summer months; only at your risk! The taxonomy of some have changed; right now we are going to leave as is. You can find the new name in [ ]. |
Zone: 4 |
THYMUS x citriodorus 'Mayfair' (TY-mus) (sit-ree-o-DOOR-us) | HBTHMA3 |
Common Name: Thyme |
Description: Choice, vigorous selection; outstanding for both landscape and culinary uses.
We will not ship during the summer months; only at your risk! |
Zone: 4 |
TRADESCANTIA 'Blue and Gold' (trad-ess-KAN-tee-ah) | TRADBG5 |
Common Name: Spiderwort |
Description: Striking golden foliage contrasts with lovely purple-blue flowers. Gardeners are excited about this selection! Blooms June-September. |
Zone: 4 |
TRADESCANTIA 'Blue and Gold' (trad-ess-KAN-tee-ah) | TRADBG3 |
Common Name: Spiderwort |
Description: Striking golden foliage contrasts with lovely purple-blue flowers. Gardeners are excited about this selection! Blooms June-September. |
Zone: 4 |
TRADESCANTIA 'Blushing Bride' (trad-ess-KAN-tee-ah) | TRADBB3 |
Common Name: Spiderwort |
Description: Dark green, shiny foliage that is variegated with bright pink aging to white in cool weather; reverts to green in the heat of summer. Variegation returns with cooler temps. Pink flowers throughout the summer. Highly ornamental variety for moist, well-drained soil. |
Zone: 6 |
TRADESCANTIA 'Concord Grape' (trad-ess-KAN-tee-ah) | TRADCG3 |
Common Name: Spiderwort |
Description: Rich purple flowers, 1" wide, over silver-blue foliage. Blooms all summer. |
Zone: 3 |
TRADESCANTIA 'Concord Grape' (trad-ess-KAN-tee-ah) | TRADCG5 |
Common Name: Spiderwort |
Description: Rich purple flowers, 1" wide with silver-blue foliage. Blooms all summer. |
Zone: 3 |
TRADESCANTIA pallida (trad-ess-KAN-tee-ah) (PAL-ih-duh) | TRADPA3 |
Common Name: Spiderwort |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Purple-leaved sprawler commonly used as a house plant; also works well for contrast in the garden. |
Zone: 10 |
TRADESCANTIA tharpii (trad-ess-KAN-tee-ah) (THARP-ee-eye) | TRADTH3 |
Common Name: Spiderwort |
Description: 2003 GreatPlantsTM Intro. Exciting, dwarf spiderwort is literally covered with showy flowers in shades of pink, rose, blue, and purple in May. Linear leaves are covered with hairs. Naturally semi-dormant in the heat of summer, with new fans appearing in cooler days of fall. |
Zone: 4 |
TRIFOLIUM repens 'Pentaphyllum' (try-FO-lee-um) (RE-penz) | TRIFPE3 |
Common Name: Clover |
Description: Many, "4-leaf" clovers on this low growing, purple-leafed variety. |
Zone: 4 |
TROLLIUS chinensis 'Golden Queen' (TRO-lee-us) (chin-EN-sis) | TROLGQ5 |
Common Name: Globeflower |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Bright orange, cup-shaped flowers; deeply lobed and toothed leaves. |
Zone: 4 |
Verbena bonariensis (ver-BEE-na) | VERBBN3 |
Common Name: Vervain |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Free-flowering novelty with vibrant lavender, 2" flower heads on strong stems. Excellent cut. |
Zone: 7 |
VERBENA canadensis (ver-BEE-na) (kan-a-DEN-sis) | VERBCA3 |
Common Name: Rose Vervain |
Description: Bright lavender flowers all summer on this native ground cover. |
Zone: 5 |
VERBENA canadensis 'Homestead Purple' (ver-BEE-na) (kan-a-DEN-sis) | VERBHO3 |
Common Name: Vervain |
Description: Deep violet-purple flower clusters on vigorous, dark green foliage. |
Zone: 6 |
VERNONIA fasciculata (ver-NON-ee-a) (fas-sik-ew-LA-ta) | VERNFA3 |
Common Name: Ironweed |
Description: Erect, late summer-early fall blooming native topped with broad, compound inflorescences made up of many heads of reddish-purple flowers. Blooms July-September; good cut flower. Named for its tough, fibrous stems. |
Zone: 3 |
VERNONIA lettermannii (ver-NON-ee-a) | VERNLE3 |
Common Name: Thread-leaf Ironweed |
Description: Purple flowers from August-September that tolerate a wide range of soil. |
Zone: 4 |
VERONICA liwanensis (ver-ON-ih-ka) | VEROLI3 |
Common Name: Speedwell |
Description: 1997 Plant Select®. Cobalt blue flowers cover mat-forming foliage April-June. |
Zone: 4 |
VERONICA longifolia 'First Love' PP#21478 (ver-ON-ih-ka)(long-ee-FO-lee-a) | VEROFL5 |
Common Name: Speedwell |
Description: Plentiful spikes of fluorescent pink flowers from July-September with deep green foliage. Compact, drought tolerant plant. |
Zone: 4 |
VERONICA longifolia 'First Love' PPAF (ver-ON-ih-ka) | VEROFL3 |
Common Name: Speedwell |
Description: Plentiful spikes of fluorescent pink flowers from July-September; deep green foliage. Compact, drought tolerant plant. |
Zone: 4 |
VERONICA oltensis (ver-ON-ih-ka) (ol-TEN-sis) | VEROOL3 |
Common Name: Speedwell |
Description: Delicate, lacy foliage forms an emerald doily for your border or rock garden. Dark blue flowers in summer. Slow growing, but long lived. Only 1" tall! From Turkish mountains. |
Zone: 4 |
VERONICA 'Reavis' (CRYSTAL RIVER®) (ver-ON-ih-ka) | VEROCR3 |
Common Name: Speedwell |
Description: 2003 Plant Select®. Ground cover hybrid with the vigor and heat tolerance of Blue Wooly Speedwell (Veronica pectinata) and the true blue flowers of Turkish Speedwell (Veronica liwanensis). Blooms in mid spring rapidly covering all the bare spots in the garden. |
Zone: 4 |
VERONICA 'Royal Candles' PP# 18,932 (ver-ON-ih-ka) | VERORC3 |
Common Name: Speedwell |
Description: Rich violet-blue flowers in solid, conical spikes late spring-early summer on long-blooming dwarf with compact, upright form. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 4 |
VERONICA spicata 'Purpleicious' PP# 17,639 (ver-ON-ih-ka) (spih-KAH-tah) | VEROPU3 |
Common Name: Speedwell |
Description: An award-winning plant addition for your garden! Vibrant, purple flower spikes above dark green foliage from late spring through summer; drought tolerant. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 4 |
VERONICA spicata 'Purpleicious' PP#17639 (ver-ON-ih-ka)(spih-KAH-tah) | VEROPU5 |
Common Name: Speedwell |
Description: An award winning plant addition for your garden! Vibrant, purple flower spikes above dark green foliage from late spring through summer. Drought tolerant. |
Zone: 4 |