BOUTELOUA curtipendula 'Trailway' (boo-tel-LOO-uh) (kurt-ih-PEN-doo-la) | GRBOCU3 |
Common Name: Sideoats Grama |
Description: 2005 GreatPlantsTM Grass! Fine leaf, sod-forming, warm season native. Delicate, pendant seed heads; graceful foliage. |
Zone: 4 |
BOUTELOUA gracilis (boo-tel-LOO-uh) (grah-SIL-is) | GRBOGR3 |
Common Name: Blue Grama |
Description: 2008 GreatPlants Grass of the Year! Most important range grass of the Great Plains. Curly, narrow leaves; long, one sided seed spikes with eyelash-like inflorescence. |
Zone: 4 |
BOUTELOUA gracilis (boo-tel-LOO-uh) (grah-SIL-is) | GRBOGR5 |
Common Name: Blue Grama |
Description: 2008 GreatPlants TM Grass of the Year. Most important range grass of the Great Plains. Curly, narrow leaves; long, one-sided seed spikes with eyelash-like inflorescence. |
Zone: 4 |
BOUTELOUA gracilis 'Blonde Ambition' PP# 22,048 (boot-tel-LOO-uh) (grah-SIL-is) | GRBOBA5 |
Common Name: Grama Grass |
Description: 2011 Plant Select®. An impressive, highly ornamental form of Western native grass with tall, upright stems. Showy, chartreuse, aging to blonde seed heads hold their straight shape and are displayed high above the foliage through winter, providing many months of color and texture. Developed by High Country Gardens. Extremely cold hardy and provides exceptional winter interest. Grows in a wide range of soil types. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 4 |
BRUNNERA macrophylla (BRUN-er-ah) (mak-roe-FIL-a) | BRUNMA8 |
Common Name: |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Sky-blue, 'Forget-me-not' flowers in May-June. Handsome, lush foliage all season. Needs rich, moist, well-drained soil. |
Zone: 3 |
BRUNNERA macrophylla 'Jack Frost' PP# 13,859 (BRUN-er-ah) | BRUNJF8 |
Common Name: |
Description: 2012 PPA Plant of the Year. RHS Award of Garden Merit. Exceptional variety with lovely blue flowers May-July over large, silver leaves with green veins. Best in part shade. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 3 |
BUDDLEJA alternifolia 'Argentea' (BUD-lee-a) (al-ter-ni-FO-lee-a) | BUDDAA5 |
Common Name: Silver Fountain Butterfly Bush |
Description: 1998 Plant Select®. Small tree or large shrub that does well in a variety of soils and sites. Lavender to violet flowers for several weeks in high spring making this a centerpiece of the garden. Blue-gray, sometimes silver foliage is very finely textrured. Blends well in a naturalistic design, shrub borders, or as a specimen in mixed border or lawn. May develop into a small tree or can be trained into outstanding standard. (Tree Form) |
Zone: 4 |
BUDDLEJA davidii '3 in One' (BUD-lee-a) (da-VID-ee-eye) | BUDD315 |
Common Name: Butterfly Bush |
Description: Pink, white, and deep violet flowers in clumps of three plants. Variety in a pot! |
Zone: 5 |
BUDDLEJA davidii 'Black Knight' (BUD-lee-a) (da-VID-ee-eye) | BUDDBK5 |
Common Name: Butterfly Bush |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Deep violet, almost black flowers from summer to fall. |
Zone: 5 |
BUDDLEJA davidii 'Royal Red' (BUD-lee-a) (da-VID-ee-eye) | BUDDRR5 |
Common Name: Butterfly Bush |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Considered the best red form with red-purple flowers, panicles to 20". |
Zone: 5 |
BUXUS sinica var. insularis (BUX-us) (SIN-i-ka) | BUXUSI3 |
Common Name: Korean Boxwood |
Description: Compact, oval shrub with small, bright green leaves; may be sheared. |
Zone: 4 |
CALAMAGROSTIS brachytricha (kal-ah-mah-GROS-tiss) (bray-kee-TRY-ka) | GRCABR3 |
Common Name: Reed Grass |
Description: 2007 GreatPlantsTM Grass of the Year! RHS Award of Garden Merit. Fall blooming reed grass. Fine textured, rosy inflorescence in September; looks good all fall. |
Zone: 5 |
CALAMAGROSTIS x acutiflora 'Avalanche' (kal-ah-mah-GROS-tiss) (ah-kew-tih-FLOOR-ah) | GRCAAV5 |
Common Name: Reed Grass |
Description: Striking, variegated form of 'Karl Foerster' with wide, white, center stripe on each leaf blade. Feathery, gold plumes to 4' in early summer. Exciting introduction from Steve Schmidt of American Ornamental Perennials. |
Zone: 4 |
CALAMAGROSTIS x acutiflora 'Eldorado' PP# 16,486 (kal-ah-mah-GROS-tiss) (ah-kew-tih-FLOOR-ah) | GRCAED5 |
Common Name: Reed Grass |
Description: Rare, gold variegated form of 'Karl Foerster'. Narrow, green leaves with a bright gold midrib. Early summer brings feathery plumes that last all season. Flowers 7' tall. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 5 |
CALAMAGROSTIS x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' (kal-ah-mah-GROS-tiss) (ah-kew-tih-FLOOR-ah) | GRCAKF8 |
Common Name: Reed Grass |
Description: 2001 PPA Plant of the Year! Selection with fluffier seed heads. |
Zone: 5 |
CALAMAGROSTIS x acutiflora 'Overdam' (kal-ah-mah-GROS-tiss) (ah-kew-tih-FLOOR-ah) | GRCAOV5 |
Common Name: Reed Grass |
Description: White edged leaves in compact clumps. Pink plumes on 36" stems in early summer. |
Zone: 5 |
CALAMINTHA grandiflora 'Variegata' (kal-ah-MIN-tha) (gran-di-FLOOR-ah) | HBCAGV3 |
Common Name: Calamint |
Description: Variegated, showy Calamint. |
Zone: 4 |
CALAMINTHA nepeta 'Montrose White' (kal-ah-MIN-tha) (NEP-eh-tah) | HBCAMW3 |
Common Name: Calamint |
Description: Clump forming plant ideal for borders, containers, and edging. Tiny, white flowers are displayed for most of the summer; extremely fragrant leaves. |
Zone: 4 |
CALAMINTHA nepeta subsp. nepeta (kal-ah-MIN-tha) (NEP-eh-tah) | CALANN3 |
Common Name: Calamint |
Description: Stems with dainty, lavender and white flowers from August til frost; aromatic foliage can be used in the garden as a baby's breath substitute. |
Zone: 5 |
CALLICARPA dichotoma (ka-lee-KAR-pa) (di-KO-to-ma) | CALLDI5 |
Common Name: Purple Beautyberry |
Description: Most graceful and refined species with long, slender branches that arch to the ground. Clusters of lilac-violet fruits September-October.
All bloom on current year's wood, can be cut down to 6" in late winter and treated as a herbaceous perennial. |
Zone: 5 |
CALLIRHOE alcaeoides 'Logan Calhoun' (ka-lee-RO-ee) (al-see-OY-deez) | CALLLC3 |
Common Name: Poppy Mallow, Winecups |
Description: 2000 GreatPlantsTM. Sparkling white 'wine cups' on this outstanding Great Plains native found by the late, dedicated, native American plantsman, Logan Calhoun and named in his honor. |
Zone: 4 |
CALLIRHOE involucrata (ka-lee-RO-ee) (in-vol-yew-KRAH-ta) | CALLIN3 |
Common Name: Winecups |
Description: 1999 Plant Select®. Low growing, cut-leaf native with bright purple, cup-shaped flowers all summer. |
Zone: 4 |
CAMPANULA carpatica 'Blaue Clips' ['Blue Clips'] (kam-PAN-yew-lah) (kar-PAT-ih-ka) | CAMPBC3 |
Common Name: Bellflower |
Description: Great variety covered with sky-blue bells June-October. Choice rock garden plant! |
Zone: 3 |
CAMPANULA carpatica 'Weisse Clips' ['White Clips'] (kam-PAN-yew-lah) (kar-PAT-ih-ka) | CAMPWC3 |
Common Name: Bellflower |
Description: Pure white flowers; neat, compact foliage. |
Zone: 3 |
CAMPANULA glomerata 'Joan Elliott' (kam-PAN-yew-lah) (glahm-er-AH-tah) | CAMPJE5 |
Common Name: Bellflower |
Description: Violet-blue selection. Good border plant for cutting. |
Zone: 3 |
CAMPANULA glomerata 'Superba' (kam-PAN-yew-lah) (glahm-er-AH-tah) | CAMPGS3 |
Common Name: Bellflower |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Large clusters of rich violet bells; erect plants. Belongs in every perennial border. |
Zone: 3 |
CAMPANULA 'Kent Belle' (kam-PAN-yew-lah) | CAMPKB5 |
Common Name: Bellflower |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Glossy purple, bell-shaped, 2" flowers on vigorous, upright plant. Abundant flowers; reblooms. A knockout in our border garden! |
Zone: 5 |
CAMPANULA portenschlagiana (kam-PAN-yew-lah) (por-ten-schlag-ee-AH-na) | CAMPPR3 |
Common Name: Bellflower |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Many, upright, open, light bluish-mauve flowers; large foliage mat doing well in our office retaining wall. |
Zone: 4 |
CAMPANULA rotundifolia (kam-PAN-yew-lah) (ro-tun-di-FO-lee-a) | CAMPRO3 |
Common Name: Scotch Bluebell |
Description: Clusters of bright blue bells on vigorous plants. Native in many parts of the world. |
Zone: 3 |
CAMPSIS radicans (KAMP-sis) (RAH-di-kanz) | CAMPRA5 |
Common Name: Trumpet Creeper |
Description: Fast growing vine with orange, trumpet flowers. Attractive to hummingbirds. Great for fences and screens. |
Zone: 5 |