OCIMUM basilicum (OH-sih-mum) (bah-SIL-ih-kum) | HBOCBA3 |
Common Name: Sweet Basil |
Description: A widely used cooking herb.
Difficult to successfully ship by FedEx/UPS or truck! Just doesn't tolerate lack of air movement, cold, or heat well. Available 4/1 to 5/15. Annual. |
Zone: |
OCIMUM basilicum 'Genovese' (OH-sih-mum) (bah-SIL-ih-kum) | HBOCGE3 |
Common Name: Basil |
Description: Large, thick, crinkled, dark green leaves; strongly scented. Popular fresh market and gourmet basil.
Difficult to successfully ship by FedEx/UPS or truck! Just doesn't tolerate lack of air movement, cold or heat well. |
Zone: |
OENOTHERA berlandieri 'Siskiyou' (e-NOTH-er-a) (ber-lan-dee-ER-ee) | OENOSI3 |
Common Name: Mexican Evening Primrose |
Description: Fragrant, 2", pink blooms throughout the summer. Very hardy plant if given good drainage. Smaller and less invasive than Oenothera speciosa, although some taxonomists claim berlandiera = speciosa! |
Zone: 5 |
OENOTHERA m. subsp. incana (SILVER BLADE®) (e-NOTH-er-a) (mak-roe-KAR-pa) | OENOSB3 |
Common Name: Evening Primrose, Sundrops |
Description: 1999 Plant Select®. Southern Great Plains plant introduced by James Locklear, formerly of Nebraska Statewide Arboretum. Silvery-blue leaves complimented by huge, clear yellow flowers from May til frost. Drought tolerant perennial. Best on well-drained sites. |
Zone: 4 |
OENOTHERA macrocarpa [missouriensis] (e-NOTH-er-a) (mak-roe-KAR-pa) | OENOMA3 |
Common Name: Missouri Primrose |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Large, deep yellow flowers; sprawling plant with glossy, dark green leaves. |
Zone: 4 |
OENOTHERA macrocarpa subsp. fremontii (e-NOTH-er-a) (mak-roe-KAR-pa) | OENOFR3 |
Common Name: Evening Primrose, Sundrops |
Description: Large, light yellow flowers beginning in May; most have glaucous leaves, narrower than species. Drought tolerant plants, native to NE & KS. |
Zone: 4 |
OENOTHERA pilosella 'Yella Fella' (e-NOTH-er-a) (py-LOH-sell-ah) | OENOYF3 |
Common Name: Evening Primrose, Sundrops |
Description: Large, brilliant golden flowers open from bright orange buds. Intense green, hairy foliage turns reddish in fall. Blooms all summer. |
Zone: 4 |
OPHIOPOGON planiscapus 'Niger' (oh-fee-oh-POE-gon) (plan-iss-KAP-us) | OPHINI5 |
Common Name: Black Mondo Grass |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Distinctive, very dark purple foliage with pale lilac-pink flowers July-August. Slow growing edger, ground cover, or contrast plant with Hosta or other paler foliage plants. Best in part shade and moist soil, but will tolerate full sun. |
Zone: 5 |
OPLISMENUS hirtellus 'Variegatus' (op-LIS-men-us) | GROPHV3 |
Common Name: |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Fine textured, tropical, striped white tinted pink-red grass for combos and lovely skirts for planters and baskets. Branches thickly and trails. |
Zone: 9 |
ORIGANUM laevigatum 'Herrenhausen' (oh-RIG-an-um) (lay-vih-GAY-tum) | ORIGHE3 |
Common Name: |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Sub-shrub with small, aromatic leaves. Profusion of small, cerise-pink flowers and red-purple bracts. Spectacular in late summer and fall. |
Zone: 5 |
ORIGANUM libanoticum (oh-RIG-an-um) (li-ba-NO-ti-kum) | ORIGLI3 |
Common Name: Hopflower Oregano |
Description: 2004 Plant Select®. Vigorous, trailing herb with hops-like bracts of lavender and chartreuse throughout the summer and fall. Looks best cascading over a raised bed, rock garden, or container. Needs well-drained site. |
Zone: 4 |
ORIGANUM majorana (oh-RIG-an-um) (may-jor-AH-na) | HBORMA3 |
Common Name: Sweet Marjoram, Italian Oregano |
Description: Essential, annual, culinary herb for seasoning sausage, vegetables, meats, and Italian sauces. |
Zone: 7 |
ORIGANUM majorana 'Variegata' (oh-RIG-an-um) (may-jor-AH-na) | HBORMV3 |
Common Name: Variegated Sweet Marjoram |
Description: Foliage variegated with white forms an attractive mat. |
Zone: 7 |
ORIGANUM prismaticum (oh-RIG-an-um) (priz-MAT-ih-kum) | HBORPR3 |
Common Name: Greek Oregano |
Description: Robust flavor. |
Zone: 7 |
ORIGANUM rotundifolium 'Kent's Beauty' (oh-RIG-an-um) (ro-tun-di-FO-lee-um) | ORIGKB3 |
Common Name: Kent's Dittany |
Description: Semi-prostrate, branching stems covered with hops-like pods and lavender florets in summer and fall. Needs well-drained soil. Incredible in containers or growing over a boulder. |
Zone: 6 |
ORIGANUM vulgare (oh-RIG-an-um) (vul-GARE) | HBORVU3 |
Common Name: Oregano |
Description: Necessary herb for Italian cooking. Dry for winter use. |
Zone: 4 |
ORIGANUM vulgare 'Aureum' (oh-RIG-an-um) (vul-GARE) | HBORVA3 |
Common Name: Golden Oregano |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Rare variety; gold, aromatic foliage. |
Zone: 4 |
ORIGANUM vulgare 'Hot & Spicy' (oh-RIG-an-um) (vul-GARE) | HBORHS3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Dark green leaves are strongly aromatic; tiny, white to purple-pink flowers. Noted for its intense, somewhat spicy flavor; use fresh or dried. |
Zone: 4 |
ORIGANUM x 'Amethyst Falls' (oh-RIG-an-um) | ORIGAF3 |
Common Name: |
Description: An outstanding, long blooming selection by Harlan from seed produced in the Kelaidis' garden several years ago. In addition to amethyst flowers flowing abundantly from ornamental, hops-like cones and attractive, textured, glaucous leaves this drought resistant plant's foliage fills the garden air with its exciting, spicy scent. |
Zone: 5 |
OROSTACHYS iwarenge (or-oh-STAK-ees) (iwa-renge) | OROSIW3 |
Common Name: Dunce Caps |
Description: Choice, low, gray, succulent rosettes. |
Zone: 5 |
OROSTACHYS spinosus (or-oh-STAK-ees) (spine-OH-sus) | OROSSP3 |
Common Name: Dunce Caps |
Description: One of the finest. Similar to miniature Sempervivum and appears to have a white leaf margin. Stunning plant in the trough or rock garden. |
Zone: 4 |
OSMUNDA regalis (oz-MUN-dah) (ray-GAH-lis) | FERNOR5 |
Common Name: Royal Fern |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Attractive and vigorous.
On native ferns, we can only guarantee live crowns, as they are slow to root in containers; they may never completely root down or form a solid root ball. Foliage does not ship well; remove old foliage and they will grow. |
Zone: 2 |
OSTEOSPERMUM 'Avalanche' PP# 22,705 (oss-tee-oh-SPERM-um) | OSTEAV3 |
Common Name: Avalanche White Sun Daisy |
Description: 2011 Plant Select®. Dazzling white flowers with a coppery backing from April through summer. Mats of lustrous, nearly succulent, evergreen foliage. Greater disease resistance and heavier bloom than other sun daisies. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 4 |
OTHONNA capensis (o-THON-a) (ka-PEN-sis) | OTHOCA3 |
Common Name: Little Pickles |
Description: Blue-green, cylindrical leaves with stems of bright yellow daisies above foliage. A succulent Senecio selection for the sunny rock garden brought from Drakenberg Mountains of South Africa by Denver Botanic Garden's Panayoti Kelaidis. |
Zone: 5 |
OXALIS crassipes 'Rosea' (oks-AL-iss) (KRASS-ih-peez) | OXALRO3 |
Common Name: Strawberry Oxalis |
Description: Showy, rose-pink flowers on this hardy oxalis for shade. Limited supply. |
Zone: 5 |
Common Name: |
Description: This succulent with blue foliage is a cross between Pachyphytum bracteosum and Pachyphytum glutinicaule. Tiny, yellow or yellow-orange flowers top this succulent. Pachyphytum comes from the Greek name which means thick leaves. |
Zone: 10 |
PACHYSANDRA terminalis (pak-ih-SAN-drah) (ter-min-AL-iss) | PACHTE3 |
Common Name: Spurge |
Description: Excellent ground cover for shade; forms a dense, shiny carpet of foliage. |
Zone: 4 |
PACHYSANDRA terminalis pak-ih-SAN-drah)(ter-min-AL-iss) | PACHTE5 |
Common Name: Spurge |
Description: Excellent ground cover for shade; forms a dense, shiny carpet of foliage.
Zone: 4 |
PACHYSANDRA terminalis 'Green Carpet' (pak-ih-SAN-drah)(ter-min-AL-iss) | PACHGC5 |
Common Name: Spurge |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Broader leaves that are darker and shinier green; plants are more compact and slower spreading than species. Choice variety.
Zone: 4 |
PACHYSANDRA terminalis 'Green Carpet' (pak-ih-SAN-drah) (ter-min-AL-iss) | PACHGC3 |
Common Name: Spurge |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Broader leaves that are darker and shinier green; plants are more compact and slower spreading than species. Choice variety. |
Zone: 4 |