POTENTILLA neumanniana (poe-ten-TIL-lah) (NEW-man-ee-ah-na) | POTENE3 |
Common Name: Cinquefoil, Five Finger |
Description: Mat-forming ground cover with bright yellow flowers. |
Zone: 4 |
PRIMULA denticulata Mix (PRIM-yew-la) (den-tik-yew-LAH-ta) | PRIMDM3 |
Common Name: Drumstick Primrose |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Dense cluster of flowers in red-purple to white held above a whorl of textured leaves. |
Zone: 4 |
PRIMULA japonica Mix (PRIM-yew-la) (ja-PON-ih-ka) | PRIMJM3 |
Common Name: Primrose |
Description: Lovely red tones of Candelabra-type flowers. |
Zone: 5 |
PRIMULA x bulleesiana (PRIM-yew-la) | PRIMBU3 |
Common Name: Primrose |
Description: A Candelabra with a bright color range of blossoms from yellow to red to violet. |
Zone: 5 |
PRIMULA x pubescens (Auricula Mix) (PRIM-yew-la) (ow-RIK-yew-la) | PRIMAU3 |
Common Name: Primrose |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Favorite, early spring bloomer. |
Zone: 2 |
PSEUDERANTHEMUM carruthersii var. atropurpureum (soo-der-RANTH-ee-mum) (kar-RUH-ther-see-eye) | PSEUAT4 |
Common Name: |
Description: Large, glossy, deep purple leaves (color of ripe eggplant) on upright stems. Spectacular, rare Pseuderanthemum formerly seen in conservatories, now becoming popular for that 'tropical look' in the landscape and in containers. |
Zone: 10 |
PSEUDOGYNOXYS chenopodioides (soo-doe-jin-OKS-iss) (ken-oh-poh-dee-OY-deez) | PSEUCH3 |
Common Name: Mexican Flame Vine, Orange Glow Flame |
Description: An absolute knockout; bushy, evergreen, twining climber that produces smashing orange daisies with a light scent which is irresistible to butterflies. Not happy at temps below 45 degrees F. |
Zone: 10 |
PULMONARIA longifolia 'Coral Springs' (pul-mon-AIR-ee-a) (long-ee-FO-lee-a) | PULMCS8 |
Common Name: Lungwort |
Description: Early spring blooming; coral-pink flowers on clump forming plant. Dark green leaves speckled with silver. Great for mass plantings. |
Zone: 3 |
PULMONARIA longifolia 'E.B. Anderson' (pul-mon-AIR-ee-a) (long-ee-FO-lee-a) | PULMEB8 |
Common Name: Lungwort |
Description: Clusters of lilac-blue, tubular flowers in spring on clump forming perennial. Long, lance-shaped leaves that are dark green with silvery blotches. Good specimen for front of shady border, or as ground cover in shade. Foliage remains attractive after flowering. |
Zone: 3 |
PULSATILLA patens (pull-sah-TIL-lah) (PA-tenz) | PULSPA3 |
Common Name: Pasque Flower |
Description: Delicate lavender, cup-shaped flowers early spring. South Dakota's state flower. Available after 3/1. |
Zone: 3 |
PULSATILLA vulgaris (pull-sah-TIL-lah) (vul-GARE-iss) | PULSVU3 |
Common Name: Pasque Flower |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Violet-purple flowers in early spring. |
Zone: 5 |
PULSATILLA vulgaris 'Papageno' (pull-sah-TIL-lah) (vul-GARE-iss) | PULSPG3 |
Common Name: Pasque Flower |
Description: Fringed, semi-double flowers of pure white with cream tones and bright pink to dark reds and light blue to violet colors. |
Zone: 5 |
PULSATILLA vulgaris 'Rubra' (pull-sah-TIL-lah) (vul-GARE-iss) | PULSVR3 |
Common Name: Pasque Flower |
Description: Dark red-violet selection. |
Zone: 5 |
PYCNANTHEMUM muticum (pik-nan-THE-mum) (mew-TEE-kum) | PYCNMU3 |
Common Name: Short-toothed Mountain Mint |
Description: 2025 PPA Plant of the Year! Very fragrant, purple to lavender flowers in tufts arising from leaf axils. Attractive, silvery foliage. |
Zone: 3 |
PYCNANTHEMUM virginianum (pik-nan-THE-mum) (ver-jin-ee-AY-num) | PYCNVI3 |
Common Name: Virginia Mountain Mint |
Description: Fragrant, minty foliage; white or pale lavender flowers spotted purple on lower lip in July-September. Eastern U.S. native. |
Zone: 3 |
RATIBIDA columnifera 'Red' (rah-TIB-ih-dah) (kol-um-NEE-fer-a) | RATICR3 |
Common Name: Mexican Hat |
Description: Bushy plant; red, drooping petals around a central cone. |
Zone: 4 |
RATIBIDA columnifera 'Yellow' (rah-TIB-ih-dah) (kol-um-NEE-fer-a) | RATICY3 |
Common Name: Upright Prairie Coneflower |
Description: Yellow petals surround 2" cone. |
Zone: 4 |
RATIBIDA pinnata (rah-TIB-ih-dah) (pin-NAY-ta) | RATIPI3 |
Common Name: Gray-headed Coneflower |
Description: Bright yellow rays droop down around stalk. |
Zone: 4 |
RHIPSALIS salicornioides (rip-SAL-is)(sal-ih-CORN-ee-oy-deez) | RHIPSA3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Also known as "dancing bones" and "drunkards dreams" make excellent filler plants. Prefers filtered light and shade, great in combo planters. |
Zone: 10 |
ROSA Miniature Assortment (RO-sa) | ROSAAS5 |
Common Name: |
Description: Let us choose a good selection of colors, all labeled by variety. Some are no longer available individually.
Tiny-leaved, nearly continuously flowering, small bushes that can be trained to desired habit. |
Zone: 5 |
ROSMARINUS lavandulaceus (rose-ma-REEN-us) (lav-AN-dew-lay-see-us) | HBROLA3 |
Common Name: Prostrate Rosemary |
Description: Low growing trailer. |
Zone: 8 |
ROSMARINUS officinalis (rose-ma-REEN-us) (oh-fi-shi-NAH-lis) | HBROOF3 |
Common Name: Rosemary |
Description: Fragrant, shrubby perennial. A ribbon-tied sprig is traditional for Czech wedding guests. |
Zone: 7 |
ROSMARINUS officinalis 'Alba' (rose-ma-REEN-us) (oh-fi-shi-NAH-lis) | HBROAL3 |
Common Name: Rosemary |
Description: Attractive, white flowered form; upright plants with fragrant foliage. Outstanding in our alpine house! |
Zone: 7 |
ROSMARINUS officinalis 'Arp' (rose-ma-REEN-us) (oh-fi-shi-NAH-lis) | HBROAR3 |
Common Name: Rosemary |
Description: Hardier variety. Brighter green foliage. |
Zone: 7 |
ROSMARINUS officinalis 'Golden Rain' (rose-ma-REEN-us) (oh-fi-shi-NAH-lis) | HBROGR3 |
Common Name: Rosemary |
Description: Gold variegated new growth; upright plant. |
Zone: 7 |
ROSMARINUS officinalis 'Irene' PP# 9,124 (rose-ma-REEN-us) (oh-fi-shi-NAH-lis) | HBROIR3 |
Common Name: Rosemary |
Description: Vigorous, prostrate selection with attractive, neat habit, deep blue-violet flowers that do not fade. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 5 |
ROSMARINUS officinalis 'Madeline Hill' (rose-ma-REEN-us) (oh-fi-shi-NAH-lis) | HBROMH3 |
Common Name: Rosemary |
Description: Hardier variety reported to -15 degrees F. Robust plant with Wedgewood blue flowers. |
Zone: 5 |
ROSULARIA chrysantha (ros-uh-LAY-ree-a) (kris-ANTH-a) | ROSUCH3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Small, ornamental rock garden plant that grows like Hen & Chicks. Yellow flowers. For sunny, dry location or rock garden. |
Zone: 5 |
ROSULARIA muratdaghensis (ros-uh-LAY-ree-a) (mur-at-dag-EN-sis) | ROSUMU3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Rosette-forming Sedum cousin is a fine addition providing texture in the rock garden or trough. Its rich, dark green clumps of rosettes give class to any well-drained, sunny planting. |
Zone: 5 |
ROSULARIA serpentinica (ros-uh-LAY-ree-a) (ser-pen-TIN-ih-ka) | ROSUSR3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Small rosettes resembling Hen & Chicks have bronze-red coloration. Dark green leaves that turn a dull red in summer. Native to Turkey. |
Zone: 5 |