DIANTHUS gratianopolitanus 'Feuerhexe' (dy-ANN-thus) (grah-tee-ah-no-pol-it-TAY-nus) | DIANFE3 |
Common Name: Carnation |
Description: 2006 PPA Plant Of The Year! Masses of brilliant raspberry-red, 1", upward facing flowers with a delicious, spicy clove fragrance covering silvery-blue mats of evergreen foliage in late spring/early summer. Often reblooms in early fall if deadheaded. Wonderful rock garden or border addition! |
Zone: 4 |
DIANTHUS gratianopolitanus 'Tiny Rubies' (dy-ANN-thus) (grah-tee-ah-no-pol-it-TAY-nus) | DIANTR3 |
Common Name: Carnation |
Description: Double, rose-pink flowers in spring; short, tufted mounds of blue-green foliage. |
Zone: 3 |
DIANTHUS x allwoodii 'Frosty Fire' (dy-ANN-thus) (all-WOOD-ee-eye) | DIANFF3 |
Common Name: Carnation |
Description: Double, red flowers; blue-gray, dwarf foliage. Long flowering period. |
Zone: 4 |
DICENTRA eximia (dy-SEN-trah) (eks-IH-mee-a) | DICEEX5 |
Common Name: Dwarf Bleeding Heart, Fern-leaf Bleeding Heart |
Description: Lovely pink flowers; ferny, green foliage. |
Zone: 3 |
DICENTRA formosa 'King of Hearts' (dy-SEN-trah) (for-MOE-sah) | DICEKH5 |
Common Name: Bleeding Heart |
Description: Broad, rosy-pink flowers from May-August. Very floriferous. Slightly glaucous, gray-green foliage. Disease free cultivar. |
Zone: 4 |
DICENTRA formosa 'Luxuriant' (dy-SEN-trah) (for-MOE-sah) | DICELU5 |
Common Name: Bleeding Heart |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Choice, everblooming variety with cherry-red flowers; ferny, blue-green foliage. |
Zone: 2 |
DICENTRA s. 'Hordival' Valentine® (dy-SEN-trah) | DICEVA8 |
Common Name: Bleeding Heart |
Description: An old time favorite with a touch of red. The flowers have a red heart with a white middle instead of the typical pink heart. The foliage and stems also have a touch more pigment. |
Zone: 3 |
DICENTRA spectabilis (dy-SEN-trah) (spek-TAB-il-iss) | DICESP8 |
Common Name: Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart |
Description: Favorite, with arching stems of large, pink hearts. Often summer dormant in hot climtates. |
Zone: 4 |
DICENTRA spectabilis 'Alba' (dy-SEN-trah) (spek-TAB-il-iss) | DICESA8 |
Common Name: Bleeding Heart |
Description: Lovely, rare, white form; elegant plants. |
Zone: 4 |
DICHONDRA 'Silver Falls' (dy-KON-drah) | DICHSF3 |
Common Name: Aluminum Vine |
Description: Beautiful, vigorous, silver, round leafed, trailing plant. Extremely heat and drought tolerant. Incredible in baskets or trailing from containers. |
Zone: 10 |
DICTAMNUS albus (dik-TAM-nus) (AL-bus) | DICTAL3 |
Common Name: Gas Plant |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Erect spikes of unique, white, aromatic flowers in June.
May cause skin irritation, especially in hot weather! Dictamnus is very slow growing; probably taking 18 months to 2 years to fill a 4" pot well. Do not expect to move up into a gallon & have them be consumer ready along with your Dianthus & Echinaceas! Dictamnus growers have to be very patient, but it's worth the wait. |
Zone: 3 |
DICTAMNUS albus 'Purpureus' (dik-TAM-nus) (AL-bus) | DICTAP3 |
Common Name: Gas Plant |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Dark veined, pink flowers. Long-lived perennial may be 'Burning Bush' of Moses.
May cause skin irritation, especially in hot weather! Dictamnus is very slow growing; probably taking 18 months to 2 years to fill a 4" pot well. Do not expect to move up into a gallon & have them be consumer ready along with your Dianthus & Echinaceas! Dictamnus growers have to be very patient, but it's worth the wait. |
Zone: 3 |
DIGITALIS grandiflora (dij-ih-TAL-iss) (gran-di-FLOOR-ah) | DIGIGR3 |
Common Name: Foxglove |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Large, bell-shaped, yellow flowers marked with brown in early summer. Perennial. |
Zone: 4 |
DIGITALIS thapsi (SPANISH PEAKS®) (dij-ih-TAL-iss) (THAP-see) | DIGISP3 |
Common Name: Foxglove |
Description: 1999 Plant Select®. Spikes of raspberry-rose flowers in early summer over trim mat of furry foliage. Perennial; thrives in a variety of sites and soils. |
Zone: 4 |
DIGITALIS x mertonensis (dij-ih-TAL-iss) (mer-ton-EN-sis) | DIGIME3 |
Common Name: Strawberry Foxglove |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Very large, raspberry flowers. Tetraploid perennial plants. |
Zone: 4 |
DODECATHEON 'Aphrodite' PP# 14,002 (do-de-KATH-ee-on) | DODEAP5 |
Common Name: Shooting Star |
Description: Intense purple-pink flowers on robust plants in May-June. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 4 |
DODECATHEON meadia 'Album' (do-de-KATH-ee-on) (MEE-dee-a) | DODEAL5 |
Common Name: Shooting Star |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Delicate umbels of lovely, white flowers rise from flat rosettes of foliage. Likes rich, moist soil. Usually has flowered and is dormant by May 1st! |
Zone: 3 |
DRABA aizoides (DRAH-ba) (ay-ZOY-deez) | DRABAI3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Exciting little addition to the miniature garden. Green cushions topped off with hot yellow flowers in early spring. Needs well-drained soil. |
Zone: 3 |
DRACOCEPHALUM argunense 'Fuji Blue' (dra-ko-SEF-a-lum) (ar-gun-ENSE) | DRACFB3 |
Common Name: Dragonhead |
Description: Spikes of brilliant blue flowers early June to mid-August. Needle-like, leathery, green foliage forms compact, durable clumps; long-lived perennial. |
Zone: 4 |
DRACOCEPHALUM ruyschiana (dra-ko-SEF-a-lum) | DRACRU3 |
Common Name: Northern Dragonhead |
Description: Fragrant, hooded blue flowers on this low-growing perennial from the mint family. Blooms from July-August; plant in sun to part shade.
Zone: 3 |
DRYOPTERIS erythrosora (dry-OP-ter-iss)(er-ith-roe-SOR-ah) | FERNAF4 |
Common Name: Autumn Fern |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Showy, coppery-pink, new fronds continuously until fall; frost turns it a pleasing bronze. Attractive evergreen through winter if protected from drying winds. Mature leaves make excellent cut greens. |
Zone: 5 |
DRYOPTERIS filix-mas undulata 'Robusta' (dry-OP-ter-iss) (fil-liks-MAHS) | FERNRO4 |
Common Name: Male Fern |
Description: Sturdy, evergreen variety. |
Zone: 5 |
DRYOPTERIS marginalis (dry-OP-ter-iss) (mar-jin-AL-iss) | FERNLW5 |
Common Name: Leatherwood Fern |
Description: Dark green, evergreen plant; hardy and vigorous.
On native ferns, we can only guarantee live crowns, as they are slow to root in containers; they may never completely root down or form a solid root ball. Foliage does not ship well; remove old foliage and they will grow. |
Zone: 5 |
ECHEVERIA 'Blue Curls' (e-kee-VER-ee-a) | ECHEBC3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Mostly a soitary succulent with rosettes to 12" in diameter. Frilly-edged, silvery-blue leaves take on showy pink hues in cooler temperatures; reddish-pink flowers.
Zone: 9 |
ECHEVERIA 'Blue Spurs' (e-kee-VER-ee-a) | ECHEBS3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Clustering rosettes of frosty blue, unusual leaves that form a "cameo" formation on some of the leaves as well as producing an odd "spur" (tapered tubular leaf). |
Zone: 10 |
ECHEVERIA 'Chroma' (e-kee-VER-ee-a) | ECHECH3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Hybrid rosettes of dusty blue-green leaves. Leaves dappled with yellow and pink markings in bright light of summer. Filtered bright light. Water when dry |
Zone: 9 |
ECHEVERIA derenbergii (e-kee-VER-ee-a)(DARE-en-BERG-ee-eye) | ECHEPL3 |
Common Name: Painted Lady |
Description: A small, clumping form rosette of green, triangular shaped leaves with red margins makes this a great container plant. This Echeveria likes bright light with good drainage. |
Zone: 9 |
ECHEVERIA 'Dusty Rose' (e-kee-VER-ee-a) | ECHEDR4 |
Common Name: |
Description: Attractive succulent with beautiful, smokey, rose-plum foliage forming 5-8" rosettes; orange flowers late summer, fall and early winter.
Zone: 9 |
ECHEVERIA gigantea (e-kee-VER-ee-a) (jy-GAN-tee-uh) | ECHEGI4 |
Common Name: |
Description: Large, succulent, gray, spoon-shaped leaves form a huge and impressive rosette for a planter, patio pot, or rock garden. Spikes of rosy-pink flowers in fall. Water droplets on foliage can cause burning. |
Zone: 9 |
ECHEVERIA harmsii (e-kee-VER-ee-a)(harms-ee-eye) | ECHEHA3 |
Common Name: |
Description: A shrub-like Echeveria with lanceolate, green leaves covered with dense hair. In cold weather, leaves blush rose-red and look like red velvet. |
Zone: 10 |