ECHINACEA angustifolia (eh-kih-NAY-shah) (an-gus-tih-FOE-lee-ah) | ECHIAN3 |
Common Name: Blacksamson Echinacea |
Description: Pink to creamy-white flowers with drooping petals July-August. Native to the central U.S. Angustifolia is used interchangeably with pallida by some plantsmen. Our seed is angustifolia collected in South Dakota. |
Zone: 3 |
ECHINACEA 'Cheyenne Spirit' (eh-kih-NAY-shah) | ECHICS5 |
Common Name: Coneflower |
Description: 2013 AAS Winner. This stunning, first-year flowering echinacea produces an attractive range of flower colors from rich purple, pink, red and orange tones to light yellow, cream, and white. This compact plant can withstand the elements and is drought tolerant. |
Zone: 4 |
ECHINACEA 'Evan Saul' PP# 17,659 Sundown (eh-kih-NAY-shah) | ECHISD5 |
Common Name: Big Sky TM Series |
Description: Another exciting coneflower in the Itsaul series with fragrant, orange flowers on tall, sturdy stems. Great 'back of the border' plant. Very prolific rebloomer. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 5 |
ECHINACEA 'Matthew Saul' PP#17,652 Harvest Moon (eh-kih-NAY-shah) | ECHIHM5 |
Common Name: Big Sky TM Series |
Description: Deep golden-yellow petals surround a large, golden-orange cone. Fragrant flowers stand erect on sturdy stems above robust foliage. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 5 |
ECHINACEA pallida (eh-kih-NAY-shah) (PAL-ih-duh) | ECHIPA3 |
Common Name: Pale Purple Coneflower |
Description: Prairie native that flowers in early summer above the grasses. Large, pale pink flowers are 3" or more in diameter and last for about a month; black, central cones are conspicuous until late autumn. |
Zone: 4 |
ECHINACEA paradoxa (eh-kih-NAY-shah) (pare-ah-DOKS-ah) | ECHIPR3 |
Common Name: Coneflower |
Description: Striking yellow coneflower. Ozark native. |
Zone: 3 |
ECHINACEA paradoxa (eh-kih-NAY-shah)(pare-ah-DOKS-ah) | ECHIPR5 |
Common Name: Coneflower |
Description: Striking yellow coneflower. Ozark native |
Zone: 3 |
ECHINACEA purpurea (eh-kih-NAY-shah) | ECHIPU3 |
Common Name: Purple Coneflower |
Description: Showy purple flowers July-August; erect plants. One of our best native wildflowers. |
Zone: 3 |
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Alba'
Common Name: Coneflower |
Description: Lovely white flowers July-August. Erect plants. |
Zone: 3 |
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Alba' (eh-kih-NAY-shah) (pur-pur-EE-ah) | ECHIAL3 |
Common Name: Coneflower |
Description: Lovely white flowers July-August. |
Zone: 3 |
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Magnus' (eh-kih-NAY-shah) (pur-pur-EE-ah) | ECHIMA3 |
Common Name: Coneflower |
Description: 1998 PPA Plant of the Year! RHS Award of Garden Merit. Excellent, intense dark selection; petals do not droop. Demand continues to be high for this plant! |
Zone: 3 |
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Prairie Giant' (eh-kih-NAY-shah) (pur-pur-EE-ah) | ECHIPG5 |
Common Name: Giant Coneflower |
Description: Huge flowers with narrow, pink petals spanning 6-9" on tall stalks. Beautiful, rich, dark green, basal leaves up to 24" long and 4 1/2" wide. Has been happy and long flowering in our Zone 4 garden for 10+ years. |
Zone: 4 |
ECHINACEA purpurea 'Rubinstern' (eh-kih-NAY-shah) (pur-pur-EE-ah) | ECHIRU3 |
Common Name: Coneflower |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Intense carmine-red flowers with horizontal petals on stems to 40". Improved 'Magnus'! |
Zone: 3 |
ECHINACEA tennesseensis hybrids (eh-kih-NAY-shah) (ten-eh-see-EN-sis) | ECHITH3 |
Common Name: Coneflower |
Description: 2013 Plant Select®. Cheerful, bright pink, 3 to 3 1/2" flowers with 1 1/2" long, uplifted petals. Blooms all summer into early fall. Deep rooted, very adaptable plants. |
Zone: 4 |
EQUISETUM hyemale (ek-wis-SEE-tum) (hy-EH-may-lee) | EQUIHY5 |
Common Name: Horsetail, Scouring Rush |
Description: Hollow, tubular stems. Use beside pools and for Japanese style gardens. Ancient native plant. |
Zone: 2 |
ERIOGONUM umbellatum var. aureum 'Psdowns' (ee-ree-OG-oh-num) (um-bell-AY-tum) | ERIOKC3 |
Common Name: Kannah Creek® |
Description: 2007 Plant Select®. Masses of yellow flowers turn orange as they age. Spreading green foliage changes to a vivid purple-red in winter. Vigorous and adaptable western native; perennial. Available after 4-15-2025.
Zone: 3 |
ERYNGIUM yuccifolium (e-rinj-EE-um) (yuk-ih-fo-LEE-um) | ERYNYU3 |
Common Name: Rattlesnake Master |
Description: Impressive native with glaucous, yucca-like foliage. Clusters of small, white flowers July-September. |
Zone: 5 |
EUPATORIUM dubium 'Little Joe' PP# 16,122 (yew-pa-TOR-ee-um) (DOO-bee-um) | EUPALJ3 |
Common Name: Coastal Plain Joe Pye Plant |
Description: A selection of the native Eupatorium that has a more compact growing habit which produces 4' tall and stiff stems to prevent flopping later in the year. Large clusters of pink-purple flowers bloom in the summer drying to attractive light brown seed head for nice fall interest. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 3 |
EUPATORIUM purpureum (yew-pa-TOR-ee-um)(pur-pur-EE-um) | EUPAPU5 |
Common Name: Joe-Pye Plant |
Description: Attractive, flat topped clusters of purple flowers in fall. Height varies. |
Zone: 3 |
EUPATORIUM purpureum (yew-pa-TOR-ee-um) (pur-pur-EE-um) | EUPAPU3 |
Common Name: Joe-Pye Plant |
Description: Attractive, flat topped clusters of purple flowers in fall. Height varies. |
Zone: 3 |
EUPATORIUM purpureum subsp. maculatum 'Gateway' (yew-pa-TOR-ee-um) (pur-pur-EE-um) | EUPAGA3 |
Common Name: Mist Flower |
Description: 2010 GreatPlantsTM Perennial of the Year. Choice selection with clusters of red flowers July-September. Coarsely toothed foliage with wine red stems. Prefers rich, moist soil. |
Zone: 4 |
EUPATORIUM rugosum 'Chocolate' (yew-pa-TOR-ee-um) (roo-GO-sum) | EUPACH3 |
Common Name: Mist Flower |
Description: Striking bronze-purple foliage. Creamy-white flower panicles in late summer-early fall. |
Zone: 4 |
EUPATORIUM rugosum 'Chocolate' (yew-pa-TOR-ee-um)(roo-GO-sum) | EUPACH5 |
Common Name: Mist Flower |
Description: Striking bronze-purple foliage. Creamy-white flower panicles in late summer-early fall. |
Zone: 4 |
EUPHORBIA corollata (yew-FOR-bee-ah) (kor-O-lat-a) | EUPHCO3 |
Common Name: Flowering Spurge |
Description: Erect flower stalks topped with small, white flowers forming loose heads to 8" across. Nebraska wildflower.
Milky sap of Euphorbias may cause skin irritation, especially in warm weather. Handle with care! |
Zone: 5 |