CALLICARPA dichotoma (ka-lee-KAR-pa) (di-KO-to-ma) | CALLDI5 |
Common Name: Purple Beautyberry |
Description: Most graceful and refined species with long, slender branches that arch to the ground. Clusters of lilac-violet fruits September-October.
All bloom on current year's wood, can be cut down to 6" in late winter and treated as a herbaceous perennial. |
Zone: 5 |
CALLIRHOE involucrata (ka-lee-RO-ee) (in-vol-yew-KRAH-ta) | CALLIN3 |
Common Name: Winecups |
Description: 1999 Plant Select®. Low growing, cut-leaf native with bright purple, cup-shaped flowers all summer. |
Zone: 4 |
CALLIRHOE involucrata (ka-lee-RO-ee)(in-vol-yew-KRAH-ta) | CALLIN5 |
Common Name: Poppy Mallow, Winecups |
Description: 2020 GreatPlants™. 1999 Plant Select® Low growing, cut-leaf native with bright purple, cup-shaped flowers all summer. |
Zone: 4 |
CAMPANULA carpatica 'Blaue Clips' (kam-PAN-yew-lah)(kar-PAT-ih-ka) | CAMPBC5 |
Common Name: Bellflower |
Description: Great variety covered with sky-blue bells June-October. Choice rock garden plant! |
Zone: 3 |
CAMPANULA carpatica 'Blaue Clips' ['Blue Clips'] (kam-PAN-yew-lah) (kar-PAT-ih-ka) | CAMPBC3 |
Common Name: Bellflower |
Description: Great variety covered with sky-blue bells June-October. Choice rock garden plant! |
Zone: 3 |
CAMPANULA carpatica 'Weisse Clips' (kam-PAT-yew-lah)(kar-PAT-ih-ha) | CAMPWC5 |
Common Name: Bellflower |
Description: Pure white flower; neat compact foliage. |
Zone: 3 |
CAMPANULA carpatica 'Weisse Clips' ['White Clips'] (kam-PAN-yew-lah) (kar-PAT-ih-ka) | CAMPWC3 |
Common Name: Bellflower |
Description: Pure white flowers; neat, compact foliage. |
Zone: 3 |
CAMPANULA glomerata 'Joan Elliott' (kam-PAN-yew-lah) (glahm-er-AH-tah) | CAMPJE5 |
Common Name: Bellflower |
Description: Violet-blue selection. Good border plant for cutting. |
Zone: 3 |
CAMPANULA glomerata 'Superba' (kam-PAN-yew-lah) (glahm-er-AH-tah) | CAMPGS3 |
Common Name: Bellflower |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Large clusters of rich violet bells; erect plants. Belongs in every perennial border. |
Zone: 3 |
CAMPANULA glomerata'Superba' (kam-PAT-yew-lah)(glahm-er-AH-tuh) | CAMPGS5 |
Common Name: Bellflower |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Large clusters of rich violet bells; erect plants. Belongs in every perennial border. |
Zone: 3 |
CAMPANULA 'Kent Belle' (kam-PAN-yew-lah) | CAMPKB5 |
Common Name: Bellflower |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Glossy purple, bell-shaped, 2" flowers on vigorous, upright plant. Abundant flowers; reblooms. A knockout in our border garden! |
Zone: 5 |
CAMPANULA portenschlagiana (kam-PAN-yew-lah) (por-ten-schlag-ee-AH-na) | CAMPPR3 |
Common Name: Bellflower |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Many, upright, open, light bluish-mauve flowers; large foliage mat doing well in our office retaining wall. |
Zone: 4 |
CAMPANULA rotundifolia (kam-PAN-yew-lah) (ro-tun-di-FO-lee-a) | CAMPRO3 |
Common Name: Scotch Bluebell |
Description: Clusters of bright blue bells on vigorous plants. Native in many parts of the world. |
Zone: 3 |
CAMPSIS radicans (KAMP-sis)(RAH-di-kanz) | CAMPRA1 |
Common Name: Trumpet Creeper |
Description: Fast growing vine with orange, trumpet flowers. Attractive to hummingbirds. Great for fences and screens. |
Zone: 5 |
CAMPSIS radicans (KAMP-sis) (RAH-di-kanz) | CAMPRA5 |
Common Name: Trumpet Creeper |
Description: Fast growing vine with orange, trumpet flowers. Attractive to hummingbirds. Great for fences and screens. |
Zone: 5 |
CAMPSIS radicans 'Red Sunset' (KAMP-sis) (RAH-di-kanz) | CAMPRS5 |
Common Name: Trumpet Creeper |
Description: Huge numbers of outstanding, bright red flower trumpets into fall on rich green foliage. |
Zone: 5 |
CERATOSTIGMA plumbaginoides (sir-at-oh-STIG-mah) (plum-bah-gi-NOY-deez) | CERAPL3 |
Common Name: Plumbago, Leadwort |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Intense blue flowers; glossy green foliage. Low ground cover; late to break dormancy. |
Zone: 5 |
CERATOSTIGMA plumbaginoides (ser-at-oh-STIG-mah)(plum-bah-gi-NOY-deez) | CERAPL5 |
Common Name: Plumbago, Leadwort |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Intense blue flowers; gloss green foliage. Low ground cover, late to break dormancy. |
Zone: 5 |
CHELONE glabra (kee-LO-nay) (GLA-bra) | CHELGL5 |
Common Name: Turtlehead, Snakehead |
Description: Creamy-white flowers with pink tinge in late summer resembles a turtle's head. Good plant for moist or wet areas. Ovate, shiny, rich, dark green leaves. Pinch to reduce height. |
Zone: 3 |
CHELONE glabra 'Black Ace' (kee-LO-nay) | CHELBA5 |
Common Name: Turtlehead, Snakehead |
Description: Dark green foliage that starts out with a bronzy to black cast topped by creamy-white flowers in late summer. Likes a moist area. Height 3-4', up to 6' under optimal conditions. |
Zone: 5 |
CHELONE lyonii 'Hot Lips' (kee-LO-nay) (ly-ON-ee-eye) | CHELHL5 |
Common Name: Turtlehead, Snakehead |
Description: 2012 Great PlantsTM Perennial of the Year. Deeper colored, hot pink flowers on this recent selection of the wetland native. Glossy, dark green leaves tinted bronze in spring and its red stems add interest. |
Zone: 3 |
CHLOROPHYTUM comosum 'Milky Way' (klo-RO-fi-tum) (ko-MO-sum) | CHLOMW3 |
Common Name: Variegated Airplane Plant, Spider Plant |
Description: Beautiful, arching, grass-like leaves with white media. Attractive in hanging baskets, mixed planters, and garden edging. Produces flowers and plantlets on long, arching runners (airplanes). |
Zone: 9 |
CLEMATIS 'Comtesse de Bouchaud'
Common Name: |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Bright pink flowers with deeper bars early to late summer. Very free flowering. Vigorous but not tall. PG3 |
Zone: 4 |
CLEMATIS 'Daniel Deronda'
Common Name: |
Description: Bluish-purple semi-double flowers, cream stamens. Attractive bronzed leaves, mid-late season. Best in full to part shade and with wind protection. PG2 |
Zone: 4 |
CLEMATIS 'Guernsey Cream' (klem-AT-iss) | CLEMGC4 |
Common Name: |
Description: Well-formed, full, creamy-yellow, 5" flowers May-June, reblooming in September. Very early and free-flowering, compact plants. Avoid full sun site. PG2. |
Zone: 4 |
CLEMATIS 'Guernsey Cream'
Common Name: CLEMATIS |
Description: Well-formed, full, creamy-yellow 5" flowers May-June, reblooming in September. Very early and free-flowering, compact plants. Avoid full sun site. PG2 |
Zone: 4 |
Common Name: |
Description: Bright mid-blue up to 8" flowers with 8, wide, over-lapping sepals with wavy edges. Creamy stamens in May-June, reblooming in September. Bushy plants; fine in sun and part shade. PG2 |
Zone: 4 |
CLEMATIS hexapetala 'Mongolian Snowflakes'
Common Name: |
Description: 2009 GreatPlants™ Release. Masses of 1.5" fragrant, white flowers followed by feathery, bright silver seed heads covering this shrubby Clematis in late spring. Both flower stems and seed heads make excellent cuts with a long vase life. Drought tolerant. It forms a sprawling, 3' high mound of dark green foliage. Selected for its extra large flowers. PG3 |
Zone: 5 |
CLEMATIS 'Jackmanii'
Common Name: |
Description: A very popular old variety with rough-textured, deep bluish-purple flowers in great profusion from early to late summer.
PG3 |
Zone: 4 |
CLEMATIS 'John Paul II' (klem-AT-iss) | CLEMJP4 |
Common Name: |
Description: Large, pink tinged, whitish flowers, red stamens in mid-late summer. Robust vine. Named for Pope John Paul II. PG3. |
Zone: 4 |