SENECIO macroglossus 'Variegatus' (se-NEE-see-o) (mak-ro-GLOSS-us) | SENEMV3 |
Common Name: Variegated Jade Vine |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Tiny, creeping, mat-forming, intricate, delicate, yet easy ground cover for troughs, planters, and topiaries. |
Zone: 9 |
SILENE regia (si-LEEN) (REE-jee-a) | SILERE3 |
Common Name: Showy Catchfly, Royal Catchfly |
Description: Sensational, late summer display of large, brilliant red-scarlet flowers. |
Zone: 4 |
SILENE uniflora 'Druett's Variegated' (si-LEEN) (yoo-nee-FLOOR-uh) | SILEDV3 |
Common Name: Campion, Catchfly |
Description: Pure white blossoms from summer to fall. Cream-edged, mat-forming foliage is great for containers. |
Zone: 3 |
SOLEIROLIA soleirolii (so-lay-ROL-ee-a) (so-lay-ROL-ee-eye) | SOLESO3 |
Common Name: Baby's or Angel's Tears, Mind Your Own Business |
Description: Tiny, creeping, mat-forming, intricate, delicate, yet easy ground cover for troughs, planters, and topiaries. |
Zone: 9 |
SPHAERALCEA coccinea (sfeer-AL-see-uh)(kok-SIN-ee-uh) | SPHACO3 |
Common Name: Prairie Mallow, Scarlet Globemallow |
Description: Low growing, native ground cover for naturalizing. Coral red flowers. Brought back for 2021. |
Zone: 5 |
STACHYS monieri 'Hummelo' (STAK-iss) | STACHU5 |
Common Name: Betony, Woundwort |
Description: 2019 PPA Plant of the Year! Hummelo has glossy, dark green leaves with bright rose-purple flowers. The flowers resemble Salvia that blooms mid-summer. |
Zone: 4 |
THYMUS doerfleri 'Bressingham Pink' (TY-mus) (DURF-la-ree) | HBTHDB3 |
Common Name: Thyme |
Description: ['Bressingham'] Gray foliage carpet; clear pink flowers.
We will not ship during the summer months; only at your risk! The taxonomy of some have changed; right now we are going to leave as is. You can find the new name in [ ]. |
Zone: 5 |
THYMUS 'Elfin' (TY-mus) | HBTHEL3 |
Common Name: Thyme |
Description: [serpyllum 'Elfin'] Miniature thyme with glossy, rounded leaves and hummock-forming habit. Clusters of magenta-pink flowers in summer. Perfect for miniature or rock garden.
We will not ship during the summer months; only at your risk! The taxonomy of some have changed; right now we are going to leave as is. You can find the new name in [ ]. |
Zone: 5 |
THYMUS herba-barona (TY-mus) (HER-ba - ba-RON-a) | HBTHHB3 |
Common Name: Caraway Thyme |
Description: Tiny, creeping plant; rose-purple flowers. Used for flavoring meat.
We will not ship during the summer months; only at your risk! The taxonomy of some have changed; right now we are going to leave as is. You can find the new name in [ ]. |
Zone: 5 |
THYMUS praecox 'Albiflorus' (TY-mus) (PRAY-koks) | HBTHAL3 |
Common Name: Thyme |
Description: Creeping thyme with white flowers; good ground cover.
We will not ship during the summer months; only at your risk! The taxonomy of some have changed; right now we are going to leave as is. You can find the new name in [ ]. |
Zone: 5 |
THYMUS praecox 'Coccineus' (TY-mus) (PRAY-koks) | HBTHCO3 |
Common Name: Red Creeping Thyme |
Description: [Coccineus Group] Crimson flowered creeper that blooms spring and summer.
We will not ship during the summer months; only at your risk! The taxonomy of some have changed; right now we are going to leave as is. You can find the new name in [ ]. |
Zone: 5 |
THYMUS praecox 'Pink Chintz' (TY-mus) (PRAY-koks) | HBTHPC3 |
Common Name: Thyme |
Description: [serpyllum 'Pink Chintz'] RHS Award of Garden Merit. Low, dark green foliage; pink flowers.
We will not ship during the summer months; only at your risk! The taxonomy of some have changed; right now we are going to leave as is. You can find the new name in [ ]. |
Zone: 5 |
THYMUS praecox 'Pseudolanuginosus' (TY-mus) (PRAY-koks) | THYMPS3 |
Common Name: Wooly Thyme |
Description: [pseudolanuginosus] Cushion of wooly-gray foliage; purple flowers. Good ground cover for dry location. Excellent drainage is essential for survival.
We will not ship during the summer months; only at your risk!
The taxonomy of some have changed; right now we are going to leave as is. You can find the new name in [ ]. |
Zone: 5 |
THYMUS serpyllum (TY-mus) (sir-FIL-um) | THYMSE3 |
Common Name: Mother of Thyme |
Description: Creeping, sweetly scented foliage; pink flowers. Excellent ground cover; major landscape plant.
We will not ship during the summer months; only at your risk!
Zone: 4 |
THYMUS serpyllum 'Magic Carpet' (TY-mus) (sir-FIL-um) | THYMMC3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Slightly wooly growth forms a compact, low carpet of green with the sweet scent of lemon. Bell-shaped blossoms form a sea of carmine pink from May-July. For rock garden, wall plantings, ground cover, and between stepping stones.
We will not ship during the summer months; only at your risk!
The taxonomy of some have changed; right now we are going to leave as is. You can find the new name in [ ]. |
Zone: 4 |
THYMUS 'Spicy Orange' (TY-mus) | HBTHSO3 |
Common Name: Thyme |
Description: Needle-shaped, evergreen leaves with strong spicy-orange fragrance. Masses of small, pale pink flowers in early summer. Will tolerate moderate foot traffic.
We will not ship during the summer months; only at your risk! The taxonomy of some have changed; right now we are going to leave as is. You can find the new name in [ ]. |
Zone: 4 |
TIARELLA cordifolia (tee-ar-EL-ah) (kor-di-FO-lee-a) | TIARCO5 |
Common Name: Foamflower |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Native, mounding ground cover with foamy white flower stalks in early spring. |
Zone: 3 |
TIARELLA cordifolia (tee-ar-EL-ah)(kor-di-FO-lee-a) | TIARCO3 |
Common Name: Foamflower |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Native, mounding ground cover with foamy white flower stalks in early spring. |
Zone: 3 |
TIARELLA wherryi (tee-ar-EL-ah) (WE-ree-eye) | TIARWH3 |
Common Name: False Miterwort |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Creamy-pink tinged, feathery spikes in summer; heart-shaped leaves. |
Zone: 3 |
TRIFOLIUM repens 'Pentaphyllum' (try-FO-lee-um) (RE-penz) | TRIFPE3 |
Common Name: Clover |
Description: Many, "4-leaf" clovers on this low growing, purple-leafed variety. |
Zone: 4 |
Verbena bonariensis (ver-BEE-na) | VERBBN3 |
Common Name: Vervain |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Free-flowering novelty with vibrant lavender, 2" flower heads on strong stems. Excellent cut. |
Zone: 7 |
VERBENA canadensis (ver-BEE-na) (kan-a-DEN-sis) | VERBCA3 |
Common Name: Rose Vervain |
Description: Bright lavender flowers all summer on this native ground cover. |
Zone: 5 |
VERBENA canadensis 'Homestead Purple' (ver-BEE-na) (kan-a-DEN-sis) | VERBHO3 |
Common Name: Vervain |
Description: Deep violet-purple flower clusters on vigorous, dark green foliage. |
Zone: 6 |
VERONICA liwanensis (ver-ON-ih-ka) | VEROLI3 |
Common Name: Speedwell |
Description: 1997 Plant Select®. Cobalt blue flowers cover mat-forming foliage April-June. |
Zone: 4 |
VERONICA 'Reavis' (CRYSTAL RIVER®) (ver-ON-ih-ka) | VEROCR3 |
Common Name: Speedwell |
Description: 2003 Plant Select®. Ground cover hybrid with the vigor and heat tolerance of Blue Wooly Speedwell (Veronica pectinata) and the true blue flowers of Turkish Speedwell (Veronica liwanensis). Blooms in mid spring rapidly covering all the bare spots in the garden. |
Zone: 4 |
VERONICA 'Tidal Pool' PP# 23,341 (ver-ON-ih-ka) | VEROTP3 |
Common Name: Speedwell |
Description: This cross between Veronica armena and pectinata 'Rosea' seems to have inherited the best traits from both parents. Oak-like leaves that are medium green with a silvery-blue cast create a more dense and faster spreading foliage mat than either parent. Medium to deep blue-violet flowers late April into mid-May. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 4 |
VERONICA 'Tidal Pool' PP#23341 (ver-ON-ih-ka) | VEROTP5 |
Common Name: Speedwell |
Description: This cross between Veronica armena and pectinata 'Rosea' seems to have inherited the best traits from both parents. Oak-like leaves, medium green with a silvery-blue cast create a more dense foliage mat. Medium to deep blue-violet flowers late April to mid May. |
Zone: 4 |
VERONICA x 'P018S' Snowmass® (ver-ON-ih-ka) | VEROSN3 |
Common Name: Speedwell, Blue-eyed Veronica |
Description: 2017 Plant Select®. Small, glossy, rounded leaves form a dense mat, covered by a stunning display of small, four-petaled, white flowers with a blue eye. A perfect compliment to spring bulbs. It fills in quickly and vigorously, spreading across the garden by stems which root themselves in the soil. Beautiful as a ground cover among flagstones and patio pavers; along a walkway, or as a border along a sunny or partly shaded garden. |
Zone: 4 |
VINCA major 'Variegata' (VING-ka) (MAY-jor) | VINCVA3 |
Common Name: Periwinkle |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Popular vine for baskets and planters. |
Zone: 6 |
VINCA major 'WoJo's Jem' PP# 11,809 (VING-ka) (MAY-jor) | VINCWJ3 |
Common Name: Periwinkle |
Description: Spectacular, newer variety with vivid, creamy to bright yellow leaf centers, dark green leaf edges. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 6 |