SEMPERVIVUM 'Twilight Blues' (sem-per-VIV-um) | SEMPTB3 |
Common Name: Hen and Chicks |
Description: Large, olive-green shaded lavender, purple tips. |
Zone: 4 |
SENECIO jacobsenii (se-NEE-see-o) (jay-kob-SEN-ee-eye) | SENEJA3 |
Common Name: Trailing Jade |
Description: Glossy green, rounded, overlapping leaves on trailing stems with orange-yellow flowers. Beautiful component in hanging baskets. |
Zone: 10 |
SENECIO macroglossus 'Variegatus' (se-NEE-see-o) (mak-ro-GLOSS-us) | SENEMV3 |
Common Name: Variegated Jade Vine |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Tiny, creeping, mat-forming, intricate, delicate, yet easy ground cover for troughs, planters, and topiaries. |
Zone: 9 |
SENECIO 'Mini Blue' (se-NEE-see-oh) | SENEMB3 |
Common Name: Miniature Blue Chalk Fingers |
Description: Dwarf form of South Africa's Senecio repens. Powder blue, cylindrical, tapered leaves; white pom pom flower heads. |
Zone: 10 |
SENECIO radicans glauca (se-NEE-see-o)(RAH-di-kanz) | SENEGL3 |
Common Name: String of Bananas |
Description: Quickly forms plush, trailing, banana-shaped leaves. White, pom-pom, fragrant flowers. Plant in bright light; water when dry. |
Zone: 9 |
SENECIO rowleyanus (se-NEE-see-oh) (ro-lee-AY-nus) | SENERO3 |
Common Name: String of Pearls |
Description: Strands of pearl-shaped, green beads hang from this trailing, succulent plant. |
Zone: 10 |
SENECIO vitalis 'Blue Chalk Fingers' (se-NEE-see-o) (vit-AH-lis) | SENEBC4 |
Common Name: |
Description: Slender, blue-green, fleshy leaves on upright stems provide interesting texture in trough gardens. |
Zone: 10 |
SESELI gummiferum (SE-sel-ee) (gu-MIF-er-um) | SESEGU3 |
Common Name: |
Description: The foliage on this biennial is an attractive, lacy, silver-blue that remains in the rosette form the first year. The second year produces a thick stalk with many, pale pink flowers on umbels mid-summer to fall. |
Zone: 5 |
SESLERIA autumnalis (sess-LAIR-ee-ah) (ot-um-NAL-iss) | GRSEAU5 |
Common Name: Autumn Moor Grass |
Description: Yellow-green foliage for contrast. Exceptional in mass plantings. |
Zone: 5 |
SILENE regia (si-LEEN) (REE-jee-a) | SILERE3 |
Common Name: Showy Catchfly, Royal Catchfly |
Description: Sensational, late summer display of large, brilliant red-scarlet flowers. |
Zone: 4 |
SILENE uniflora 'Druett's Variegated' (si-LEEN) (yoo-nee-FLOOR-uh) | SILEDV3 |
Common Name: Campion, Catchfly |
Description: Pure white blossoms from summer to fall. Cream-edged, mat-forming foliage is great for containers. |
Zone: 3 |
SILPHIUM laciniatum (SILL-fee-um) (lass-in-ee-AY-tum) | SILPLA3 |
Common Name: Compass Plant |
Description: Slow growing, very long-lived native. Sends up tall flower stalk with up to 100 bright yellow flowers that open over a month long period. Classic prairie plant. |
Zone: 4 |
SILPHIUM perfoliatum (SILL-fee-um) (per-foh-lee-AY-tum) | SILPPE3 |
Common Name: Carpenter Plant, Cup Plant |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Robust native with square stems; opposite leaves joined at base, forming cups. Large, yellow, daisy-like flowers. |
Zone: 4 |
SOLEIROLIA soleirolii (so-lay-ROL-ee-a) (so-lay-ROL-ee-eye) | SOLESO3 |
Common Name: Baby's or Angel's Tears, Mind Your Own Business |
Description: Tiny, creeping, mat-forming, intricate, delicate, yet easy ground cover for troughs, planters, and topiaries. |
Zone: 9 |
SOLIDAGO canadensis 'Golden Baby' (sol-ih-DAY-go) (kan-a-DEN-sis) | SOLIGB3 |
Common Name: Goldenrod |
Description: Compact, upright native; dense, golden-yellow sprays in fall. |
Zone: 4 |
SOLIDAGO 'Crown of Rays' (sol-ih-DAY-go) | SOLICR3 |
Common Name: Goldenrod |
Description: Large, golden-yellow flowers on stiff, columnar plant. An exceptional selection for the border. |
Zone: 4 |
SOLIDAGO rugosa 'Fireworks' (sol-ih-DAY-go)(roo-GO-sah) | SOLIFW5 |
Common Name: Goldenrod |
Description: 2007 GreatPlant™ Perennial of the Year! Lacy, radiating bloom spikes of sparkling golden-yellow from mid-September past mid-October. Greatly extends garden color and excitement. From North Carolina Botanical Garden. |
Zone: 4 |
SOLIDAGO rugosa 'Fireworks' (sol-ih-DAY-go) (roo-GO-sah) | SOLIFW3 |
Common Name: Goldenrod |
Description: 2007 GreatPlantsTM Perennial of the Year. Lacy, radiating bloom spikes of sparkling golden-yellow from mid September past mid October. Greatly extends garden color and excitement. From North Carolina Botanical Garden. |
Zone: 4 |
SOLIDAGO 'Wichita Mountains' (sol-ih-DAY-go) | SOLIWM3 |
Common Name: Goldenrod |
Description: 2005 GreatPlantsTM. Outstanding, long standing, attractive specimen with tall rods of bright gold in late summer. Collected in the Wichitas in Southwestern Oklahoma by Steve Bieberich of Sunshine Nursery. |
Zone: 4 |
SOLIDAGO 'Wichita Mountains' (sol-ih-DAY-go) | SOLIWM5 |
Common Name: Goldenrod |
Description: 2005 GreatPlants™. Outstanding, long standing, attractive specimen with tall rods of bright gold in late summer. |
Zone: 4 |
SOLIDASTER luteus (sol-ih-DAS-ter) (lew-TEE-us) | SOLILU3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Dense heads of yellow daisies from July-September. Excellent cut. A cross between goldenrod and a white aster. |
Zone: 3 |
SOLIDASTER luteus (sol-ih-DAS-ter)(lew-TEE-us) | SOLILU5 |
Common Name: |
Description: Dense heads of yellow daisies from July-September that make excellent cuts. A cross between goldenrod and a white aster. |
Zone: 3 |
SORGHASTRUM nutans (sor-GAS-trum) (NEW-tanz) | GRSONU3 |
Common Name: Indian Grass |
Description: 2004 GreatPlantsTM Grass of the Year! Stalwart, wide leaf, warm season native with golden, plume-like seed heads. |
Zone: 3 |
SORGHASTRUM nutans (sor-GAS-trum) (NEW-tanz) | GRSONU5 |
Common Name: Indian Grass |
Description: 2004 GreatPlantsTM Grass of the Year! Stalwart, wide leaf, warm season native with golden, plume-like seed heads. |
Zone: 3 |
SORGHASTRUM nutans 'Indian Steel' (sor-GAS-trum) (NEW-tanz) | GRSOIS5 |
Common Name: |
Description: Strong, upright grower with blue-green foliage. |
Zone: 4 |
SPHAERALCEA coccinea (sfeer-AL-see-uh)(kok-SIN-ee-uh) | SPHACO3 |
Common Name: Prairie Mallow, Scarlet Globemallow |
Description: Low growing, native ground cover for naturalizing. Coral red flowers. Brought back for 2021. |
Zone: 5 |
SPOROBOLUS heterolepis (spor-OB-oh-lus) (het-er-oh-LEP-iss) | GRSPHE3 |
Common Name: Prairie Dropseed |
Description: 2003 GreatPlants™ Grass of the Year! Narrow-leaved, fragrant, native grass. Incredibly attractive in bloom and seed. |
Zone: 3 |
SPOROBOLUS wrightii (spor-OB-oh-lus) (RITE-ee-eye) | GRSPWR5 |
Common Name: Giant Sacaton |
Description: 2006 Plant Select®. Stunning, feathery, branched seed heads; graceful, arching foliage. Great 'see through' plant, vigorous grower; drought resistant after establishment. |
Zone: 4 |
STACHYS byzantina 'Helene von Stein' (STAK-iss) (by-zan-TEEN-a) | STACHE5 |
Common Name: Betony, Woundwort |
Description: Strong, vigorous, excellent stachys. Large, wooly, serrated, silver leaves create contrast. This plant has a good record for holding up in hot, humid weather. |
Zone: 5 |
STACHYS byzantina 'Silver Carpet' (STAK-iss) (by-zan-TEEN-a) | STACSC3 |
Common Name: Betony, Woundwort |
Description: Silvery-gray foliage mats; seldom flowers, so requires less maintenance. |
Zone: 4 |