PHLOX paniculata 'Laura' (floks) (pan-ik-yew-LAY-ta) | PHLPLA3 |
Common Name: Tall Garden Phlox |
Description: Extremely showy, 5-6" clusters of fragrant, deep purple flowers with white, star centers. Blooms from mid to late summer. Very easy to grow; mildew resistant variety.
Warm season grower; may be dormant in early spring. |
Zone: 4 |
PHLOX paniculata 'Norah Leigh' (floks) (pan-ik-yew-LAY-ta) | PHLPNL5 |
Common Name: Tall Garden Phlox |
Description: Creamy-white leaves with a center line of green. Attractive, variegated foliage; lavender blossoms. Striking accent plant.
Warm season grower; may be dormant in early spring. |
Zone: 3 |
PHLOX paniculata 'Starfire' (floks) (pan-ik-yew-LAY-ta) | PHLPST3 |
Common Name: Tall Garden Phlox |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Brightest red.
Warm season grower, may be dormant in early spring. |
Zone: 3 |
PHLOX paniculata Super Ka-Pow Coral PP#33,863 (floks) | PHLPKC3 |
Common Name: |
Description: This phlox has large coral flowers in mid-summer, is mildew resistant and excellent for cutting. Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. Photo courtesy of Ball Seed.
Zone: 4 |
PHLOX paniculata Super Ka-Pow White PP#33,187 (floks) | PHLPKW3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Nice branching and large white flowers in mid-summer. Nice cutting flower. Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. Photo courtesy of Ball Seed. |
Zone: 4 |
PHLOX subulata 'Blue' (floks) (sub-yew-LAY-tah) | PHLOSB3 |
Common Name: Creeping Phlox |
Description: Masses of blue flowers in spring.
Evergreen mats of moss-like foliage, a fine ground cover that is a mass of color in spring. |
Zone: 3 |
PHLOX subulata 'Blue' (floks)(sub-yew-LAY-tah) | PHLOSB5 |
Common Name: |
Description: Masses of blue flowers in spring. |
Zone: 3 |
PHLOX subulata 'Candy Stripe' (floks) (sub-yew-LAY-tah) | PHLOCS3 |
Common Name: Creeping Phlox |
Description: Very colorful, white and pink, two-toned flowers.
Evergreen mats of moss-like foliage, a fine ground cover that is a mass of color in spring. |
Zone: 3 |
PHLOX subulata 'Candy Stripe' (floks)(sub-yew-LAY-ta) | PHLOCS5 |
Common Name: |
Description: Very colorful, white and pink two-toned flowers. Good for rock gardens. |
Zone: 3 |
PHLOX subulata 'Nettleton's Variety' (floks) | PHLONV3 |
Common Name: Phlox |
Description: A variegated, evergreen groundcover massed with pink, starlike flowers in spring. Foliage turns a gorgeous pink in the fall. |
Zone: 3 |
PHLOX subulata 'Pink' (floks)(sub-yew-LAY-ta) | PHLOSP5 |
Common Name: |
Description: Covered with pink flowers in spring. |
Zone: 3 |
PHLOX subulata 'Pink' (floks) (sub-yew-LAY-tah) | PHLOSP3 |
Common Name: Creeping Phlox |
Description: Covered with pink flowers in spring.
Evergreen mats of moss-like foliage, a fine ground cover that is a mass of color in spring. |
Zone: 3 |
PHLOX subulata 'Red' (floks) (sub-yew-LAY-tah) | PHLOSR3 |
Common Name: Creeping Phlox |
Description: Showy color.
Evergreen mats of moss-like foliage, a fine ground cover that is a mass of color in spring. |
Zone: 3 |
PHLOX subulata 'White' (floks) (sub-yew-LAY-tah) | PHLOSW3 |
Common Name: Creeping Phlox |
Description: Clean white color.
Evergreen mats of moss-like foliage, a fine ground cover that is a mass of color in spring. |
Zone: 3 |
PHYSOSTEGIA virginiana 'Variegata' (fy-so-STEE-jhah) (ver-jin-ee-AY-na) | PHYSVR5 |
Common Name: False Dragonhead, Obedient Plant |
Description: Striking white variegated foliage topped with bright pink flowers. An old favorite! |
Zone: 4 |
PHYSOSTEGIA virginiana 'Vivid' (fy-so-STEE-jhah) (ver-jin-ee-AY-na) | PHYSVV3 |
Common Name: False Dragonhead, Obedient Plant |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Bright pink selection propagated by cuttings. |
Zone: 3 |
PLATYCODEN grandiflorus 'Fuji White' (plat-ee-KO-don) | PLATFW3 |
Common Name: Balloon Flower |
Description: Pure white, bell-shaped flowers on dark green foliage. Very showy in a mixed border. |
Zone: 3 |
PLATYCODON grandiflorus apoyama albus 'Fairy Snow' (plat-ee-KO-don) | PLATFS5 |
Common Name: Balloon Flower |
Description: A delightful plant with delicate, blue veined, white flowers. |
Zone: 4 |
PLATYCODON grandiflorus apoyama albus 'Fairy Snow' (plat-ee-KO-don) (gran-di-FLOOR-us) | PLATFS3 |
Common Name: Balloon Flower |
Description: A delightful plant with delicate, blue veined, white flowers. |
Zone: 4 |
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Hakone Double Blue' (plat-ee-KO-don) | PLATHD5 |
Common Name: Balloon Flower |
Description: Rich, violet-blue, double bells. Selection from Japan. |
Zone: 4 |
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Hakone Double Blue' (plat-ee-KO-don) (gran-di-FLOOR-us) | PLATHD3 |
Common Name: Balloon Flower |
Description: Rich, violet-blue, double bells. Selection from Japan. |
Zone: 4 |
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Mariesii' (plat-ee-KO-don) (gran-di-FLOOR-us) | PLATMA3 |
Common Name: Balloon Flower |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Large, rich blue bells. |
Zone: 4 |
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Sentimental Blue' (plat-ee-KO-don) | PLATSB5 |
Common Name: Balloon Flower |
Description: F1 Hybrid dwarf bred for use as a pot plant. Blooms first year with many intense blue flowers. |
Zone: 4 |
PLATYCODON grandiflorus 'Sentimental Blue' (plat-ee-KO-don) (gran-di-FLOOR-us) | PLATSB3 |
Common Name: Balloon Flower |
Description: F1 Hybrid dwarf bred for use as a pot plant; blooms first year. Many, intense blue flowers. |
Zone: 4 |
PLECTRANTHUS amboinicus (plek-TRAN-thus) (am-boi-IN-i-kus) | HBPLAB3 |
Common Name: Cuban Oregano, Puerto Rican Oregano |
Description: Crinkly, highly scented, green foliage with trailing habit. May be a form of Plectranthus madagascarensis. |
Zone: 10 |
PLECTRANTHUS argentatus (plek-TRAN-thus) (ar-jen-TAY-tus) | PLECAR3 |
Common Name: Silver Dollar Plant |
Description: 1999 Plant Select®. RHS Award of Garden Merit. Attractive, silvery coleus relative. Use as an annual for texture and contrast. |
Zone: 8 |
PLECTRANTHUS madagascariensis 'Variegatus' (plek-TRAN-thus) (mad-a-gas-KAR-ee-en-sis) | PLECMV3 |
Common Name: Variegated Mintleaf |
Description: Attractive, fragrant, trailing foliage for baskets or as container skirt plant. |
Zone: 10 |
PODOPHYLLUM peltatum (poe-doe-FIL-lum) (pel-TAY-tum) | PODOPE5 |
Common Name: Mayapple |
Description: One, great lobed leaf; creamy, nodding flowers; yellow fruit, occassionly red. Native; goes dormant early. Spring only. |
Zone: 4 |
POGOSTEMON patchouli (po-go-STEE-mon) (pah-CHOO-lee) | HBPOPA3 |
Common Name: Cablin |
Description: Tender perennial used as perfume or for potpourri. |
Zone: 10 |
POLEMONIUM caeruleum 'Blue Pearl' (pole-MONE-ee-um) (sir-EW-lee-um) | POLEBP3 |
Common Name: Jacob's Ladder, Greek Valerian |
Description: Bright blue flowers. Kieft Seed variety from Holland. |
Zone: 3 |