AGASTACHE c. 'Sinning' PP# 13673 (SONORAN SUNSET®) (ag-ah-STAK-ee) (CAN-a) | AGASSS3 |
Common Name: Hyssop |
Description: 2002 Plant Select®. Much showier lavender-rose flowers than the species. Compact, large-flowered selection that blooms late summer to fall. Propagation prohibited.
(Agastaches are difficult to ship safely, especially in warm weather- even by truck! Their desert heritage makes them resent humidity and restricted air flow. We reserve the right to refuse to ship them if we know they won't arrive alive!) |
Zone: 5 |
AGASTACHE cana (ag-ah-STAK-ee) (CAN-a) | AGASCA3 |
Common Name: Hummingbird, Double Bubble Mint |
Description: Dark pink, fragrant flowers on spikes in August-September.
(Agastaches are difficult to ship safely, especially in warm weather- even by truck! Their desert heritage makes them resent humidity and restricted air flow. We reserve the right to refuse to ship them if we know they won't arrive alive!) |
Zone: 5 |
AGASTACHE 'Firebird' (ag-ah-STAK-ee) | AGASFI3 |
Common Name: Hyssop |
Description: Pleasing coppery-orange flowers turning pink; wonderfully scented foliage. Probably the best variety.
(Agastaches are difficult to ship safely, especially in warm weather- even by truck! Their desert heritage makes them resent humidity and restricted air flow. We reserve the right to refuse to ship them if we know they won't arrive alive!) |
Zone: 5 |
AGASTACHE foeniculum (ag-ah-STAK-ee) (foe-NICK-yew-lum) | AGASFO3 |
Common Name: Anise Hyssop, Anise Mint |
Description: Outstanding ornamental, leaves are used for seasoning and tea. Spikes of lavender flowers.
(Agastaches are difficult to ship safely, especially in warm weather- even by truck! Their desert heritage makes them resent humidity and restricted air flow. We reserve the right to refuse to ship them if we know they won't arrive alive!) |
Zone: 4 |
AGASTACHE foeniculum 'Golden Jubilee' (ag-ah-STAK-ee) | AGASGJ5 |
Common Name: Hyssop |
Description: Dense spikes of lavender-blue florets above branching plants in mid-late summer. Striking golden foliage with attractive, serrated leaves and alluring mint fragrance. Commemorates the 50 year reign of HM Queen Elizabeth II. |
Zone: 4 |
AGASTACHE foeniculum 'Golden Jubilee' (ag-ah-STAK-ee) (foe-NICK-yew-lum) | AGASGJ3 |
Common Name: Hyssop |
Description: Dense spikes of lavender-blue florets above branching plants in mid-late summer. Striking golden foliage with attractive, serrated leaves and alluring mint fragrance. Commemorates the 50 year reign of HM Queen Elizabeth II.
(Agastaches are difficult to ship safely, especially in warm weather- even by truck! Their desert heritage makes them resent humidity and restricted air flow. We reserve the right to refuse to ship them if we know they won't arrive alive!) |
Zone: 4 |
AGASTACHE rupestris (ag-ah-STAK-ee) (roo-PES-tris) | AGASRS3 |
Common Name: Hyssop |
Description: Sunset orange and lavender flowers summer through fall on gray-green, scented foliage. Thrives in well-drained, poor soil with plenty of heat. Risky to ship!
(Agastaches are difficult to ship safely, especially in warm weather- even by truck! Their desert heritage makes them resent humidity and restricted air flow. We reserve the right to refuse to ship them if we know they won't arrive alive!) |
Zone: 5 |
AJANIA pacifica 'Gold and Silver' (ah-JAY-nee-ah) (pah-SIF-ih-kah) | AJANGS3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Superb, white-edged foliage with small, yellow flowers in late fall. Exceptional plant from Japan. |
Zone: 6 |
AJUGA reptans Black Scallop PP# 15,815 (a-JEW-ga) (REP-tanz) | AJUGBS3 |
Common Name: Bugleweed |
Description: Large, glossy, dark purple-black, scalloped leaves with spikes of deep blue flowers from early spring-early summer. A striking new contrast plant for the garden or containers. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 4 |
AJUGA reptans 'Bronze Beauty' (a-JEW-ga) (REP-tanz) | AJUGBB3 |
Common Name: Bugleweed |
Description: Attractive, vigorous, bronze foliage ground cover with deep blue flower spikes May-June. |
Zone: 3 |
AJUGA reptans 'Burgundy Glow' (a-JEW-ga) (REP-tanz) | AJUGBG3 |
Common Name: Bugleweed |
Description: Fancy, silver-green and white foliage flushed with burgundy. Spikes of blue flowers May-June. |
Zone: 3 |
AJUGA reptans 'Catlin's Giant' (a-JEW-ga) (REP-tanz) | AJUGCG5 |
Common Name: Bugleweed |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Very large, purple-leaved Ajuga growing in mounded rosettes. Fast growing. |
Zone: 3 |
AJUGA tenorii Chocolate Chip (a-JEW-ga)(t-NOR-ee-eye) | AJUGCC5 |
Common Name: Bugleweed |
Description: A petite ground cover with rich chocolate colored, small, narrow leaves and blue flowers in spring. |
Zone: 3 |
AJUGA tenorii Chocolate Chip (a-JEW-ga) (t-NOR-ee-eye) | AJUGCC3 |
Common Name: Bugleweed |
Description: A petite ground cover with rich chocolate colored, small, narrow leaves and blue flowers in spring. |
Zone: 3 |
AKEBIA quinata (a-KEE-bee-a) (kwi-NAH-ta) | AKEBQU5 |
Common Name: Chocolate Vine |
Description: Spectacular vine with dark maroon, vanilla-scented flowers to 3/4" across, May-June; sweet, edible fruit. |
Zone: 4 |
ALCEA rosea 'Chater's Double Scarlet' (al-SEE-a) (ROSE-ee-ah) | ALCEDS3 |
Common Name: Hollyhock |
Description: Fully double, bright, clear colors. Biennial. |
Zone: 3 |
ALCEA rosea Single Mix (al-SEE-a) (ROSE-ee-ah) | ALCESM3 |
Common Name: Hollyhock |
Description: In response to customer demand we are listing the old-fashioned singles. Great for hollyhock dolls and hiding grandma's outhouse. |
Zone: 3 |
ALCEA rosea Single Mix (al-SEE-a) | ALCESM5 |
Common Name: Hollyhock |
Description: In response to customer demand, we are listing the old-fashioned singles. Great for hollyhock dolls and hiding grandma's outhouse, |
Zone: 3 |
ALCEA rosea 'Watchman' (al-SEE-a) (ROSE-ee-ah) | ALCEWA3 |
Common Name: Hollyhock |
Description: Single, maroon-black hollyhock. |
Zone: 3 |
ALCEA rugosa (al-SEE-a) (roo-GO-sah) | ALCERU3 |
Common Name: Hollyhock |
Description: Single, radiant yellow perennial blooms May-September. |
Zone: 3 |
ALCHEMILLA alpina (al-kem-ILL-a) (al-PINE-a) | ALCHAL3 |
Common Name: Mountain Lady's Mantle |
Description: A spectacular, compact plant with silvery foliage; yellow flowers. |
Zone: 3 |
ALCHEMILLA mollis (al-kem-ILL-a) | ALCHMO5 |
Common Name: Lady's Mantle |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Gray-green, mat-forming foliage; tiny, yellow-green, starry flowers in late spring that can be dried. |
Zone: 3 |
ALCHEMILLA mollis (al-kem-ILL-a) (MOL-lis) | ALCHMO3 |
Common Name: Lady's Mantle, Thriller |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Gray-green, mat-forming foliage; tiny, yellow-green, starry flowers in late spring that can be dried. From Jelitto seed. |
Zone: 3 |
ALLIUM cernuum (AL-ee-um) (SIR-new-um) | ALLICE3 |
Common Name: Nodding Onion, Wild Onion, Lady's Leek |
Description: Glaucous leaves; nodding, white to pink flowers. Native to most of the U.S. |
Zone: 3 |
ALLIUM 'Geisha' (AL-ee-um) | HBALGE3 |
Common Name: Chives |
Description: 2015 AAS Winner! An absolute must-have for the herb garden or container display. Geisha is a long, slender, elegant, garlic chive with larger, more delicious foliage, topped by beautiful, white blooms. Reluctant to flower, it offers a longer-than-ever season of harvest. All-America judges awarded Geisha top honors in 2015, calling the flavor "more refined" and "truly evocative". |
Zone: 3 |
Common Name: |
Description: 2018 PPA Plant of the Year.Two inch, bright rosy-purple, globe flower clusters on strong stems; dark green, glossy foliage. A must for the summer garden. |
Zone: 4 |
ALLIUM 'Millenium' (AL-ee-um) | ALLIMI5 |
Common Name: |
Description: 2018 PPA Plant of the Year. Two inch, bright rosy-purple, globe flower clusters on strong stems; dark green, glossy foliage. A must for the summer garden. |
Zone: 4 |
ALLIUM schoenoprasum (AL-ee-um) (skoy-no-PRAY-sum) | HBALCH3 |
Common Name: Chives, Grass Onion |
Description: Popular, fresh or dried, for mild onion flavor. |
Zone: 3 |
ALLIUM senescens subsp. glaucum (AL-ee-um) (sen-ESS-senz) | ALLIGL3 |
Common Name: Curly Onion |
Description: 'Cowlick' leaves; rosy flowers mid-late summer. A choice plant, especially for the rock garden. |
Zone: 3 |
ALLIUM senescens subsp. senescens 'Mongolian Gem' (AL-ee-um) (sen-ESS-senz) | ALLIMG3 |
Common Name: |
Description: 2004 GreatPlantsTM. Handsome blue-green, strap-like leaves followed in late summer with 18" stems of decorative, 2" balls of lavender-pink flowers, growing from clusters of narrow, bottle-shaped bulbs which have had widespread use as healthy food and medicine throughout Europe, Siberia, Northern Asia, and the far East. Use in the garden for a festive or carnival-like feeling. Bronzy-yellow fall foliage. |
Zone: 3 |