COREOPSIS verticillata 'Zagreb' (kor-ee-OP-sis) (ver-tiss-ill-LAY-tah) | COREZA3 |
Common Name: Tickseed |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Clear yellow flowers on compact plants. Free-blooming variety. Late to emerge in spring.
Remain dormant until weather is warm, but lighting helps force them. Must not be overwatered. Please indicate if you do not want dormant plants shipped! |
Zone: 3 |
CORTADERIA selloana 'Rosea' (kor-tah-DARE-ee-uh) (sel-oh-AY-nah) | GRCOSR1 |
Common Name: Pampas Grass |
Description: Striking grass with pink plumes. |
Zone: 6 |
CORTADERIA selloana 'Rosea' (kor-tah-DARE-ee-uh) (sel-oh-AY-nah) | GRCOSR3 |
Common Name: Pampas Grass |
Description: Striking grass with pink plumes. |
Zone: 6 |
DAUCUS carota var. carota (DOW-kus) (ka-ROT-a) | DAUCCA3 |
Common Name: Queen Anne's Lace |
Description: Lacy leaves; attractive corymbs and white flowers in summer. Biennial for the wild garden. Tolerates poor soil. Widely used for drying. |
Zone: 3 |
DELPHINIUM 'Black Knight' (del-FIN-ee-um) | DELPBK3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Deep, velvety blue flowers with black bees. |
Zone: 3 |
DELPHINIUM 'Blue Bird' (del-FIN-ee-um) | DELPBB3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Medium blues, white bees. |
Zone: 3 |
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum 'Summer Blues' (del-FIN-ee-um) (gran-di-FLOOR-um) | DELPSB3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Exciting, well-branched dwarf covered with sky blue flowers. Better heat tolerance than other grandiflorums with a long flowering season. Can be grown as an annual. |
Zone: 4 |
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum 'Summer Blues' (del-FIN-ee-um) | DELPSB5 |
Common Name: |
Description: Exciting, well-branched dwarf covered with sky blue flowers. Better heat tolerance than other grandiflorums with a long flowering season. Can be grown as an annual. |
Zone: 4 |
DELPHINIUM grandiflorum 'Summer Nights' (del-FIN-ee-um) (gran-di-FLOOR-um) | DELPSN3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Deep blue flowers on this great 'Summer' Delphinium with same outstanding performance as 'Summer Blues'. |
Zone: 4 |
DELPHINIUM 'Magic Fountains' (del-FIN-ee-um) | DELPMF3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Flower spikes 12-15"; mixed colors. |
Zone: 3 |
DELPHINIUM Millennium Series 'Dwarf Stars' (del-FIN-ee-um) | DELPMD3 |
Common Name: |
Description: This delphinium is heat and drought tolerant and a mixture of many colors that don't need staking. Flowers June-September. Excellent cut flower! |
Zone: 4 |
DIANTHUS 'Cheyenne' (dy-ANN-thus) | DIANCH3 |
Common Name: Carnation |
Description: Large, fragrant, double, pink, hardy carnation developed at the Cheyenne, WY Experiment Station. Exceptional plants with a long bloom period. |
Zone: 4 |
DICENTRA eximia (dy-SEN-trah) (eks-IH-mee-a) | DICEEX5 |
Common Name: Dwarf Bleeding Heart, Fern-leaf Bleeding Heart |
Description: Lovely pink flowers; ferny, green foliage. |
Zone: 3 |
DICENTRA formosa 'King of Hearts' (dy-SEN-trah) (for-MOE-sah) | DICEKH5 |
Common Name: Bleeding Heart |
Description: Broad, rosy-pink flowers from May-August. Very floriferous. Slightly glaucous, gray-green foliage. Disease free cultivar. |
Zone: 4 |
DICENTRA formosa 'Luxuriant' (dy-SEN-trah) (for-MOE-sah) | DICELU5 |
Common Name: Bleeding Heart |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Choice, everblooming variety with cherry-red flowers; ferny, blue-green foliage. |
Zone: 2 |
DICENTRA spectabilis (dy-SEN-trah) (spek-TAB-il-iss) | DICESP8 |
Common Name: Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart |
Description: Favorite, with arching stems of large, pink hearts. Often summer dormant in hot climtates. |
Zone: 4 |
DICENTRA spectabilis 'Alba' (dy-SEN-trah) (spek-TAB-il-iss) | DICESA8 |
Common Name: Bleeding Heart |
Description: Lovely, rare, white form; elegant plants. |
Zone: 4 |
DICTAMNUS albus (dik-TAM-nus) (AL-bus) | DICTAL3 |
Common Name: Gas Plant |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Erect spikes of unique, white, aromatic flowers in June.
May cause skin irritation, especially in hot weather! Dictamnus is very slow growing; probably taking 18 months to 2 years to fill a 4" pot well. Do not expect to move up into a gallon & have them be consumer ready along with your Dianthus & Echinaceas! Dictamnus growers have to be very patient, but it's worth the wait. |
Zone: 3 |
DICTAMNUS albus 'Purpureus' (dik-TAM-nus) (AL-bus) | DICTAP3 |
Common Name: Gas Plant |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Dark veined, pink flowers. Long-lived perennial may be 'Burning Bush' of Moses.
May cause skin irritation, especially in hot weather! Dictamnus is very slow growing; probably taking 18 months to 2 years to fill a 4" pot well. Do not expect to move up into a gallon & have them be consumer ready along with your Dianthus & Echinaceas! Dictamnus growers have to be very patient, but it's worth the wait. |
Zone: 3 |
DODECATHEON 'Aphrodite' PP# 14,002 (do-de-KATH-ee-on) | DODEAP5 |
Common Name: Shooting Star |
Description: Intense purple-pink flowers on robust plants in May-June. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 4 |
DODECATHEON meadia 'Album' (do-de-KATH-ee-on) (MEE-dee-a) | DODEAL5 |
Common Name: Shooting Star |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Delicate umbels of lovely, white flowers rise from flat rosettes of foliage. Likes rich, moist soil. Usually has flowered and is dormant by May 1st! |
Zone: 3 |
DRYOPTERIS erythrosora (dry-OP-ter-iss)(er-ith-roe-SOR-ah) | FERNAF4 |
Common Name: Autumn Fern |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Showy, coppery-pink, new fronds continuously until fall; frost turns it a pleasing bronze. Attractive evergreen through winter if protected from drying winds. Mature leaves make excellent cut greens. |
Zone: 5 |
ECHINACEA angustifolia (eh-kih-NAY-shah) (an-gus-tih-FOE-lee-ah) | ECHIAN3 |
Common Name: Blacksamson Echinacea |
Description: Pink to creamy-white flowers with drooping petals July-August. Native to the central U.S. Angustifolia is used interchangeably with pallida by some plantsmen. Our seed is angustifolia collected in South Dakota. |
Zone: 3 |
ECHINACEA 'Cheyenne Spirit' (eh-kih-NAY-shah) | ECHICS3 |
Common Name: Coneflower |
Description: 2013 AAS Winner. This stunning, first-year flowering echinacea produces an attractive range of flower colors from rich purple, pink, red and orange tones to light yellow, cream, and white. This compact and durable plant can withstand the elements, is maintenance free, and fairly drought tolerant. |
Zone: 4 |
ECHINACEA 'Cheyenne Spirit' (eh-kih-NAY-shah) | ECHICS5 |
Common Name: Coneflower |
Description: 2013 AAS Winner. This stunning, first-year flowering echinacea produces an attractive range of flower colors from rich purple, pink, red and orange tones to light yellow, cream, and white. This compact plant can withstand the elements and is drought tolerant. |
Zone: 4 |
ECHINACEA 'Evan Saul' PP# 17,659 Sundown (eh-kih-NAY-shah) | ECHISD5 |
Common Name: Big Sky TM Series |
Description: Another exciting coneflower in the Itsaul series with fragrant, orange flowers on tall, sturdy stems. Great 'back of the border' plant. Very prolific rebloomer. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 5 |
ECHINACEA 'Matthew Saul' PP#17,652 Harvest Moon (eh-kih-NAY-shah) | ECHIHM5 |
Common Name: Big Sky TM Series |
Description: Deep golden-yellow petals surround a large, golden-orange cone. Fragrant flowers stand erect on sturdy stems above robust foliage. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 5 |
ECHINACEA pallida (eh-kih-NAY-shah) (PAL-ih-duh) | ECHIPA3 |
Common Name: Pale Purple Coneflower |
Description: Prairie native that flowers in early summer above the grasses. Large, pale pink flowers are 3" or more in diameter and last for about a month; black, central cones are conspicuous until late autumn. |
Zone: 4 |
ECHINACEA paradoxa (eh-kih-NAY-shah) (pare-ah-DOKS-ah) | ECHIPR3 |
Common Name: Coneflower |
Description: Striking yellow coneflower. Ozark native. |
Zone: 3 |
ECHINACEA paradoxa (eh-kih-NAY-shah)(pare-ah-DOKS-ah) | ECHIPR5 |
Common Name: Coneflower |
Description: Striking yellow coneflower. Ozark native |
Zone: 3 |