SEDUM 'Vera Jameson' (SEE-dum) | SEDUVJ3 |
Common Name: Stonecrop (Tall Variety) |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Exciting hybrid! Deep purple leaves; dusty pink flowers in fall. Does not develop open centers as readily as 'Robustum'.
Choice rock garden, ground cover, or roof garden selection. Requires excellent drainage. |
Zone: 4 |
SOLIDAGO canadensis 'Golden Baby' (sol-ih-DAY-go) (kan-a-DEN-sis) | SOLIGB3 |
Common Name: Goldenrod |
Description: Compact, upright native; dense, golden-yellow sprays in fall. |
Zone: 4 |
SOLIDAGO 'Crown of Rays' (sol-ih-DAY-go) | SOLICR3 |
Common Name: Goldenrod |
Description: Large, golden-yellow flowers on stiff, columnar plant. An exceptional selection for the border. |
Zone: 4 |
SOLIDAGO rugosa 'Fireworks' (sol-ih-DAY-go) (roo-GO-sah) | SOLIFW3 |
Common Name: Goldenrod |
Description: 2007 GreatPlantsTM Perennial of the Year. Lacy, radiating bloom spikes of sparkling golden-yellow from mid September past mid October. Greatly extends garden color and excitement. From North Carolina Botanical Garden. |
Zone: 4 |
SOLIDAGO rugosa 'Fireworks' (sol-ih-DAY-go)(roo-GO-sah) | SOLIFW5 |
Common Name: Goldenrod |
Description: 2007 GreatPlant™ Perennial of the Year! Lacy, radiating bloom spikes of sparkling golden-yellow from mid-September past mid-October. Greatly extends garden color and excitement. From North Carolina Botanical Garden. |
Zone: 4 |
SOLIDAGO 'Wichita Mountains' (sol-ih-DAY-go) | SOLIWM3 |
Common Name: Goldenrod |
Description: 2005 GreatPlantsTM. Outstanding, long standing, attractive specimen with tall rods of bright gold in late summer. Collected in the Wichitas in Southwestern Oklahoma by Steve Bieberich of Sunshine Nursery. |
Zone: 4 |
SOLIDAGO 'Wichita Mountains' (sol-ih-DAY-go) | SOLIWM5 |
Common Name: Goldenrod |
Description: 2005 GreatPlants™. Outstanding, long standing, attractive specimen with tall rods of bright gold in late summer. |
Zone: 4 |
SOLIDASTER luteus (sol-ih-DAS-ter) (lew-TEE-us) | SOLILU3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Dense heads of yellow daisies from July-September. Excellent cut. A cross between goldenrod and a white aster. |
Zone: 3 |
SOLIDASTER luteus (sol-ih-DAS-ter)(lew-TEE-us) | SOLILU5 |
Common Name: |
Description: Dense heads of yellow daisies from July-September that make excellent cuts. A cross between goldenrod and a white aster. |
Zone: 3 |
STOKESIA laevis (sto-KEE-see-ah) | STOKLA3 |
Common Name: Stoke's Aster |
Description: Lovely, lilac-blue disc flowers. Southeast US native. |
Zone: 5 |
TANACETUM coccineum 'Robinson's Crimson' (tan-ah-SEE-tum) (kok-SIN-ee-um) | TANARC3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Large, dark red flowers. Excellent cut. |
Zone: 5 |
TANACETUM coccineum 'Robinson's Crimson' (tan-ah-SEE-tum)(kok-SIN-ee-um) | TANARC5 |
Common Name: |
Description: Large, dark red flowers. Excellent cut. |
Zone: 5 |
TANACETUM niveum (tan-ah-SEE-tum) (NIV-ee-um) | TANANI3 |
Common Name: Snowy Tansy, White Bouquet |
Description: Fragrant, lacy, silvery foliage topped with a huge bouquet of white daisies. This plant thrives in a variety of soils, including clay. |
Zone: 4 |
THALICTRUM aquilegifolium (tha-LIK-trum) (ak-will-ee-zsee-eye-FOE-lee-um) | THALAQ3 |
Common Name: Meadow Rue |
Description: Graceful, columbine-like foliage; airy rose and white flowers in spring. |
Zone: 5 |
THALICTRUM aquilegifolium (tha-LIK-trum)(ak-will-ee-zsee-eye-FOE-lee-um) | THALAQ5 |
Common Name: Meadow Rue |
Description: Graceful, columbine-like foliage. Airy, rose and white flowers in spring. |
Zone: 5 |
THALICTRUM delavayi (tha-LIK-trum) (del-ah-VAY-eye) | THALDE3 |
Common Name: Meadow Rue |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Rosy-lilac flowers with yellow anthers. |
Zone: 5 |
THALICTRUM rochebrunianum (tha-LIK-trum) (roesh-broo-nee-AY-num) | THALRO3 |
Common Name: Meadow Rue |
Description: Reddish-lilac flowers on plants with glabrous foliage. A very striking plant! |
Zone: 5 |
THERMOPSIS lanceolata (ther-MOP-sis) (lan-see-oh-LAY-tah) | THERLA3 |
Common Name: False Lupine, Bush Pea |
Description: Dense spikes of yellow flowers. |
Zone: 4 |
THERMOPSIS villosum (ther-MOP-sis)(vil-OH-sum) | THERVI3 |
Common Name: |
Description: 2015 Great Plants™ Perennial of the Year. Upright perennial with dense, spike-like racemes of yellow, lupine-like flowers in early spring. Foliage is a blue-green with tiny hairs. Can be used as a cut flower. |
Zone: 3 |
TROLLIUS chinensis 'Golden Queen' (TRO-lee-us) (chin-EN-sis) | TROLGQ5 |
Common Name: Globeflower |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Bright orange, cup-shaped flowers; deeply lobed and toothed leaves. |
Zone: 4 |
VERNONIA fasciculata (ver-NON-ee-a) (fas-sik-ew-LA-ta) | VERNFA3 |
Common Name: Ironweed |
Description: Erect, late summer-early fall blooming native topped with broad, compound inflorescences made up of many heads of reddish-purple flowers. Blooms July-September; good cut flower. Named for its tough, fibrous stems. |
Zone: 3 |
VERNONIA lettermannii (ver-NON-ee-a) | VERNLE3 |
Common Name: Thread-leaf Ironweed |
Description: Purple flowers from August-September that tolerate a wide range of soil. |
Zone: 4 |
VERONICA 'Sunny Border Blue' (ver-ON-ih-ka) | VEROBB3 |
Common Name: Speedwell |
Description: 1993 PPA Plant of the Year! Dark violet-blue flowers June til hard frost. Sturdy plants. |
Zone: 5 |
VERONICASTRUM virginicum 'Albo-Rosea' (ver-ON-ih-KAS-trum) (ver-JIN-ih-kum) | VEROAR3 |
Common Name: Culver's Physic |
Description: Delicate pink-white flowers summer-fall. |
Zone: 4 |