LANTANA camara 'Irene' (lan-TAN-ah) (kah-MAR-ah) | LANTIR3 |
Common Name: Shrub Verbena |
Description: Multicolored flowers of yellow, red, and fuchsia on upright, compact plants. |
Zone: 9 |
LANTANA camara 'Samantha' (lan-TAN-ah) | LANTSA3 |
Common Name: Shrub Verbena |
Description: Large, yellow clusters of flowers on beautiful, green and yellow, variegated foliage. |
Zone: 9 |
LANTANA montevidensis (lan-TAN-ah) (mon-tee-vid-EN-sis) | LANTMO3 |
Common Name: Weeping Lantana, Creeping Lantana |
Description: Lavender everbloomer. All monevidensis selections make good ground covers and skirt plants for containers. |
Zone: 9 |
LANTANA montevidensis 'Lemon Drop' (lan-TAN-ah) (mon-tee-vid-EN-sis) | LANTLD3 |
Common Name: Shrub Verbena |
Description: Lemon yellow flowers. |
Zone: 9 |
LAURENTIA fluviatilis (law-REN-she-a) (floo-vee-ah-TIL-is) | LAURFL3 |
Common Name: Blue Star Creeper |
Description: Tiny, blue, star-shaped flowers in May-June on small leaved, low foliage mat. For rock gardens or between stepping stones. |
Zone: 7 |
LEONOTIS leonurus (le-o-NO-tis) (lee-o-NEW-rus) | LEONLE3 |
Common Name: Lion's Ear |
Description: Showy, two-lipped, orange, 2" long flowers in whorls. Very unusual! |
Zone: 8 |
LINDERNIA grandiflora (lin-DERN-ee-a) (gran-di-FLOOR-ah) | LINDGR3 |
Common Name: Angel's Tears |
Description: Small, blue and white flowers all summer; tiny leaves form dense, creeping mat. |
Zone: 10 |
LOTUS berthelotii (LO-tus) (berth-eh-LOT-ee-eye) | LOTUBE3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Cascading, silvery, ferny foliage with unique, orange-red flowers. Great container plant. |
Zone: 11 |