LAMIASTRUM galeobdolon 'Florentinum' (LAY-mee-ass-trum) (ga-lee-OB-do-lon) | LAMIFL3 |
Common Name: Yellow Archangel |
Description: Excellent, low ground cover. Marbled silver and green foliage; yellow flowers. |
Zone: 4 |
LAMIASTRUM galeobdolon 'Herman's Pride' (LAY-mee-ass-trum) (ga-lee-OB-do-lon) | LAMIGH3 |
Common Name: |
Description: Variety with dapples of silver on dark green foliage; yellow flowers. Mounding plant; fast spreading, but not invasive. Good in shade. |
Zone: 4 |
LAMIUM maculatum 'Beacon Silver' (LAY-mee-um) (mak-yew-LAH-tum) | LAMIBS3 |
Common Name: Dead Nettle |
Description: Silver leaves with narrow, green edges; pink flower clusters in spring. Classy ground cover for shade; one of our most popular.
Can be risky to ship in hot weather! |
Zone: 3 |
LAMIUM maculatum 'Beacon Silver' (LAY-mee-um) | LAMIBS5 |
Common Name: Dead Nettle |
Description: Silver leaves with narrow, green edges; pink flower clusters in spring. Classy ground cover for shade. One of our most popular. |
Zone: 3 |
LAMIUM maculatum 'Golden Anniversary' PP #11,783 (LAY-mee-um) (mak-yew-LAH-tum) | LAMIGA3 |
Common Name: Dead Nettle |
Description: Handsome variety with a broad, gold margin and narrow, silver stripe on their leaves. Mauve-pink to purplish flowers in late spring to early summer. Ideal for combination planters. Propagation Prohibited.
Can be risky to ship in hot weather! |
Zone: 4 |
LAMIUM maculatum 'Lemon Frost' PP# 20,723 (LAY-mee-um) (mak-yew-LAH-tum) | LAMILF3 |
Common Name: Dead Nettle |
Description: Blooms of lavender flowers above heart-shaped leaves. New growth is lime green. Propagation Prohibited.
Can be risky to ship in hot weather! |
Zone: 4 |
LAMIUM maculatum 'Orchid Frost' PP# 11,122 (LAY-mee-um) (mak-yew-LAH-tum) | LAMIOF3 |
Common Name: Dead Nettle |
Description: Mounds of silvery-green leaves edged with blue-green; vivid, orchid-pink flowers mid spring to summer. Excellent for pots, baskets, or ground cover. Propagation Prohibited.
Can be risky to ship in hot weather! |
Zone: 3 |
LAMIUM maculatum 'Pink Pewter' (LAY-mee-um) (mak-yew-LAH-tum) | LAMIPP3 |
Common Name: Dead Nettle |
Description: Like 'White Nancy', except with beautiful, clear pink flowers on low ground cover.
Can be risky to ship in hot weather! |
Zone: 3 |
LAMIUM maculatum 'Purple Dragon' PP# 15,890 (LAY-mee-um) (mak-yew-LAH-tum) | LAMIPD3 |
Common Name: Dead Nettle |
Description: Large, deep purple flowers on dense spikes. Showy, vigorous foliage with a silvery sheen. Propagation Prohibited.
Can be risky to ship in hot weather! |
Zone: 4 |
LAMIUM maculatum 'Purple Dragon'PP#15890 (LAY-mee-um) | LAMIPD5 |
Common Name: Dead Nettle |
Description: Large, deep purple flowers on dense spikes. Showy, vigorous foliage with a silvery sheen. |
Zone: 4 |
LAMIUM maculatum 'White Nancy' (LAY-mee-um) (mak-yew-LAH-tum) | LAMIWN3 |
Common Name: Dead Nettle |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Beautiful, white flowering form of 'Beacon Silver'. Brightens dark locations.
Can be risky to ship in hot weather! |
Zone: 3 |
LANTANA montevidensis (lan-TAN-ah) (mon-tee-vid-EN-sis) | LANTMO3 |
Common Name: Weeping Lantana, Creeping Lantana |
Description: Lavender everbloomer. All monevidensis selections make good ground covers and skirt plants for containers. |
Zone: 9 |
LANTANA montevidensis 'Lemon Drop' (lan-TAN-ah) (mon-tee-vid-EN-sis) | LANTLD3 |
Common Name: Shrub Verbena |
Description: Lemon yellow flowers. |
Zone: 9 |
LATHYRUS latifolius Mix (LATH-er-us) (lat-ih-FOE-lee-us) | LATHMI3 |
Common Name: Sweet Pea |
Description: Assorted colors for ground cover; trailing 6-9' once established. |
Zone: 4 |
LAURENTIA fluviatilis (law-REN-she-a) (floo-vee-ah-TIL-is) | LAURFL3 |
Common Name: Blue Star Creeper |
Description: Tiny, blue, star-shaped flowers in May-June on small leaved, low foliage mat. For rock gardens or between stepping stones. |
Zone: 7 |
LINDERNIA grandiflora (lin-DERN-ee-a) (gran-di-FLOOR-ah) | LINDGR3 |
Common Name: Angel's Tears |
Description: Small, blue and white flowers all summer; tiny leaves form dense, creeping mat. |
Zone: 10 |
LIRIOPE muscari 'Big Blue' (lih-RYE-oh-pee) (muss-KAR-ee) | LIRIBB5 |
Common Name: Lilyturf |
Description: Tufted foliage; dark violet flowers. |
Zone: 5 |
LIRIOPE muscari 'Variegata' (lih-RYE-oh-pee) | LIRIVA5 |
Common Name: Lilyturf |
Description: Young leaves striped with yellow; dark violet flowers. |
Zone: 6 |
LIRIOPE spicata (lih-RYE-oh-pee) (spih-KAH-tah) | LIRISP5 |
Common Name: Creeping Lilyturf |
Description: Rhizomatous ground cover with lavender flower spikes. |
Zone: 4 |
LONICERA japonica 'Halliana' (lon-ISS-er-ah) (ja-PON-ih-ka) | LONIHA3 |
Common Name: Hall's Honeysuckle |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Favorite vine for covering banks or exposed locations. Hardy, rapid grower with fragrant, creamy-yellow flowers throughout summer. |
Zone: 4 |
LONICERA japonica 'Purpurea' (lon-ISS-er-ah) (ja-PON-ih-ka) | LONIPU3 |
Common Name: Kansas Purple |
Description: Bright purplish foliage. Excellent variety that is a fine ground cover. |
Zone: 5 |
LYSIMACHIA nummularia (ly-sih-MAK-ee-ah) (num-yew-LAR-ee-ah) | LYSINU3 |
Common Name: Moneywort |
Description: Green, ruffly foliage mat with yellow flowers. Excellent ground cover; prefers shade. |
Zone: 4 |
LYSIMACHIA nummularia 'Aurea' (ly-sih-MAK-ee-ah) (num-yew-LAR-ee-ah) | LYSINA3 |
Common Name: |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Low, golden foliage; yellow flowers. Great for accent. |
Zone: 4 |
LYSIMACHIA nummularia 'Aurea' (ly-sih-MAK-ee-ah) | LYSINA5 |
Common Name: Moneywort, Creeping Jenny |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Low, golden foliage with yellow flowers. Great for accent and ground cover. |
Zone: 4 |