LAMIUM maculatum 'Beacon Silver' (LAY-mee-um) | LAMIBS5 |
Common Name: Dead Nettle |
Description: Silver leaves with narrow, green edges; pink flower clusters in spring. Classy ground cover for shade. One of our most popular. |
Zone: 3 |
LAMIUM maculatum 'Purple Dragon'PP#15890 (LAY-mee-um) | LAMIPD5 |
Common Name: Dead Nettle |
Description: Large, deep purple flowers on dense spikes. Showy, vigorous foliage with a silvery sheen. |
Zone: 4 |
LEUCANTHEMUM 'Alaska' (lew-KAN-theh-mum) | LEUCAL5 |
Common Name: Shasta Daisy |
Description: Large, showy, single, white flowers in summer. |
Zone: 5 |
LEUCANTHEMUM x 'Exhibition' (lew-KAN-theh-mum) | LEUCEX5 |
Common Name: Shasta Daisy |
Description: Semi-double, white flowers on strong stems that bloom over a long period of time. Great cut flower. Good in sun to part shade. |
Zone: 5 |
LEUCANTHEMUM x superbum 'Snowcap' (lew-KAN-theh-mum) | LEUCSC5 |
Common Name: Shasta Daisy |
Description: Large, white flowers with a yellow eye above compact, dark green foliage. Deadheading will extend the already long bloom time. |
Zone: 4 |
LEWISIA cotyledon Special Mixture (loo-ISS-ee-ah) | LEWISM5 |
Common Name: Bitter Root |
Description: Evergreen, succulent rosettes, free flowering with many panicles in white, pink, red and orange shades in spring. Reblooms until August, requires well-drained soil. |
Zone: 5 |
LIATRIS spicata 'Alba' (lee-AT-tris) | LIATAL5 |
Common Name: Blazing Star, Gayfeather |
Description: White flowered Gayfeather. Early blooming native. |
Zone: 3 |
LIATRIS spicata 'Kobold' (lee-AT-tris) | LIATKO5 |
Common Name: Blazing Star, Gayfeather |
Description: Deep purple flowering dwarf. |
Zone: 3 |
LINUM perenne 'Nanum Blue Sapphire' (LIN-um)(per-EN) | LINUSA5 |
Common Name: Flax |
Description: Dwarf plants with brilliant blue flowers. |
Zone: 5 |
LOBELIA cardinalis (lo-BEE-lee-ah) | LOBECA5 |
Common Name: Cardinal Flower |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Green foliage with scarlet spikes of flowers from July-September. Longer-lived than 'Queen Victoria'. |
Zone: 3 |
LOBELIA fulgens 'Queen Victoria' (lo-BEE-lee-ah)(FUL-jenz) | LOBEQV5 |
Common Name: Cardinal Flower |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Spikes of rich, bright scarlet flowers through fall with handsome maroon foliage. |
Zone: 3 |
LOBELIA siphilitica 'Blue Select' (lo-BEE-lee-ah)(sif-il-IT-ih-kah) | LOBEBS5 |
Common Name: Cardinal flower |
Description: Stiffly erect plants with blue flowers in late summer. |
Zone: 3 |
LUPINUS Russell Hybrids (loo-PY-nus) | LUPIRH5 |
Common Name: Lupine |
Description: Long, closely set spikes of extra large florets. |
Zone: 4 |
LYCHNIS chalcedonica (LIK-nis)(chal-si-DON-ih-kuh) | LYCHCH5 |
Common Name: Maltesecross |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Dense heads of bright scarlet flowers. Planted along Nebraska roadsides for summer color. |
Zone: 4 |
LYCHNIS coronaria 'Blood Red' (LIK-nis)(kor-on-AR-ee-ah) | LYCHCB5 |
Common Name: Campion, Catchfly |
Description: Spring flowering variety for border, rock garden or cutting. Self-seeding. |
Zone: 4 |
LYSIMACHIA nummularia 'Aurea' (ly-sih-MAK-ee-ah) | LYSINA5 |
Common Name: Moneywort, Creeping Jenny |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Low, golden foliage with yellow flowers. Great for accent and ground cover. |
Zone: 4 |