BOUTELOUA curtipendula 'Trailway' (boo-tel-LOO-uh) (kurt-ih-PEN-doo-la) | GRBOCU5 |
Common Name: Sideoats Grama |
Description: 2005 GreatPlantsTM Grass! Fine leaf, sod-forming, warm season native. Delicate, pendant seed heads; graceful foliage. |
Zone: 4 |
BOUTELOUA curtipendula 'Trailway' (boo-tel-LOO-uh) (kurt-ih-PEN-doo-la) | GRBOCU3 |
Common Name: Sideoats Grama |
Description: 2005 GreatPlantsTM Grass! Fine leaf, sod-forming, warm season native. Delicate, pendant seed heads; graceful foliage. |
Zone: 4 |
BOUTELOUA gracilis (boo-tel-LOO-uh) (grah-SIL-is) | GRBOGR5 |
Common Name: Blue Grama |
Description: 2008 GreatPlants TM Grass of the Year. Most important range grass of the Great Plains. Curly, narrow leaves; long, one-sided seed spikes with eyelash-like inflorescence. |
Zone: 4 |
BOUTELOUA gracilis (boo-tel-LOO-uh) (grah-SIL-is) | GRBOGR3 |
Common Name: Blue Grama |
Description: 2008 GreatPlants Grass of the Year! Most important range grass of the Great Plains. Curly, narrow leaves; long, one sided seed spikes with eyelash-like inflorescence. |
Zone: 4 |
BOUTELOUA gracilis 'Blonde Ambition' PP# 22,048 (boot-tel-LOO-uh) (grah-SIL-is) | GRBOBA5 |
Common Name: Grama Grass |
Description: 2011 Plant Select®. An impressive, highly ornamental form of Western native grass with tall, upright stems. Showy, chartreuse, aging to blonde seed heads hold their straight shape and are displayed high above the foliage through winter, providing many months of color and texture. Developed by High Country Gardens. Extremely cold hardy and provides exceptional winter interest. Grows in a wide range of soil types. Propagation Prohibited. |
Zone: 4 |
GALIUM odoratum (ga-LEE-um) (o-dor-AH-tum) | GALIOD3 |
Common Name: Sweet Woodruff |
Description: Principal value as ground cover with whorled, green leaves for shade or in rockery. Small, white flowers. Scented foliage used for flavoring wine. Risky to ship in hot weather! |
Zone: 4 |
GALIUM odoratum (ga-LEE-um) (o-dor-AH-tum) | GALIOD1 |
Common Name: Sweet Woodruff |
Description: Principal value as ground cover with whorled, green leaves for shade or in rockery. Small, white flowers. Scented foliage used for flavoring wine. Risky to ship in hot weather! |
Zone: 4 |
GAZANIA linearis (COLORADO GOLD®) (ga-ZAY-nee-a) (lin-AIR-is) | GAZACG3 |
Common Name: |
Description: 1998 Plant Select®. Glossy mounds of deep green, strap-shaped leaves are spangled with 3", shiny yellow flowers all season. Cold hardy mountain cousin to annual bedding Gazanias. Does well in ordinary garden or in unamended dry soils as well (once established). |
Zone: 4 |
GERANIUM cantabrigiense 'Biokovo' (jer-AYE-nee-um) (can-tab-rig-EE-ense) | GERABI3 |
Common Name: Crane's-Bill |
Description: Masses of delicate pink flowers with deeper flush; semi-evergreen plants. |
Zone: 4 |
GERANIUM cantabrigiense 'Biokovo' (jer-AYE-nee-um) (can-tab-rig-EE-ense) | GERABI5 |
Common Name: Crane's-Bill |
Description: Masses of delicate pink flowers with deeper flush; semi-evergreen plants. |
Zone: 4 |
GERANIUM cantabrigiense 'Karmina' (jer-AYE-nee-um) (can-tab-rig-EE-ense) | GERAKA3 |
Common Name: Crane's-Bill |
Description: Intense pink flowers; outstanding, fall foliage color. Very showy plants. |
Zone: 4 |
GERANIUM cantabrigiense 'Karmina' (jer-AYE-nee-um) (can-tab-rig-EE-ense) | GERAKA5 |
Common Name: Crane's-Bill |
Description: Intense pink flowers; outstanding fall foliage color. Very showy plants. |
Zone: 4 |
GERANIUM cinereum 'Ballerina' (jer-AYE-nee-um) (sin-ER-ee-um) | GERABA3 |
Common Name: Crane's-Bill |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Pink flowers with purple-lilac centers. |
Zone: 5 |
GERANIUM sanguineum (jer-AYE-nee-um) (san-GWIN-ee-um) | GERASN5 |
Common Name: Bloody Crane's-Bill |
Description: 2002 GreatPlantsTM Perennial of the Year! Bowl-shaped, magenta flowers cover plants late spring-early summer; may re-bloom if sheared. Durable, deeply cut foliage forms a mound that turns blood red in fall. |
Zone: 3 |
GERANIUM sanguineum (jer-AYE-nee-um) (san-GWIN-ee-um) | GERASN3 |
Common Name: Bloody Crane's-Bill |
Description: 2002 GreatPlantsTM Perennial of the Year! Bowl-shaped, magenta flowers cover plants late spring-early summer; may re-bloom if sheared. Durable, deeply cut foliage forms a mound that turns blood red in fall. |
Zone: 3 |
GYNURA aurantiaca 'Purple Passion' (guy-NUR-ah) (ow-ran-tee-AH-ka) | GYNUPP3 |
Common Name: |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Tender twiner with reddish stems; wavy-toothed leaves covered with purple hairs. Great container plant or summer ground cover. |
Zone: 9 |
GYPSOPHILA repens 'Alba' (gyp-SOFF-ill-a)(RE-penz) | GYPSRA5 |
Common Name: Baby's Breath |
Description: White flowered creeper for rock garden. |
Zone: 3 |
GYPSOPHILA repens 'Alba' (gyp-SOFF-ill-a) (RE-penz) | GYPSRA3 |
Common Name: Baby's Breath |
Description: White flowered creeper for rock garden. |
Zone: 3 |
IMPERATA cylindrica 'Red Baron' (im-per-AH-ta) (sill-IND-rih-kah) | GRIMCY5 |
Common Name: Japanese Blood Grass |
Description: Striking accent plant. Spreads by underground stolons, but not usually invasive in colder, northern climates. A great grass, but pick your site carefully.
We can ship to the following states only:
Zone: 5 |
OPLISMENUS hirtellus 'Variegatus' (op-LIS-men-us) | GROPHV3 |
Common Name: |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Fine textured, tropical, striped white tinted pink-red grass for combos and lovely skirts for planters and baskets. Branches thickly and trails. |
Zone: 9 |